
behind the veil

“Why must I lose everyone close to me, why does this ill fate keeps repeating itself? Why?…” Sandra has desperate desire to change her ill-repeating fate after constantly experiencing suffering and mishaps where ever possible. A fate where everyone close to her has to be killed brutally by a ruthless manipulator, where she loses all that she has and can’t do anything about it. This fate will follow her in all her life span until she discovers the hidden truth behind this and do what is needed to do. However, will she accomplish this task or continue with this play of her life? *Disclaimer: the cover photo doesn't belong to this author.*

drop_pen · Fantaisie
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29 Chs

kidnapper revealed 2

Although it looked simple, with a glance one could tell that the study was definitely owned by a rich person, to be precise a woman, because it was decorated to the preference of a woman. The materials in the room were very old and expensive. There were white book shelves fixed on the walls around the room filled with books. There was no door, the book shelves surrounded the room making it to seem like there was no exit. Two long blue sofas were kept perpendicularly far away from a big office table setting situated next to a gigantic French window where a great view of the maze outside could be seen. The table was disorganized with files, pen, pencil, ink and a laptop like someone had roughly gone through it in search of something.

"yup" he replied proudly thinking she asked "you kidnapped me?". Immediately he got what she said, he looked at her with disgust and rebuked "no no no…I kidnapped you. that was a stupid question you asked. do I look like I was held captive? Who would even dare kidnap me?" he stood up and walked to the table picking up a dirty old paper. He turned and raised the paper towards her face, comparing her face with something on the paper. "You are too dumb. You can't tell a kidnapper when you see one. Wait, is it because of my age? hmm" he asked firmly, looking a bit disappointed at her.

"…" Sandra silently stared at him. wondering what he was up to. She wasn't surprise when he said he kidnapped her. he has always been mischievous. his father is wealthy so he could easily do whatever that pleased him. he uses his father's position to do it, behind his back. That's how he is.

she finally spoke up when she couldn't think of any reason why he abducted her apart from the case of stolen exam papers. "why did you bring me here? Don't tell me it's because of the exam paper." she sat down properly on the floor, looking at him calmly.

"kinda…well its part of the reason. My father plans on sending me aboard thanks to you, for accusing me of stealing the exam paper. You have had your revenge that means we are even now. So now you are going to help me stay back and continue tormenting him." He said calmly smiling mischievously.

"I haven't had my revenge on you yet. You made my mom lose her job and I didn't blame you for that therefore we ain't even yet. when I finally do retaliate on you, you won't know what hit you." She said firmly and immediately squinted her eyes, and her lips slightly carved upwards "did you say that your father wants to send you out?" recalling what he had said got her a little excited.

"yes. You heard correctly. Don't get excited because am not leaving…I got you." he smiled widely. "from the little clues I have gotten so far, my father have been crazy to obtain an item for a long time and I recently discovered you might be the key to get that item. when you help me retrieve that item, then I can get the opportunity to bargain whether I leave or stay." he began to cover his mouth with his palm trying to control his excitement.

"how is that? What item?" Sandra looked confused. How could she be the key to whatever item Mr. Margate will possibly need. Her family had no wealth or connection. How could she help him get an expensive item? It should be valuable obviously for Mr. Margate to want it.

James handed the paper he was holding over to her, smiling lightly "do you know her?" he asked. "am guessing you do. You might have seen her in your family album."

It wasn't a paper rather a picture. The picture was very old. One could tell by the poor quality and edges, which looked like it had been harvested in by rats. The picture was of a lady, a noble lady from a wealth family, judging from how she dressed and how neatly her hair was styled. The lady in the picture smiled cheerfully with her hands spread out and her eyes tightly shut. She was at peace.

Sandra stared intensely at the picture before she looked up at James excitedly. Wondering whether she saw correctly. To confirm what she had seen, she looked back at the picture and still saw that same lady.

James smirked and said gently after watching her excitement "she looks a lot like you, doesn't she?"

Sandra didn't reply. She was in an aww state with her eyes still fixed at the lady in the picture. The lady looked a lot like Sandra, but, she was more mature and had a blond hair while that of Sandra was black, one would say she and Sandra were the same person. The picture was the matured version of Sandra. There was a clear and striking resemblance.

"Where did you get it from?" Sandra looked up at him and asked curiously.

"I found it with my father. This picture dropped down from his file one fateful day he was in a hurry." he replied as he stroked back to the table and began going through the scattered files on it. "isn't it weird? Why would my dad keep an old picture, a picture of a dead woman that looked just like you. This picture is obviously of value since he kept it."

"how did you know she is dead" Sandra asked.

He froze and slowly turned to meet her questioning eyes. He shaked his head in disgust before he turned back to the table "are you blind? That was a stupid question. Can't you see the quality of the picture? It is obliviously old. Which human will be able to live that long. Your IQ is indeed low…By now she would be old enough to be our greatest grandmother." He found what he was looking for and walked back to her.

"I need your help" he said firmly standing in front of her, where she was still sitted and relaxed. He brought out an old document. it was as old as the picture. A brown old document whose back was peeling out.

Sandra calmly stretched out her legs, wearing a light smile on her lips. The fact that James needed her help made her really happy because she won't be offering him any help. him asking her for help is like counting a bag filled with grains of rice which is impossible. "why will I help you? who wants you to stay? Anyway, thanks for telling me your plan. Now, Forget that stupid idea you have up there because I won't in anyway be of help to you." Sandra said confidently with a bright smile on her face. "I want you gone, far, far away." Her lips widened reaching her eyes as she imagined a life where there would be no James. She won't have to see him again.

James stared at her with detest like she was stupid. He shook his head and said "that's why I said your IQ is low. you are meant to have happily grabbed this opportunity am giving you to save your mom's job rather than talk rubbish. Don't you know, if you recover this item, my father will greatly reward you and also grant you your wish." He said calmly, trying to get into her head. And what he said was true. Judging from how his father is engrossed with finding the item. he will definitely reward anyone who gets it.

Sandra smirked "if I get convinced by what you have said, then my IQ is truly low. lower than that of a baby. I know you. getting this item will be of no good. I'm sure you acquiring the so called item will only anger your father. You enjoy going against your father. There is no way you would want to acquire an item to please your father. Well…" she slowly strengthened her body wearing a prideful confidence smile on her lips. "just so you know, my mother has gotten an offer from another company. They came begging her because they knew her worth." She said stressing the last word "worth".

"And you what is there?" He said angrily. "what is there to brag about? Your mother will be more than happy if the Margate's group takes her back and you are the only that can make her that happy. Wherever she is working now can't pay her as much as what Margate's group payed her. the salary they will pay her there can't be compared to the one she was getting here. So she will be more than happy to get back her old job in Margate's group, the number one top Ranking business enterprise." James said pridefully. And asked "which company employed her?"

Sandra crossed her hands as she raised her head staring straight at him, wearing a delightful smile on her face "a high ranking Company just like your father's. Stop, wasting my time, there is nothing you will say that will make me help you. why are you keeping me here?" she said still wearing the same smile on her face. Anyway her mom never complained about her new job. Why would she bother about getting back her mother's old job? He can't easily convince her when she wants him gone.

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