
Being a slime is hard

The strongest genius said to Lin Feng “I have the strongest dragon bloodline. A roar is enough to kill you” Lin Feng: “Don't worry I am sound proof” “My fire breath can burn you to ashes” Lin Feng: “Don't worry I am fireproof” “My strongest claws can tear your head off” Lin Feng: “Don't worry I am scratch-proof” “I will drag you into the water and choke you to death” Lin Feng: “Don't worry I am waterproof”

Jabberwock · Oriental
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4 Chs

Heaven is all about balance

"Abandoned by heaven!!"

Lin Feng was shocked by just what he heard. Soon he began to think deeply and lifted his head and looked at the eyes of the one-eyed beast and started to talk.

"Well, It is not like I never heard people calling me abandoned by heaven. I am someone who can't even awaken my bloodline. So there is a reason to call me abandoned by heaven."

The one-eyed beast looked at Lin Feng and shook its head "You are wrong, it is the other way around. It is because you are abandoned by Heaven you are not able to awaken bloodline".

Such remarks made Lin Feng frown

"What do you mean?"

" "Abandoned by Heaven" is a kind of curse that the heavens bestowed on us to seal our fate as a mediocre person".

Hearing this Lin Feng fell silent for a second and asked

"Isn't heaven always fair, Why does it have to curse my fate. What kind of benefit does it by making me a mediocre person".


"If heavens are fair why you are the only person who can't awaken bloodline. Did you already forget the things you spoke, about your life, is being hard?"

"How do you know about that" Lin Feng asked.

"The moment you entered the inheritance space I read all your memories". "As for your fate, You are just an unlucky person who was chosen to be the scapegoat." the one-eyed beast spoke in a teasing manner.

Lin Feng had a serious expression on his face "what do you mean by the scapegoat."

"Heaven is all about balance. Fire and water, land and sky, birth and death are there to balance each other. Just like that heaven chooses some people and gives them a Supreme talent for cultivation. Such genius is called heaven's chosen. When there is a blessing to seek balance, it created a curse "Abandoned by heaven".

In other words, heaven cuts off your martial path to create heaven chosen genius. You can't awaken any bloodline and you can't even get any inheritance."

"You mean I can't obtain any inheritance."

Lin Feng froze for a second. He felt like he has heard the biggest secret of his life. Intense anger rose from his heart. But still, he pressed down his anger and looked at the beast on the throne and asked

"Why are you telling me all this?"

"Because we both are abandoned by heaven. When a genius is born, a genius perishes, when a clan prospers, a clan declines. My entire race declined because of the curse. Because of the curse, everyone in my race is unable to break through to the king realm hence becoming prey for weaker races. Many races that are jealous of our innate ability started to capture our races and did experiments on them. Even though I hid many descendants from the eyes of enemies they still failed to withstand the erosion of time."

"Wait... Wait a minute all the things you said are making my head burst. I can't even think, let me organize the information you provided."

Lin Feng sat down and started to meditate as he organized the information in his head

[The thing I got was a dao inheritance.

It was the inheritance of an ancestor of a race that went extinct.

According to him, I was abandoned by heaven which makes me unable to become a cultivator.

And heaven is all about balance... Balance.

It feels like I am missing something and something feels wrong, what is it.

"Don't look for us"

My parents know I am someone abandoned by heaven. If they know something like that then they may come from a powerful place. That's why they never used the royal medal. So left a note saying not to look for them. They felt that if I went looking for them my life will be at risk. They left without even coming home. Furthermore, They are protecting me but from whom? Who wants the life of heaven abandoned.]

After organizing all the information he looked towards the one-eyed beast and asked

"Only the people who break the balance get the curse of abandoned by heavens.

Does my existence break the balance? You read my memories, so you should know what's happening in my life."

The beast on the throne was shocked by his words.

"Indeed, I didn't expect you to find out the lie quickly. I originally didn't want to tell you the truth because of your parents."

"Just as you said the heavens don't curse randomly by only people who break the balance. Just like fire and water can't be together. Certain strong bloodlines are natural enemies. If people with such bloodline get married together. Their descendant will be fine if he had anyone's bloodline, but there are rare cases where the bloodline of two natural enemies combine to create a mutated bloodline, such bloodline breaks the balance set by heaven. Hence, the person with such bloodline gets cursed as abandoned by heaven."

"Then why are there people who want my life?"

"When the person who is cursed by heaven was killed by someone then that person will receive heavens luck. If the person who killed him was a person who was born on the same date as him, then he will receive heaven's blessing. In your case, I think it's the second reason."

"Since your parents do not want you to know, I thought I should respect their decision."

When Lin Feng heard this, tears started to come down his cheek.

"So that's how it is, I always used to think that it's my parents who had enemies, and it was this enemy who came chasing them which made them abandon me to run away. I never thought from the beginning the problem is all because of me".

"I don't know what senior was thinking when hiding the truth, but I am a cultivator who has been training for the past 4 years without rest. These years of training taught me that no matter what a cultivator should never give up, if he gives up then the only end is death. So as a cultivating as long as you survive there will be hope and this hope I will hold on to it until the end." Lin Feng said it with clear eyes and a slight smile on his face.

Looking at Lin Feng's smile the one-eyed beast had complicated emotions " Maybe at that time I should have shared my burden with my descendants."

"Senior it's preposterous to such question but still it is something that is bothering me. Senior by any chance do you want me to fight against heaven?"


"Heaven is just a system that thing thinks everything in the universe must be balanced. I just want to show heaven that some people don't want to play the game that heaven designed. So This time I want the heaven to play the game that I created as my opponent."

Lin Feng looked at the beast without believing "Senior can't even breakthrough to king realm, so how do you battle against heaven?"

"Who said l am going to fight against the heavens?"

Lin Feng suddenly had an ominous premonition.

"It's you who will play the game That I designed against the heavens."

Lin Feng stopped there like he lost his mind.

"The game starts when a Heaven abandoned starts to cultivate to become the strongest cultivator. Everything that you will disrupt the original game heaven had set. So you will be the only cultivator who will be able to enjoy playing a game with heaven. You can refuse the offer if you don't want my inheritance."

When Lin Feng heard the last words he soon came to his senses and hurriedly asked "Senior means that even I can get your dao inheritance?"

"Yes, I am going to break the curse of mine and yours at the same time to create a new race."