

Lina My breath starts coming out in pants. I don't get it. I ran away and left the country. The continent... How did he... "I told you that you wouldn't be able to escape me.," He tells me with a rare smug curve of his lips. ****** 5 years ago Bruno and Lina were together until Bruno got in an accident.He lost his memory and they got separated. He recovers his memories five years later and desperately wants her back again.Only one small problem. Lina wants nothing to do with the man that he's become: cold, manipulative,ruthless and an outlaw. Unfortunately for her Bruno will stop at nothing until he gets what he wants. ****** Bruno Do I enjoy doing this? No. But it had been necessary. Lina had to get it through her stubborn head that there was no separating me and her.

Misa_Valor · Urbain
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84 Chs


Adelina Rivera

5 years ago.

Tears roll down my face as I make my way through the hospital corridors, away from the love of my life.

"Lina, wait." I hear my dad call out behind me.

As if he just told me something opposite, I start running from him until I finally exit the hospital. I'm grateful he came with me and wants to comfort me but I need to be alone right now. He doesn't even like Bruno. Calls him nothing but a dirty rich criminal. I'm sure that deep down, my father is happy about this little cruel twist of fate, I think as fresh tears mist my eyes.

As soon as I'm out of the hospital, a blast of cold air hits me. Loathing this day more and more I reach for my hoodie, fold my arms and start walking briskly in any direction my feet take me. I can't possibly explain what I'm feeling. It's like my heart is shattering into a thousand tiny pieces and my soul is being sucked from my body. I'm not used to it and I don't like it. It's making me feel numb and sick. In fact, I pause for a second and vomit on the sidewalk. After it's done, I feel people's eyes on me and I walk away shamefaced, tears filling my eyes again.

I don't know how long I'd been walking before I finally sit on a bench in a park. It's evening so the place is totally empty. Which makes it the perfect place for me to let out a heart-wrenching sob. Clutching my thighs, I start to sob uncontrollably. My whole body is shaking with the effort.

God, why is this happening?

Is this a nightmare? If it is, I want to wake up. Right this fucking second.

I want to wake up to a world where my fiancée did not get into an accident and forget me. A world where I wasn't just threatened from his life by his parents because he wasn't here to stop it. A world, dear God, where he still loves me.

I wipe my tears only for more to take their place.

" How could you do this to me, Bruno? You're the one who's always saying that we belong to each other," I say out loud. I clearly remember all the times he'd said that. Once, he'd raised my chin until my black eyes were leveled with his deep brown ones.

"Precious," he called softly," You and I. We belong together," he finished before his lips met mine...

"You said that Bruno, not me. And now...now..." I finish with a wail. I'm sure if people were here they'd think there was something wrong with me, talking to myself like this. And they'd be right. A vital piece of me is gone, lost with Bruno's memories of me. Worst thing is that it may never come back. And if it does come back, if Bruno eventually remembers what will happen? Will things be different between us?

"Oh, God!'' I yell and continue crying.