
Chapter 4


—🕊Mizuhashi Yurina Rokurō (POVs)

I was changing my clothes to a very beautiful blue dress with a ribbon at the back, it was a really beautiful dress that I've never seen before and I have never wore a dress like this before.

( Of course, we were poor, we can't afford anything, even a proper clothes to wear.)

( And I have never been in a school before.)

( But I know how to count numbers.)

( But I'm still lacking knowledge.)

( But I know how to cook, that's my special ability.)

( Though, I have a problem.)

I then looked at myself in front of a mirror and then I frowned, looking at the ribbon at my back.


" I can't even reach my back just to tie the ribbon." I murmured.

( Why do I even had a small arms.)

( And even if I have long arms, I still don't know how to tie the ribbon at my back.)

*Knock Knock*

I then looked behind my back and look at the door, and by that, I run towards to the door.

And when I opened the door, I then saw a man with a horn, red hair and a red fury tail in front of me that looks so soft and beautiful.

( Why does everybody wears a Halloween Costume? )

" Are you done preparing yourself, my princess? " He asked and I then showed him the red ribbon that needed to be tied at my back.

" Do you want me to tie it for you? " He asked and I nodded as an answer.

He then helped me and he was also the one who tied the other red ribbon to my hair and he gave me a beautiful sun flower and so I smiled to him.

" Thank you." I said and after that another man appeared in front of the door, his hair was white as snow.

" Good Morning, Princess, your new father and mother is waiting for you at the living room, shall we go now? " The white haired man said and so I stood up and followed both of them.

We we're now walking around the big hallways with very beautiful interior around the corner of the hallways, lots of picture from other people on the walls with creepy cold looking eyes like it was starring at me.

And not just that, they all wears a Halloween Costume, some of the people in the pictures, has horns and some of them doesn't have a horn but instead a really weird ears like one of the dogs ears and cats or any animals ears.

" We are here, My Princess, are you ready to meet your King and Queen New family? " The white haired man asked and I nodded to him as an answer of yes.

And as the white haired man opened the door a little and heard two people talking, I then feel very excited to meet my new family, although I missed my mom and dad.

( Why did they sold me to someone? )

( I know we were poor, but...)

( *sigh* I forgot to give the money to my parents.)

And with that, I then went inside the living room just to see a very beautiful looking woman with black hair and purple looking eyes, and she's also wearing that same costume as I saw from the people on the walls inside the frame.

" My oh my. *smile*" The black haired woman said and she then kneeled down in front of me and she even grabs me the hands.

" You look so like me, do you agree My King? *smile*" The black haired woman said.

( And you looks like the half of my mother, except your eyes colors and the hair color.)

" How old are you my little one? *smile*" The woman said

" I am seven years old. " I said

" So, I was right, you are indeed a seven year old little girl, from now you call me your mother. *smile*" The woman said.

" Yes, mother. *smile*" After I said those words, she suddenly then hugged me.

" Oh my, I've never had a child in my entire life, now I have one. " she said while hugging me and so I hugged her back tightly.

" I'm happy to meet you too, my mother. *smile*" I said and the man which my father, hugged us both too.

" Should we celebrate this My King? *smile*" The woman whom to be my mother said.

" How about we take a family picture first? " The man said

" Yes, a family picture! Come here my darling, sit besides me and your father." The woman said

And so I sit in the middle and the other two servants were standing at the back, and so I smiled at the camera happily, it's my first time taking a picture with a family.

" Oh~ our daughter is so cute!!!  " The woman said

" We should buy you toys! " The man said

" No, let's buy her some beautiful clothes! " The woman said

" My King and Queen, why don't you both buy toys and dresses for her at the same time? " Yori suggested.

( It's so nice to have a family like this.)

( I wish, this isn't a dream.)

" Good Idea, Yoru. *smile*" The man said

" So that means, I will leave today to buy some few things up, I'll come home later. " The woman said and she suddenly disappeared like a thin air.

" And so Am I." And the man whom to be my father disappeared out of my sight too.

( Are they all magician? They keep disappearing like that and then suddenly appeared out of nowhere.)

( Now, what do I do now? I can't do anything in herem.)

" What do you like to play, my princess? " The red haired guy said

" Let me introduce myself to you my princess, I am Zenaku Yasuda Yugi, an ice demon fox from the underworld and I am at your service." The white hair guy said while he vowed in front of me like I'm a royalty.

" And I am Yoru Yasuda Yugi, I am a fire demon fox fro the underworld, and we are the Demon Brothers, and I am as well as your service my princess. " The red hair guy said.

( Why do they always calls themselves a demon? )

" Are you two really a demon? You aren't wearing a costume?  " I said and both of them laughed a little and looked at me very seriously.

" We are demons, and we aren't wearing any costume." The white hair guy said

" And so, what do you always play? " The red hair guy asked and so I then think of something.

" How about we play hide and seek? *smile*" I said cheerfully.

" How do you play that?  " The white hair guy said

" It's a popular children's game, don't you know that?  " I asked and both of them didn't say anything and just stare at me.

" No, so how do you play that game? " Both of them asked at the same time.

" One player closes his or her eyes for a brief period, let's just say you need to count one to ten, while the other players hide. The seeker then opens it's eyes and tries to find the hiders; the first one you will found is the next seeker, and the last one is the winner of the round. " I said happily.

" Hmm.. Sounds interesting, do you want to play it? There's plenty of rooms and the house you could hide, but you can't hide from us. *smile*" The red haired guy said

" Let's play! I'm bored. " I said while smiling to both of them, and so We played hide and seek, and the seeker is the red haired guy.

" I'll count one to twenty, better hide and so I will not be able to find both of you. " The red hair guy said.

I then looked around to find where I could hide and when I found the perfect spot, I runned and hide to that big black curtain and when I was in the perfect spot, I then saw the white haired guy leaving the room.