
Beginning in the End

it is a story of normal young man called amos?many mysterious surround's him even he doesn't know and did he ever tried to find?? nah! in his daily normal life?something unexpected happens to him in that very normal day and due to that very mystery after falling asleep changes the whole course of his little life.

NUMBER · Romance
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35 Chs

beginning after the sleep |

In a certain smooth, plain and strong textured pure bright white colour wall ,a finger touches hurriedly on a square projection.

The finger looked like the finger of an young and beautiful girl from her smooth skin.

"fuck, hurry.dammit ,they are catching up."she orderd with a remark.

A sweat voice of the girl comes along with a swearing and hurriedly touching on the square blue projection which was at a black surface with blue circuit running on an object,which should be laying down below the projection.

This things were looking liked it were from something advance technology which could only be seen in sci fi anime and movies.

She added."Awawa...i am finished if they were able to open the door,why the fuck even when hacking this thing is already done but it isn't giving access yet nor even responding."the girl was asking herself in anger.

The girl's voice look as if she was in a hurry and panicking the more time was passing by while looking at something down from the look of her pupils,it should be the object she is giving her order to.

She was in quite a room and from her words ,it looks like there were enemies after her and she could die anytime if they came in the room she was in.

[Acces to use the new model ..].it informed.

In that instance,a voice comes as if it was an AI who spoke with no emotion.

The girl had purple eyes which looked feeling relief after hearing that voice immediately.

"Finally,Skip,skip.uwawawa.. I will die if i listen to it any more than this."she ordered.

The girl immediately seems to be giving order while she looked as if she didn't had time and was about to cry from her face and stoped the sentence AI was telling her.

She already knew that she can die any time and did everything in hurriedly to escape from here.

"quickly escape to whatever location you can search for immediate."she added.

It should be the object at the down below, the girl gave her order to escape to.

The objects she was giving order looks like will help her to escape from the enemies, although it was not known how many enemies there were as there was no sound coming from outside or what enemies there were.

She and the object were the only thing in the the white room.

[command to travel is being process...].it informed.

The voice from emotionaless AI proceeds with what the girl had ordered it.

in instant as if a teleportation it vanished, what exactly was that object and how it looked was not fully seen.


"huff....huff". breathless and heavy inhaling.

A heavy breathing was coming from a small alley as a drops of sweat's were falling below one after the another on a dark surface and scattering away after the fall.

"Did ...did I managed to escape??".he questioned.

The face of a young man was seen, looking breathless as if he had done a hundreds of exercises.

His age looked to be in his mid 20s as he wipes away all his sweat from his white face with his sleeves of black suit while breathing heavily.

With a thin silvery cyan blue colour hair covering his half of ears on a pretty looking face styled in way his full forehead could be seen along with his focused eyes which looked like that of deep ocean with dark layers like tentacle on the ending of his pupils.

Even though his hair was silver when look at small amount of smooth hair but when it was together a dim blue colour hardly to be seen because of it's thiness was shadowing at their back and when view on his left side ear some hair were pulled together to make it stylish making him look more pretty faced but he also looked a matured young man.

The young man seems to be chased by someone and it was the reason he seems breathless while resting.

"Damn....that was hell ,they just keep chasing me from that moment on without letting me get away, even though I was running in alleys not far from my home and knew the area quite well."he described his situation to himself.

the young man's face looked a little annoyed by their chase when he was explaining his situation to himself.

"they have gun too,it's good they didn't shoot while chasing me."he added as he looked to be careful when he said that.

When you look at the place the young man was at ,it had a dim light coming from his back and the young man seemed to be in a dark alley near a sidewall catching his breath after a long run.

"Haa ..let me catch a breather first ."he added while calming his breath.

but he was not an a idiot to rest before he knows he has escaped their chase as his face looked ,he was being carefull.

The young man stood straight placing his hands on the wall as if he had a second though.

"Although I managed to get away from them because I know the place very well and even if they were a little further from me it's hard to come because of it's structure , which only I know how to go.but, i wonder how the hell they were able to chase me when I tried to get away many times?like they were tracking me ."he wonder about while questioning himself.

"But ,i didn't had the time to check my body as they were only a little further away from me and could catch up to me if I had done that."he added as he told the reason he couldn't check his body.

although the young man tried to run in different alleys as he knew the area quite well but unknowingly the people's chasing after him still could catch up to him .

He tried to go from many different alleys but it was still useless when he found a alley he knows which doesn't seem to have normal way to go in and he knew it .

Now he is in that very alley catching his breath Looking in the dark depth alley while calming his breath.

"Well , whatever.i shouldn't waste more time now that I have managed to catch a breather."he told while reminding himself of his situation.

The young man ran again in depths of the dark alley as he jumps and stood on a low height wall around 7 to 8ft tall which was at his front and jumps again.

He lands on a window of a building with a little space to land his feet and he seems to have no thought of stopping their even a second.

"They have amazing physique and although I have managed to escape from them many times but they still could catch up as they could still follow me earlier wherever I go to."he added.

He jumps again without stopping after jumping from windows of the buildings with his amazing physique at towards the top of the building.

while a black suit was seen at the corner of the wall and 5 men with physique as if well trained and professionals in their work came running .

"he managed to ran away from us again."he told to others.

There were three men looking composed when one among did say that looking in the dark alley where the young man was.

It seems the young man was chased by them for some time and has managed to get away every time from his words.


The young man comes jumping from a floor of another building to a window and stands at his bed after caming in as if winning a race while looking joyous from his escape he falls on the bed straight.

it seems the young man lived alone in a small room at 10th or 11th floor of a certain building as you look from outside of the window when falls down on the bed.

He enjoys the fluffy bed as he relaxe's himself forgoting earlier chase completely after he laid down comfortably.

"Haaa....damn this underworld dudes,they are too crazy to chase me just because of that."he mentioned.

Hearing him,it was certain that the males in black suit were from some organisation or gangs as from his talking it seems he knew them quite well.

"I just took a few hundred thousand from the coustomers and hide it but they found out and thought I was betraying them."he was telling himself while remembering his past.

The young man explains the reason he was chased while lying on the bed closing his eyes as if he was quite exhausted.

"If it wasn't for them bumping on a lady who was using makeup in while she was sitting and she started to argue with him becouse her makeup got all over her face and started to yell at them in anger ."The young man looked like he was falling asleep from the exhaustion while mumbling.

He was remembering the moment when he was sitting unaware as a he heard argument in his ear and looks at the side.

He noticed the guys in black suit and the woman looking scary~while arguing with them and immediately knew they were comming for him.

That's how he ended up running away after he got out on the next stop in the alleys.

."Although,I gotta say,her face sure looked scary after her makeup got all over her face."he added.

the young looked like he was realising something from his shocked face while he was slowly falling asleep in his bed.

"If it wasn't for that,I would have been....".he muttered as he falls asleep.

the young man was walking footsteps after footsteps on the walkway as a loud tremor and sound comes in his ear .

He noticed."Huh?? When did i started walking??and what is that sound I just heard?? ."he thought looking confused and questioning himself.

The young man looked at the Side of walkway where the loud sound and tremor came from.

The scenery looked as if a forest with a green and lush trees all around in front of his face and when you look from above,it was night at time but it was a scenery created near the walkway in a huge circle shaped.

The young man walks towards the direction where he heard the loud sound coming from, in instant, a girl looking wearing a futuristic clothes jumps out of the bushes in the forest when he took a step.

"Huuu...".the young girl was breathing out while still in the air and before landing on the surface .

The girl looks young in her 20s while she had innocent looking face and midium height with beautiful and smooth textured golden silver hair fluttering in air.

"success landin...waaawawa.."she spoke as she started stammering while noticing something.

A small futuristic looking like metallic ball came out of the trees at same time as the young girl lands on the walkway while following her .

they were shooting white lesers at her as she looked at the back on that instance as if she had good instinct.

"I jump."she said looking focused when she jumped."I avoid ."And lands immediately while avoiding the lesers again and again as it looked like she was telling, she was dodging the attacks coming at her.

The dodged lessers from the girl had shot on the surface and seems to be turning the surface into the lava upon being touched as it landed on it and made a hole like a lava was there.

She looked to be in quite a predicament which could be seen from her face cleary,it seems that she was not good at hiding her emotions.

"Wawawawa ,What to do ....what to do? what in the fucking hell should I do to get away from getting killed?? dammit,i don't even have time to think". While stammering she spoke in confusion to herself with no time to think anything.

Because,the metallic balls were attacking at her nostop and she had to dodge them as fast as she could.

she ran in circle while avoiding the lasers coming from the back as she had no idea on how to avoid her predicament and tried to find time to think.

"I don't have any weapons on me now or any tool to avoid their detection.so,i have nothing which could help me to get away or do something to it...no,i gotta think of a something quickly."she spoke and added in a hurry while trying to find a way.

It seems she had lost her weapons or destroyed and now with no weapon she had no choice but to run in circle while dodging attacks coming at her.

as the young girl was running looking for a way to escape she saw a young man looking doofus standing far calmly on a walkway as if he didn't know where he was or what he was doing,looking her as she was running in circle .

She spoke in utter shock ,"What in the heaven is that person???why?why?."she was questioning herself in her mind.

Her face looked like she was realising something, it's like, you know when you see something colourfully beutiful and it makes your mind realise what and how that beutiful thing you are seeing with your eyes is.

Or something else,like amazed when something beyond happens,like some mc won some fights which you were waiting and did not know how it will end from both mind and heart as if it was cold and waiting for the outcome.

"Why does he looks like a kid who lost his way after going outside of his room alone???."she spoke in utter shocked as her eyes widens more as she realises it in her mind.

She looked at him in perplexed face as she was running avoiding the lessers on instinct.

"....".She seems to had an idea in her mind suddenly as if she forgot everything she was thinking and thought calming her mind in silence.

The young man didn't knew what was going on at the moment , confused at this time with no knowing if it was a dream or reality but he did not cared that at the moment.

What was he thinking at such a time rather than saving a person?? only he knew.

"huh,is this time's lucid dream something like sci-fi or something? huhh? Well,It would have been good if I had cola and pizza to enjoy it."he thought.

"Wonder what's going to happen to that girl,she looks quite a idiot to me from the way she is panicking."he added while looking forward for what will happen to her standing confidentially and calmly.

The young man seems to be thinking on how to enjoy a fight scene with a futuristic girl running away trying to escape as an unknown force attacks her and he seemed to be used to having lucid dreams which was the reason he wasn't surprised by what's happening even a least.

"Sav.....save me ."The girl came running toward him while shouting for help as metallic balls were following her.

she seems to have apparently decided to ask for help as she currently has no other ideas.

the young man noticed her coming at him calling for help and he looked silent as if he had a second thought.

"Hmmm...although, it's a dream and looks quite interesting to look at but,i wonder how does it feel to fight that thing attacking her??."he mumble to himself considering what to do when she called for help.

the young man ran towards the girl to save her without thinking again, heroically.

but that was only in the eyes of the girl as she thought he was coming to help her but she didn't knew the young man was just wanted to fight a futuristic tech from the look of his silent and focused eyes on it.

"Hmm,if she is asking for help then I can as it is just a dream and I gotta follow how it goes but,"he thought.

"I wonder,how much would i damage it with my punch??I have confidence in my power ,so even if it is lucid dream I would be able to at least scratch a littl....nope."he added while stopping at his last word.

"my pride is on the line ,so gotta punch as hard as I can as for later,i gotta see ,how much I will damage it."it appears that he has decided to do all he can.


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