
being an empty human isn't easy

This story is about a cold heroine who is unable to understand human feelings, who will change when she comes into contact with different kinds of "love", and is bound to understand her own feelings in order to discover true "love".

Mahazoldikya · Fantaisie
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3 Chs

Chapter 02: Make a wish

-An alternate world, we find ourselves nowhere, a place abandoned by time, where twilight and darkness always remain... We are in another world, if you want to call it that, here you can do anything you want or simply do nothing, you have everything and nothing At the same time, you can only enjoy immortality.

Something like that... seems impossible. It's crazy...

- How can I return to my world?

-Do you want to know?!

-Yes, tell me

As soon as I answered, I surprised myself, normally I don't care, but in front of Beru I feel the words sinking inside me

-There is only one way to get out of here, you must make a wish.

-a wish ?!

- That's right, I will grant your deepest wishes those hidden desires that you carry inside of you.

-It is not possible,

Evan if you tell me that I need to make a wish, what else could I wish for, nothing comes to mind

-What do you mean by "wish"? Be more specific

- As you heard, I mean to wish for something, the wish that each of you have, the wish that you have kept in the back of your mind, if it comes true, you will be able to leave and go home.

-a wish... .

Kyo looked unusually serious when he said that. Sera also seems worried, puts his hand on his chin and loses his mind...

- Well, suppose I believe you, how can we make this wish come true?

-That's great, all you have to do is fill that book you're holding in your hand and when it's full, choose what you think is best...

How long has this book been in my hands?! I didn't notice the book in my hands, it caught my eye the moment Pierrot mentioned it, when I turned the pages, everything was blank, it reminded me of myself...

- Today I'm in charge, it's my turn, it's time to offer my service, tell me if you have any doubts.

I was curious about Sera, who kept his mouth shut until now, so I looked in that direction. -We will leave when our wish is fulfilled... Are these conditions valid for all of us?

-Good question...

- Don't play stupid

- This is my truth, I'm not saying this to upset you, don't decide for yourself, you don't decide that

- Sorry ...

Sera is acting strangely, he looked annoyed, I wonder if his strange attitude is related to that clown

-But seriously, this fact hasn't changed. We'll find out what this clown means by having a "wish" and how to make it come true

- I hope you... ha ha ha, it's simple that I can't help but laugh~

-Do you know our desires?

-Of course~ Otherwise, I won't be able to enjoy the show

- Can't you tell us what they are?

- did you lose your mind? I'm surprised you think a clown like me, would make things as simple as it is for you guys

- Don't worry, I know you'll say that, we've got to find another way out of here

-I don't care about your decisions, but I confess to myself that I am surprised to see you miss such a great opportunity to fulfill your desires.

-I did not understand what you are saying

- Prince, you are a wonderful liar, among all of us, you are the only one who understands my words Nonsense,

-there is nothing to discuss, Ivan, kyu, let's look for a way out of this filthy place

- Come on, let's go, Ivan

When he said those words, ktu advanced to me, placing his hand on my shoulder. The feeling of his hand on my shoulder was comfortable, as I noticed on his face an expression mixed between tension and strength. Sera led us while kyu was putting me behind him to keep his distance. Pierrot's presence. That clown made me curious, I'd never see a clown like that, for many reasons I felt like I knew him.

-Now I remember, I'll give you a quarter of the way out

- a way?!

That clown surprised me, what the hell do you mean?!

- Evan, don't mind his words, he's just trying to deceive

-I agree with Kyo, he's just a fucking clown who's just trying to make a farce, how can we trust him when he's the one who brought us here

-But... .

-Princesses have always been smart and dazzling, but princes have always been stupid and unconcerned.

-Shut up, you naughty clown


- PFFFTT ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha

The clown laughed loudly, took his hands out from inside his costume and raised them as if to welcome us. Then he said with a smile on his face:

-Here's the way, make the book shine!

- We make the book ... shine?!

I was so confused that my mouth moved on its own

-Yes~, you can say that a book is a living being or a magical being that can do such things, it's like you, if you let it lose its light and shine, it will become empty, and it will break

-There is no such thing, a book that radiates by itself. You are trying to make us believe it by deluding us with these things.

Kyo interrupted the words of that clown, which made Sera speak and say:

-I agree with you, you are trying to set us down, and I do not know what you will do, but I will not fall into your silly game.

- If you do not want to believe, go and do whatever you want, but you know that I did not lie to you in any of my words.

The clown silenced both of them with his words that I found it hard to believe, inside I feel that the clown's words are all true.

-No more help now, I've helped you so much, now it's time for me to go~

When Serra put his hand over the fence, Pierrot the clown clapped his hand like an audience and said:

-Prince, if you want to wake up the princess, you have to work very hard in your day.

After saying those words, he disappeared without a trace. A group of astonishment landed on me, as if I was watching a magic trick. I held the book in my hands, clinging to it, not knowing why.

-Oh Iva, are you afraid?!

-Why do you say that ?!

- Don't get me wrong, but it's strange to see you holding on to something so much.

Kyo was smiling at me despite being surprised.

-I will protect you like all those moments I protected you, don't worry...

Hearing this makes me feel better,

- I appreciate it...

I don't know what the hell he's going to protect me from, but I can't help but thank him for that.

-kyu.. .

Why do you care so much about me?!

I was about to ask him but decided to keep silent, I felt like this is not the right time to ask him this question.

-Oh, never mind, I forgot

-Hey~!, Now you have to say, I'm curious, leave me like this?!

-I told you I forgot...

-Did you know that your facial expressions change when you lie? Of course you didn't know that, I know you more than you think... -Yes?!

I was surprised to know the details, how did you know?!

People say that Kyu is a considerate and intelligent boy, so that's what they mean, he gives attention to everyone around him, I'm nothing important...

-hi are you OK ?!

-What made you think that, Kyu?!

- Your face is pale...

- I'm fine, nothing serious, I didn't notice because...

-We came to this unfamiliar place and I was excited for a few minutes, I wasn't surprised for these reasons, let me know if you are different, okay?!

-Yes, well...


Sera walked up to us in the middle of our conversation and started looking at us with frightened looks.

- Sera?! ...

-Yes ? I think I heard you talking.

- Oh, I didn't speak, I thought you were delirious

-If you say so...

It looked like he wanted to say something, but I don't want to pressure him, it's none of my business if he says something, I feel like the atmosphere here is electrified...

-Sera, are you angry?!

-No, why am I angry? Why did you guess that?! -I was wrong, I got that impression, I'm sorry.

I wonder what I did to make it like this, is this my imagination?! But for many reasons I feel uncomfortable...

- Ivan, let's go

-Uh, wait for me...

-Iva, why did you ask him that question?!

-Uh, I don't know how to describe it, but it just felt fishy, ​​I felt uncomfortable

-truly !! I feel nothing...

really It's normal that Kyu doesn't understand me, he's always been optimistic, but I'm not wrong, I know there's something fishy, ​​I'll think about it later, getting out of here is the most important thing

crack ...

It's footsteps sera, it's a little bit scary .