
Being Bobby B : Robert Baratheon SI

some guy died and reincarnated in Robert baratheon body. The novel is game of thrones/ A Song Of Ice And Fire fic It's for fun, nothing too much, a bit of a wish fulfillment novel. . I don't own anything this is novel belongs to George R.R.R.R.R.R.R.R.R Martin .. English is not my first language and I will have some grammatical and spelling errors, please just point them out and I'll correct them I write for fun , no regular release .

mask95 · Livres et littérature
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The Sealord Palace, And Leaving Braavos

{Robert POV, The Sealord Palace}.

The Palace is one of the most beautiful places that I have been to, I haven't been to Highgarden yet but of the castles that I have visited this was the most beautiful but it wasn't well defended .

Ned and I came here after lunch, this will give us time to iron out the details that we needed.

The guards took us to a spacious room, with a big table, the Iron Bank had two representatives attending the meeting and acting as mediators sitting to the Sealord' left, the Sealord sat in the middle and to his right sat three advisors.

Behind the Sealord stood the First Sword of Braavos, I didn't recognize him, he was an older gentleman. Their was some fruits and drinks onbthe table and a servant boy standing on the corner.

Ned and I sat on the Iron Bank side of the table, amd then spent ten minutes on greetings and exchanging pleasantries, I read all of their minds even the servant boy, and I found out how low were they willing to go.

After going back and forth for a while, we agreed that

1 the Harbor will belong to Braavos and follows Braavosi laws.

2 I will pay for the Harbor and own it for the next ten years.

3 Braavos is responsible for protecting the Harbor from the sea and I'm responsible for the land.

4 once the ten years are finished I will hand the harbor to a representative of the Sealord.

5 incase I'm done with the harbor before the ten years, I can replenish the claim the I have on the harbor.

6 I can't extend my claim to the north .

7 the land within 20 miles of the harbor is considered under the harbor rule, so when the ten years are up if there is villages or towns in that area they will be under the Sealord rule.

8 any land I claim East or South of the harbor are my land in the future. as long as they are outside of 20 miles .

9 a non-agression pact have to be signed today , we can't attack each others, we can't support another party that attack us, and the pact is for twenty years.

We agreed to keep this part of the meeting a secret and tell people about the next part.

I wanted ships and Braavos is famous for making them, so I ordered some ships, we had to reach an agreement because the shipwright won't build one without the Sealord approval, and the Iron Bank can supervise the building and delivering, for a fee of course.

And in the end we agreed on thirty Galleys (this ship is meant for shallow water, and doesn't do well in the high sea , there primary means of power is oars, used mostly for as a war ships).

Twenty five Cogs (this is a single mast ship, they are not as maneuverable as Galleys, but they require less men and it can handle the rough seas better).

Ten Carracks (this is the three or four mast ship, it is big and fast, it can carry a lot of weight and still be fast, it's primarily used for extra long voyage and in wars as troops transport) .

They all made from the best materials but the cost is high, the Cogs cost 5,000 gold dragons a ship, Galleys 7,000 gold dragons and Carracks 10,000 gold dragons, in the end it all costs 435,000 gold dragons, which is a bit more expensive than it should be, but King Aerys will pay for it.

After that we had a celebration, for the outside world we were celebrating the sale of the ships, but for those that were in the meeting, we were celebrating the harbor as well .

We stayed in the Palace until the night, the Sealord showed us his petting zoo, I acted like it was something impressive, while inside I found dull, I didn't like animals that much, so seeing a different type of animals from all over the world was nothing to me.

The feast on the other hand was much more to my liking, I met some beautiful women, I flirted with some of them, I drank enough to kill an average man, I found out that I'm a shitty dancer, I have to work on that when I'm back at Storm's End, in the end I gave the Sealord a small chest, inside it were five weirwood seeds and asked him to plant one in the Isle of The Gods, since they didn't have one and he agreed .

On the way back to the inn we stopped at the Moon Pool, although I wasn't wearing any armor, I was confident enough in my skills at this point to go without it, I regretted that decision when some assholes ruined my good clothes, I still won all my matches but I wasn't unscathed .

In the days leading to my meeting with the Iron Bank I had to attend parties by the elite of Braavos, most new about the 400k ship deal and wanted to milk me dry, but I had some talks about ghe port city that I'm building and some expressed interest in trading.

I am not a financial expert and I didn't know how to answer most of their questions, I had no idea on how much taxes I'm going to make them pay or the tariffs for certain goods, so I kept the answers as vague as possible.

That is why I needed a smart financial advisor, together with the exciting people that I have (Stannis and Cressen) they can make this shit, I just wanted to play war and have fun, not set on budget meeting and talk about policies.

I still fought at night and drank afterward, it was fun, especially meeting some new faces and learning from their experience.

I me with Lyn Corbray and the Vale party at The Moon Pool one night, Lyn challenged me and because I didn't like his arrogant ass, I beat the shit out of him, but the rest were alright.

I met the six guards and I found out that they saved most of the money that I have given them, they younger ones wanted to save up so they could start a family, and the older ones already had a family wanted to save it for them.

I paid for their drinks and sent them on their way, I knew that fifty gold dragons were a lot of money to commoners, they each had a little more than eight gold dragons, and that could buy them horses or cattle for their family, and I was a big spender, I had the old Robert since in money, I thought that they were going to use the money to party, but anyway fuck them, they are not me .

The meeting with the Iron Bank went great, after going through few issues, they agreed to open a line of credit for me, since my million gold dragons might not be enough to pay for every thing, and I will pay them on a later date.

On the way out Tycho Nestoris was waiting for me, he escorted us out and we talked for a bit, then he asked me were was I staying, I answered him and told him about the tavern that I go to at night although I looked through his mind, and found that he already knew the answer and has been asking about me .

I met Tycho again that night after my nightly duels, he was sitting in my bar, we talked for a while and he offered me his service, I told him that I'm sending some people to Storm's End, and that he can go there and I'll give him a letter to give to my brother, there he will be tested and if he was as good as he says them he can be in charge of my money.

We talked for a while, and I told him that he will be giving the letter and some money, just incase that he didn't get the job, he can always come back.

The day after that I met with Tobho Mott the blacksmith, he finally arrived to Braavos, he was looking for a job with the locals, I talked to him even though I knew what was he capable of, I invited him to Storm's End and to be my personal blacksmith, I told him that he can have the best workshop but he had to take apprentices, we talked and settled on his wager, I told him when was the ship is leaving and paid for his stay until then .

The rest of my stay was stress free, my name day came, I hae a good party, ended up spending mor then 150 gold dragons on booze alone, I started drinking from noon just to get drunk and even then I still wasn't shitfaced, I got Ned drunk and he ended up sleeping with some girl from the tavern, he wanted to marry her the next day, but she was a prostitute and she knew Ned type, she turned him down, I paid her some extra so she doesn't change her mind.

Ned was embarrassed the whole day after that, but he admitted that he had a good time, I did what any good friend would do in my position and teased him mercilessly, he even punch in the face one time .

I am never going to forget that the future Lord Stark lost his virginity on my birthday, and I told him thag we were going to have double the celebration next year, the day that Eddard Stark loses his virginity is a day worth celebrating.

The day before our last day I had my letters to Stannis ready and I gave them to the people that were going, to Storm's End.

They all were at the tavern that I told them to meet at, Tycho Nestoris, Tobho Mott, the drum maker and the two Luthiers, Ballaro Bahohrin and one of his friends thay agreed to go with him he was old man five and fifty names day old, he was also a veteran and well traveled.

I gave them each a letter and sent them on their mary way.

Me and Ned took a ship to White Harbor the next day, the journey was long and boring, but I got some good training on ship combat, it helped my balance immensely .

As we were docking, I turned to Ned and said" well Ned, since you are a man now, you should be the one doing the talking from now on, no more of your silent wolf routine" .

He said with a hint of annoyance in his voice " when are you going to drop it Robert, the jokes started to be bland" I smiled and said " but you became a big wolf now, and I don't want to step on your territory by mistake, so I'm going to keep my mouth shut unless you tell me otherwise" .

I really like annoying people, I don't know if it's something from my old life or Robert old life, but making my cool and collected friend loss his shit is one of life's few pleasures, and Ned makes it easy especially with all of the honor talk and always lectures on how I shouldn't be doing this and that .

The ship stopped for inspection and when they knew that Eddard Stark the son of Lord Rickard Stark is on board ine of the guards inspecting the ship went to tell the captain of the garrison Marlon Manderly about our arrival, and he in turn sent a messenger to New Castle to inform Lord Wyman Manderly.

Ned did all the talking from then on, and I was silently behind him, Marlon didn't seem to like me very much but he kept his opinion to himself, he was waiting for us with horses and escorted us to New Castle.

Along the way I was looking closely at White Harbor, the city was better than king's Landing in terms of cleanliness, but it was smaller then both Braavos and King's Landing, it did have traders and shops but not on the scale of Braavos and King's Landing.

New Castle was beautiful, it was on top of a hill looking down on the city, the whole city was made from white stone, so it gave the whole thing a northern vipe and it was cold as hell in here, I did have high tolerance to heat and cold but I couldn't help but wonder how do normal people live here.


[Robert Baratheon

Age : 16==>17

physical stats

Strength: 505

endurance: 505

vitality: 2025

defense: 350

speed: 403

dexterity: 423==>425

Mental Stats

Intelligent: 122

wisdom: 175

perception: 280

magic energy: 4700

Charm and Charisma: high as F@#k

Skills and abilities

Regeneration .

Add 1600 to vitality. and 200 to the physical stats.

Concealment .


Green seers magic. ( can warg and do tree magic. )

Mental Magic ( mind arts)


Healing Magic.

12 one kilograms Valyrian Steel cubes .

1 half kilograms Valyrian steel cube.

1 millions gold dragons.

11 weirwood saplings.

80==>75 enchanted weirwood seeds.

30 kilograms beef .

15 five leter waterskin.

40 bread .]