
Chapter II : Welcome Home

On the sound of the car engine stopping I opened my eyes and  saw the new house we'll be living in, I was shocked of the huge size of it

"stop daydreaming and come help me get the league out of the turck "my father said 

 "Okey Okey and to add I wasn't daydreaming I just get confused how a house like this was built in this kind of places " 

my father said that maybe the people how built this house wanted to live calmly away from the noise of the city, I didn't give much thought to it at that time I was just happy that we get a nice house.

When my father opened the door I was even more amazed ,the house was really gorgeous and clean it was like the houses in the 17th century ,there was a huge chandler in the middle of it, a large and long stairs covered with red carpet, on the right there was the kitchen and on the left there were a room it was my parent's room

"I told you to stop daydreaming go and unpack your thing the maid will arrive soon then we'll have dinner make sure to finish before dinner time "

 "we have a maid???! Confusedly responded

 "who do you think made the house this clean the fairy?!! Stupid boy ,I always thought of bringing someone to help us because of your mother situation, and I was grateful when I was told that there was some people who used to server the master's of this house for generations, I didn't give it much thinking and agree immediately, now go to your room and unpack your things it's on the second floor"

I went immediately to the second floor there was a lots of rooms one of them has a sight with my name writing on it, I opened the door and it was like an emperor chamber I really loved it, a bad with a king size a cabinet and a lots of thing, I walked to the window to see the view there was a backyard and a small beautiful garden, I put my thing without unpacking because I was curious about all the things that exist in this house.


Sluddenly I heard a sound, it was coming from above, the second floor, I head towards it to see what's it's source, as I went up the stairs, I felt uncomfortable, even though, I continued going up, surpriselly it was Just a long lane there were no rooms! It can't even be called an attic because it was too narrow I asked myself what is the purpose of building this floor? I guess I was only imagining those sounds. I turned around to go back to finish my expedition to the rest of the house and than the sound came back again this time it was more intense and louder

"Crack، Crack , Crack " 

As I turned around in terror I saw an elevator , where did it came from? that didn't exist before?? I was sure it was a dead end, I was confused and thought maybe I haven't noticed it before because of it's colour that resemble the wall even so it wasn't something that could be hidden, i went straight to it there was no there were no buttons, the moment I approached the elevator, it opened automatically and i get on it, inside of it there was only one button no more no less so I pressed it and the elevator went back then stopped, the door opened, there was a long hall and at the end of it there was a door unlike the other doors, it was built from thick woods with a drawing on it and a silver handel I was curious to know what's behind it so I unintentionally reached my hand to open it, I did it and open it just a little bit and whispering voices are gradually getting louder like a swarm of bumblebees 

my heartbeat raised I wanted to stop and close the door, I wanted to run away but my body didn't agree with me, my hand stills trying to open the door more and more it felt like I was attracted to what's inside, like there was  some kind of magnet pulling me

 i was scared to death ,the voices raised again and the whispering start to be more understandable 

" he is here , he is here, he's here, finally, finally, Ower long waiting time will end "

I tried to peek a little to see who was talking. Eyes wide open!!! Too many eyes in a pitch-dark room, all together and whispering, I couldn't see them well, the only thing I could distinguish was their voices in a moment of panic and fear i knew something was wrong and that's why i decided to leave as fast as possible i leaned back as i tried to calmly let go of the doorknob so that whoever was in that room would not pay attention to me and notice me 

" Creak Creak "  a harsh scraping or squeaking sound had made

 all of their eyes were looking at me wide open the only thing I could see is their eyes was desire like a  starving wolf looking at his prey 

"No, No, He's running, he's running, we need to get him now, master will be upset " 

At the sound of those words, i started running towards the elevator without looking back trying to escape, the strange thing is, that no matter how much I ran, the elevator seemed far farther and farther, i started screaming for help while running hoping that my father could hear me, strangely i finally get into the elevator that seemed out of my reach, it looked like the elevator suddenly came towards me and in the blink of an eye I was in it as if I had been pushed towards it, but before the door closed something touches my ear it was a light touching

 " Welcome Home Tim, no matter how hard you try to run, you'll eventually come back to us at the end. And on your own free will "  

He grabbed me by the collar, trying to pull me out of the elevator, i tried to resist with all my might and screamed as loud as I could. Suddenly I heard my father voice calling me I turn back to him while trembling in fear, he was the one who was grabbing me by the collar.

" Dad dad help help " 

Clinging to him in desper 

"There is something chasing me " 

The father looked in his child eyes they were full with fear, a shivering body, just what did he experienced, he knew there was something wrong but he just couldn't figure what it was 

"Calm down, there is nothing" 

In a quiet voice, the father said to calm down his son 

"What do you mean there is nothing??? I saw them, I heard their voices and felt their touches" 

In a trembling voice the boy said 

"son, you were standing there the whole time you didn't go anywhere I called you several times and it seems like you didn't hear me that's why I kept on calling you while screaming, it was like you were in your own world" 

I looked behind my father's back to see that the elevator was gone i rushed to the wall to confirm to my father that i wasn't hallucinating but there was nothing it was just a wall, there was no hidden elevator the wall was new and had no leaks it's like it vanished into thin air i was really confused and shocked at the same time. It was like it never happened just an illusion I start to wonder what could happen if my father didn't grab me??? What if i just killed my fear and entered that room? Would things get worse??? 

I didn't want to think about it but part of me really wished that my father's hand never reached me. 
