
behind the veil

“Why must I lose everyone close to me, why does this ill fate keeps repeating itself? Why?…” Sandra has desperate desire to change her ill-repeating fate after constantly experiencing suffering and mishaps where ever possible. A fate where everyone close to her has to be killed brutally by a ruthless manipulator, where she loses all that she has and can’t do anything about it. This fate will follow her in all her life span until she discovers the hidden truth behind this and do what is needed to do. However, will she accomplish this task or continue with this play of her life? *Disclaimer: the cover photo doesn't belong to this author.*

drop_pen · Fantaisie
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29 Chs

His request 2

"James!" a young boy roared out from a distance.

James turned and saw Liam standing at the door fuming with anger. With a high pace, Liam matched up to James, stumping his feet. He grabbed James by the collar and shouted furiously at his face "are you crazy?" he passed a quick glance at Sandra to confirm that she is fine before he turned his attention back to James.

"dude, I already explained. It's just a prank to scare you. I need her to help me with something." James explained struggling to free himself from Liam. But Liam held onto his collar tightly. He had no choice but to stop struggling.

"shut up! those men could have hurt her. they knocked her off by hitting her really hard on her neck. Everything can't be played with. That was a lame joke." Liam rebuked.


"why did you bring her here? Sandra are you okay? what did you do to her?" Liam instantly released him to check on his sister well. She seemed a bit different. She was being too quiet.

"yes, am fine." Sandra replied.

"what did he make you do?" Liam asked worriedly. He knows his friend. He is always up to no good.

"nothing Liam. I'm fine. Let's just go back to school." Sandra sighed and exited the building. Liam was being dramatic. Didn't he see her standing perfectly fine

Liam watched her leave before he turned back to James "now, answer me. What's your reason for bringing Sandra here?" he asked sternly.

"…I will be leaving the country in a week." James eyes read sadness after his reply. There was sorrow in his tone.

"repeat what you just said…" Liam commanded as he robbed his ears wondering if he heard correctly. "wait…what have you done? For you father to be able to send you away that means you lost the board member's support. What have you done that lead to this?" he asked widening his eyes. 'this is bad' he said to himself.

"all my inappropriate behavior resulted to this. My father has managed to bribe some of them to his side while others don't trust me in the management of the shares when I come of age. So they had a meeting to remove me." he said still maintaining his sorrowful tone. "now that my father has their support. He immediately prepared my flight ticket to avoid any implications. I bet he is dying of joy." he said wearing a sad smile and chuckled.

"this is bad, so bad. What about your mother? Those shares don't matter. What will happen to your mom? I have always warned you that you are creating destruction for both you and your mother with all this rebellion against your father, you paid no attention. See you have helped him to completely get rid of you…once you are gone, next will be your mother." Liam lamented. He was really worried about James' mother. He practically grew up with James. James mother always treated him like he was also her son before she had an accident that lead her into a comma three years ago.

The doctor said there is nothing they could do for her again, her brain was dead. This was a painful news to her son and friends, except her husband who seemed excited when no one was watching. When he heard of the accident, he acted like he was at the edge of death. Later on, James overheard him discussing with some people on how to move his wife's properties to his names that same day the accident occurred.

"James you know once you leave, your father will stop all treatment your mother is receiving." Liam reminded him staring straight into his eyes. He remembered perfectly well how James father wanted to stop Mrs. Margate treatment long ago when the doctor informed the family of her state. During those period, whenever he came over to James place, James would drag him to his father's window where they normally stayed to eavesdrop on his conversation with his secretary.

"am not going anywhere. I will stay right here and take of my mother and reclaim all that we had lost." He said firmly. There was determination in his eyes.

"And how would you do that? Is that why you kidnapped Sandra?" he stared at him curiously. This explains the reason why he suddenly kidnapped her but what he doesn't understand is how Sandra can possibly be of help for him to remain in this country. What does Sandra have to do with this?

"yes, that why I brought her here. There is an item my father is desperate to get his hands on. If I can obtain it before him, I can use it as collateral to collect back the properties and shares I lost to him." he said confidently with eyes reflecting he was doing some serious calculation at the moment on how to handle the situation.

"My father has gotten all the necessary information concerning the item except what it looked like and the key to where it is kept…I believe that Sandra might be the key. If it really turns out to be true, then I have gotten ahead of him. Bro, am fucking not leaving this country." James stated with a hopeful smile on his face.

"wait…my sister is a key? Does she in anyway look like a key to you? how could she be a key to the item your father is after? I bet it is priceless for him to want to get it" he was confused. It's not possible for Sandra, his sister to be an access to a priceless item. yes, he understood what he meant but he found it amusing. Why would he think that Sandra might be an access to where a priceless item is kept? how did she get connected to this?

"dude I already explained this to Sandra but she is determined not to help me. Look…" he walked to the wall and poked it with his finger. It immediately opened, he walked into the study and pick up the picture from where he dropped it. He walked back to James showing him the picture.

The instant Liam laid his eye on the picture his mouth gave way. He was surprised. James was satisfied with his reaction and began to tell him the things he found and what he discussed with Sandra.

"bro I know you will find this hard to believe but we should try it out and see. There is no harm in it. please talk to her." he pleaded with Liam after explaining everything to him. he believed that Liam is the only one that could get Sandra to help him.

Liam stared at him for a while considering what he had said. He chuckled and asked "her blood? Bro that's hilarious…ah ah ah" he laughed out. "how do you expect me to watch my sister get hurt? She's not related."

"a drop of her blood not bag. just prick her finger with a pin not chop off her hand. Please I beg you. help me convince her. who knows she might be related to that lady. You guys might be related." He pleaded getting hold of his hand.

"hey!! Aren't we going back to school" Sandra shouted angrily when she walked up to them. She has waited for so long.

They jotted when they had her voice. they were so engrossed in their conversation that they didn't notice her approach them. "it's already 12pm. We need to go back before they start taking attendance for those that were present in school today." She lamented. She wasn't ready to face any punishment with them, no with Liam actually. Because James will freely walk away with it because of his father's position. No teacher will want to offend him. In their school, they always treat the rich kids like pure fragile eggs.

"we will get back before then…" Liam spoke softly with elegancy. He looked at James and continued "Dra, James has told me the reason he brought you here…"

Sandra knew where he was heading to. James must have told Liam everything, so he could help him to persuade her. She cut him off "let's go back to school…Liam, I want him gone. There is no way I will help him even if I have the power to. he has done many mean things to me and also went out of the line to get my mother fired. Liam he got mom fired. How can you still side with him?" she said staring at him with questioning looks. "I want this boy gone. He is bad news".

"listen, he didn't do that. About mom losing her job, that has nothing to do with him. it was mom's colleague that framed her. if not for the product that James asked you to remove from her bag she would also have been arrested. He actually saved mom" he stated while watching his sister's expression well.