
Chapter 1 Not Afraid

(10 years ago)


"What good is having super human capability if you can't use it?" Was my reasoning. No one has to know. No one would believe someone of extra terrestrial descent is strolling through houses and stores and buildings after hours. No big deal. Walk through walls, avoid bathrooms and stuff- hey I have morals- and... no big deal. I was reassuring myself in this manner when I tripped. On someone's leg. On her leg.


I'm running through the lawn and have zombies coming for me... not the garage... stupid nightmare... can never wake up when I need to. I know I'm dreaming cause everything's in slow motion... It's just prolonged panic... adrenaline keeping me going... if only the dream were over. I'm done running. I turn toward the oncoming danger. It's only a dream. Giving in means waking up. Waking up alive and okay. They tower over me- I'm defiant and defenseless. Then they grab my leg.


She scrunches her face- it's plump and has frizzy hair strewn haphazardly surrounding it. Then she relaxes. Eyes open. Tired, brown eyes. Staring at me. Sh**.

They don't widen in panic. She must not see me. Good.

I back away slowly as she stretches full length on the old blue sofa. Must have been binging and fell asleep. I'll just head out and hope I don't trip on anything else... but wait... how did I trip? I can walk through walls and doors without a problem... unless... but we are the only ones left...

How is this possible?


The television is off and so are the lights... probably my parents switched those out this evening. My eyes are still adjusting to the near pitch black- I rub them while mentally preparing to make the long walk to my room. I must be dizzy... it's been a minute and my eyes are still not adjusting. Everything looks staticky- fizzy- I don't know how to describe... but my eyes should be fine now. Probably ruined from all that television. Season four of Star Trek all evening. Don't judge.

I stick out my hand and feel around for my fuzzy yellow robe- that's not a robe. It's warm. Sh**.

I scream but no sound leaves my mouth. I reach for the lamp and almost send it crashing to the floor.

Nothing. No ones there. Except Skittles. The small terrier is shaking in the corner. Poor baby I must have scared her. Probably what I grabbed. "Serves you right: you're not allowed on the furniture anyway." She army crawls into the hall, still shaking. Now I feel bad.


She saw me. She didn't see me. She stared at me for a bit. Right. At. Me. But no reaction. She didn't see me. She's chasing her dog with apologies and kissy sounds.

I follow. No, I don't have an explanation as to why. She is cradling the small dog and pulling back the sheets on her bed. I'm in her bedroom. Oops. That's a don't on my moral list: no bathrooms, no bedrooms, etcetera... I would leave... but I want to know how I tripped...