
Believe in Love Again

The peaceful life of David, a gardener entering adulthood, comes to an end when a young, handsome but somewhat strange millionaire is brought into his neighborhood. Gustav is a loner with an ice-cold gaze and a hostile attitude, but for some reason he accepts the presence of his employee, David. He even cross some boundaries of decency with him. Everything for David gets even more complicated when it turns out that Gustav is not the only man who is interested in the black-haired 20-year-old and yet David is already in love with a certain girl. On top of that, all the guys who are interested in David have something of the bad boy in them. Will David be seduced by the aura of unavailability spread by the millionaire Gustav and help him believe in love again? Maybe he will be seduced by the equally unpredictable Greg? Or will it be a third party who will win his heart? In front of you a somewhat disturbing but warm story about the struggle against adversity to win and keep true love. All characters, organizations and events described in the book are fictional. The resemblance to the real ones is purely coincidental. The cover illustration is generated by AI

AmberFullMoon · LGBT+
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320 Chs

At Gunpoint

"Go!" David felt the push of the gun barrel. "Just walk!"

He took a step forward. Then a second. His eyes were getting used to the glare of the sun and he was beginning to discern the situation.

The truck was in the woods, on a forest road. It looked like it had turned here wanting to get away from the main road, but the road was too narrow, or perhaps too low, and the truck couldn't push through further. Probably by turning off the main road they managed to confuse the police, but not for long. The sirens were circling, and any moment now some patrolman would decide to check this forest road.

David approached the cab of the truck. He saw that the driver was not inside.

"Wouldn't it be easier for you to just run away?" he asked the man walking behind him. "A hostage only slows you down and makes your situation worse..."

"I don't give a shit!" he growled in response. "If you slow me down, you'll get shot."