

Uhammiri resided within the waters of Mbammiri, always hidden within, never showing her form to mere mortals. For she, according to the tales of those who had seen, was no ordinary beauty, no ordinary woman, and Nene’s nne, Chinwe, idolized her, for she was everything Chinwe and Nene aspired to. A being even Nene respected and adored, with all her heart, and knowing Nene, she had not thought this visit up randomly.

“Nene I know you want to swim, but seriously, today is not the day. Why do you even want to go? What if…she sees us?”

To be quite honest I wanted to take that step, strangle my voice of reason and run into the river, drown even, just to rebel against my thoughts of reason.

But Nene said nothing, didn't turn, just cackled, looked up into the sky, and at a relaxed pace walked towards the river. And when I thought our conversation had ended, I heard her say,

“Don’t be a hypocrite. You want to do it, so do it.”