
Bella and the harem of Men

Aphrodite, an everlasting beautiful girl wakes up to find herself in a new world, with magic and wonder, but also cultivation, let's see what type of legend she'll leave behind.

mistermoon · Fantaisie
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2 Chs

chapter 2

"have a seat, now tell me everything from the begging"

the man said while gesturing to a seat next to him, I snapped out my trance from ogling his muscles and took a seat, taking a deep breath and calming down, I start the explanation I came up with.

"well where to begin, I don't remember much, well, anything actually, I just woke up in that forest over there with a bag that had some essentials and papers of my identity, which I, unfortunately, lost while trying to find somewhere I can stay, all I can remember is my name, Bella kit.

the man kept a straight face through it all.

"I see, and how long have you been lost in there"

ah, shit uhh two hours should be good right, naw maybe three, ye three hours and some minutes should be good, I made a thinking face while monologuing.

"I think three hours and some minutes"

the man did a nod while getting up and searched for something on the bookshelves, after a few seconds he found it and unrolled a paper on the table, a map, shit.

"can you point to the place where you find familiar"

the map depicted the north of the town with the forest in front of it. the forest took up 75% of the map, it was very well depicted, I skimmed through it and pointed at a place close to the town.

"hm, I shall send a scout to see if we can find your lost bag, in the meantime, Merry outside will take you to the adventures guild and get you a guild card if you hadn't already sighed up, as for shelter, we can get you a week stay at an inn, after that your on your own"

after saying that he rolled up the map and gestured me outside, but before I leave.

"you know, I never got your name"

I should probably tell you I had a smile on while I said this, he was startled for a bit when he looked at me before he also gave a smile.

"ah, pardon my rudeness, my name is Raymond Campbell"

looking at his smile was quite the eye candy so I unconsciously said.

"that smile suits you, you should smile more, it really is a shame for such a good looking face not to"

he looked startled for a bit, I was also but hid it pretty well, I just smiled and went to the door, right before I opened it I heard.

"thank you, I'll keep that in mind"

after stepping out of the room, the guard who led me here, who I assume is Merry gave me a strange look.

"you know, the captain is 34 this year"

I gave her a skeptical stare.

"and still not married, the women here must be blind, who wouldn't want such a handsome man like him"

we heard stumbling in the room right after I said that, I chuckled a bit.

"well it's not like they haven't tried, just the captain is too dedicated to his work to have time for a partner, and also you are much too young for him"

I gave her a glance and said nonchalantly.

"Relax, I was just teasing. . . . mostly, he did have one hell of a body"

merry just gave me weird glances after that, we soon stepped into the town and I must say, it was very pretty, there were magical stones in the air that floated around giving off a blue-hued light to the surroundings, and even tho it was late at night people of all kinds were walking about chatting going to restaurants or anything really.

I was amazed by everything, I even saw some non-humans walking about, like beast kin, dwarfs, elves and what shocked me, demons, and here I thought they would be a kill on sight, but no they were walking about happily, altho a few humans did give the non-humans dirty glares they didn't do anything beyond that.

but the best thing was. . . . there were men of all kinds that looked so danm good looking, there were ones packed with muscle, and scars that looked scary, others cute and chubby, and some were a mix of both, I couldn't help but drool a little at the sight of them all.

I licked my lips anticipation of what this new life will bring me, yes, life, I have completely forsaken my old one, what else did I have going for me there, the only ones I had were my mom and dad, and they both died in a car crash when I was sixteen, I only continued going to school after that was because it was there dream I would go to college, guess I couldn't accomplish that, but oh well, I have this life to look forward to now.