
Chapter 65 Rias 3 (end)

"What are you doing!!" Issei saw me and rush towards us and punched Yukio. I fall to the ground with a hole in my chest and blood flowing from it. Whether it was intentional or not but his attack didn't damage my heart. But I am still in pain and barely can hold my consciousness. "Buchou hang in there! What is the meaning of this Yukio?!"

"What's the meaning of this? I am simply helping you, you know..." Yukio said standing from ground. He patted his clothes calmly and stood with a grin. "Remember what I said about your death Issei?" Yukio asked.

Issei didn't answer. Just took me in his embrace with a worried and angry face.

"Issei it's true that I knew about your death but I found out after you became devil," Yukio said like a villain. Damn, could someone please close this hole in my chest? "Issei there were two people who knew that you were in danger," Yukio said and Issei widened his eyes.

"What the hell are you saying? And what is that anything to do with buchou?!" Issei asked.

"Issei you have worked with that red hair devil for a like month now and you know that her familiars are everywhere in town right?" Yukio said and Issei was also shocked. "Do you think that a fallen angel could enter in her territory and roam her town as she wishes without any notice and you having her personal summon?" Yukio said.

"Don't tell me..." Issei widen his eyes and looked at me with an astonished face.

"He... is right.. I-Issei... I used you... *cough* I was.. responsible for... your death" I said somehow with blood coming out from my mouth.

"Please don't talk buchou! Yukio it doesn't explain why you killed her! She didn't do anything to you!" Issei yelled.

"She was responsible for your death Issei. Are you sure you could believe your devil lover more than your friend!" Yukio said. Kiba, Akeno, and Koneko also came and were shocked to see us like this. "Look at them Issei and ask them! She baited every single one of them to join her peerage when they were moments of their death or were left alone. None had anything but to become her slave! Are you saying you are fine with this?" Yukio said and Issei looked down.

I also looked at them and smiled barely. I can't feel my body now. I am feeling guilty now. He is right, none had any chance but to be accepted by me. I never have anyone who was agreed on by its own will to join my peerage. What type of delusion I had that I will have someone as my family. The only thing that I wanted was only royal subjects. I guess I was an idiot to think that I could treat them like my family or friends.

However before Yukio could say anything, Akeno appeared behind him and slammed his head to the ground. Everyone was dumbfounded at that. Suddenly the scene starts to change and time also started to run. I looked at my chest and saw that there was nothing on my chest. There was no pain in my body, just a little stress, Like illusion magic had been cast on us. I was confused and terrified too then take a good look at the culprit of all of this who was still embedded to the ground with Akeno standing on him with her usual smile.

I looked at their confused face and Issei's sad expression. Sigh* guess I have to talk with all of them for one final time.


"It's true what he said..." I said to all of them. We were in the Occult Research Club now and everyone was present. I already informed Sona about my leave and she agreed and asked me to talk to her after that.

I then looked at the window from where I first saw Issei who took my interest. I gritted my teeth. I can't even look at their eyes and started to shake from fear that all of them will finally realize that, how much of a coward person I am who didn't have the guts to invite them formally than picking them from bait, but I somehow able to bear that and calmed my self.

"Issei, Your friend was right. I indeed knew that fallen angel was going to kill you yet I didn't do anything and used your death as a reason to make you a member of my peerage and to have a host of boosted gear as my servant." I said and I could feel that maybe Issei was angry.

"Asia, same reason as Issei. Ignoring a fallen in my territory and let her kill you knowing that Issei cared about you, is something I can't justify it."

"Buchou..." Asia said with the same feelings as Issei.

"Akeno, Kiba, and Koneko, I could say I used your suffering for my benefit and made you guys my servants. I have no reasons that I can say. I just used my big brother as a source to get you guys." I said and clenched my chest. I can't help but felt so helpless that tears started to float from my eyes. "If you guys want anything for all of this, just say and I will do anything for your forgiveness."

I am a real coward. I am not as intelligent as Sona. I have to use my peerage to cancel my engagement. I had to use that hateful Yukio's powers to get my ass get out from that mess.

I was in my distress when I felt a warm hug from behind. When I turned, I saw Akeno's smiling face.

"It does not matter what you say Rias but you will always be my friend. Circumstances may seem legit but I don't hate you for all of this. You never treated me like a servant but as a family. I could say you treated us best." Akeno said.

"Yeah bucho, you have nothing to do with my death... You saved me in the end and that's what it matters and I am happy to be your servant." Issei said with a smile.

"Same here, Bucho. Although I didn't trust you in the beginning but now with the support you provided me, I will never forget about it and will always be your royal knight." Kiba said.

"Bucho, don't take that idiot's babble to your heart. I was happy about a new home." Koneko said with a slight smile.

"Y-Yes, buchou, although I still believed in God, I am thankful to you when you give me a new life," Asia said with a bow. Aww Asia you are so cute.

"Everyone thank you *sniff*..." then I cried. Cried a lot in Akeno's embrace and let my sadness flow. Then I talked to them and made my bond more strong. Although my pride as king was shattered but I didn't care for a bit. All I want were them to be my friends and help me on my journey called life.


Then we heard a thud sound from a closet.

"Ara Ara~ I forget about the culprit of the crime," Akeno said with her usual Ara ara tune and a rope appeared in her hands. She pulled the rope and Yukio came out from the closet with all of his limbs tied in ropes.

"Finally! Akeno you sure are rough with your boyfriend. And Rias' closed smells like glycerine. She sure is high on drugs from that all smooth talk." Yukio said with a grin lying to the floor. My face twitched hearing this. Everyone also frowned hearing this. "Yeah all you can do is cry like-"


Koneko kicked his head and nailed him to the floor. Thanks, Koneko-chan I needed that.

"Rias, you can do whatever you want with him. Although he is my boyfriend I can not tolerate his behavior." Akeno said giving me the end of the rope to which Yukio was the tide. Everyone also agreed. Koneko plucks his head like a vegetable.

He looks at me said, "What's the matter? Do you hate me now?" Yukio said seriously. Now that I take a good look at his face, he is handsome. With blue eyes and silky black hair, any girl would fall him easily.

But it was not the point. Do I hate him? Yes, I do. I hate him for what? I looked at my peerage and felt something warm in my heart. If my bond with them was strong then it is now strongest. I shared my sorrow and mistakes with them and asked for forgiveness but they smiled and said that they were more thankful to me than anything. Then they also shared some of their mistakes and grief that they wanted to talk about.

"Do I hate you? Yes, I despised you. Every freaking time you appeared, you only annoyed me. First, you saved that fallen and give me a favor that I didn't even ask for. Then you meddle with my engagement and enjoyed it was like family drama. Then you helped me to win against Riser but it was more like you did me a favor out of pity and made me look like an idiot in front of everyone. Then today, you let me experience a death.

At that time, I asked myself what did I do wrong? Why didn't I cherish my friends and family more? Why I was a coward to ask someone nicely to at least be my friend? I was unfair to my peerage as such.

But... when I talked to them. It lightened my heart and I realized many different things. So...thank you from bottom of my heart!" I said with a bow. "Although I don't know why are you doing this I am still thankful to you," I said and everyone smiled. "Are you listening to me?" I asked because he was looking at my panties this whole time!

"Wait, you were saying something? I was just enjoying your smooth and arousing ass~ Issei, you dickless pussy, how come you are still a virgin?" Yukio said. Issei frowned hearing this and a tick mark appeared on my head.

"I have enough of this fucker, take this!" I fired my magic attack at him but he dodged despite being tide up.

"Hey are you nuts, booby brains?" he said dodging my attack.

"Stop dodging and let me kick your ass for one final time!" I continued to deliver my hopeless attacks and but none of them were able to hit him. That day went by just like that and I felt something moving in my heart. I guess these blue eyes pervert was the reason for me to learn my lesson. I still don't know why he did this but will know in the future.


With this, route to princess is finally opened. Of course, there is also a drama with Issei. My pat buddies can read this. There will also be a crossover in next chapter. Stay tuned folks.

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Autor has a thing for red heads.


Dia dhuit. Más maith leat mo chuid oibre, tabhair dom roinnt clocha cumhachta agus léirmheas. Slán.

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