
Beggar Cultivation System

Apollo Leone tried to prolong his life as best as he could. But alas, he couldn’t escape the grasp of death. Even with his talent and being the wealthiest person on Earth, he died on a hospital bed. All his money, power, and influence vanished with his last breath. However, fate proved to be playful. Who would have thought there was a place after death that is neither Hell nor Heaven? There, he met a faceless woman named Aster, who granted him a new life on another planet where strength reigns supreme. But on one condition... Wait?! I have to live my life as a beggar?! Known as the most wealthiest person to have ever live and the person at the very top, how will he adjust to this new world where people can summon meteors, punch through mountains, and cut the sea in half? Beggar Cultivation System Activated! "You received 1 Alm Point!" "You received 1 Alm Point!" "You received 1 Alm Point!" ... ... "You received 100 Alm Points!" "Do you want to advance to the next stage?" "Yes!" Author's Note: -I will try my best to incorporate comedy into it and give it a slice of life style. - If we reach 300 Power Stones each week, there will be a bonus chapter. -100 Golden Tickets = 3 Extra Chapters at the End of the month.

Lncea · Oriental
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176 Chs

Wish Me Luck(Part-2)

"You will be the perfect toy to test my air palm!" Bernie shouted, raising his hand in front of him. He had already forgotten about his wet pants and shoes; his thoughts were focused solely on using the practice dummy in front of him.

D*mn! This guy has the same purpose as mine! Apollo clenched his teeth, knowing this was not going to be an easy fight.

Is this really the effect of Wish Me Luck? It's more like wishing me the best of luck to stay alive! Apollo thought bitterly.

"Scared? You should be!" Bernie laughed, seeing the wide eyes of the beggar.

"Why would I be scared? You haven't even hit me yet!" Apollo smirked. Worrying about not winning this fight would only lower his confidence. So what if that guy has better techniques than me? I still have the system!

Apollo glanced at his Alm points.

Alm Points: 21

I could buy some battle techniques with that, but...

Apollo raised both fists in front of him. He wanted to see if he could beat the thin man in front of him with just his half-step physical strength. He also concluded that Bernie was at the same level as him or slightly better in cultivation.

Furthermore, this would also align with his goal of testing his strength on someone else.

"Haha! What is that battle form?!" Bernie laughed, seeing the stance the beggar took.

"Does all you know is laugh?" Apollo shook his head. "Why didn't you laugh when I pissed on you?"

Hearing this made Bernie stop, his eyes turning cold again.

"I will kill you!" Bernie shouted before he threw a slap forward!

Apollo had already dodged before the attack even landed.

Just watching the wide movement of that slap allowed him to determine when the air would explode.


The wind caused the beggar's clothes to flap, but this didn't hinder him from moving forward. Boxing has a footwork that is great for dodging and evading. Although it isn't good for dashing at the enemy when they are afar, Apollo's strength had already surpassed that of a human, and his speed was faster than before.

"Tsk!" Bernie frowned. He sent another palm strike, but the beggar managed to dodge it again! This beggar!

The anger in his heart intensified. This made him raise both hands and start sending countless air palms!

Banging sounds reverberated in the training ground.

Sh*t! Apollo cursed in his mind as he felt the air exploding around him. He used his footwork to the best of his abilities, but one of the attacks still managed to land on him.

His body was sent backward before the air palms bombarded him!

"Argh!" Apollo grunted in pain, his robes starting to tear apart.

Seeing the beggar struggling under his attacks, Bernie's smile reached his ears. His laughter echoed along with the sound of air exploding.

"Die! Die! Die!" Bernie pulled his right hand back before sending a palm strike with all his might!

Suddenly, blood spurted and the stage was tainted in red.

"Eh?" The attack stopped, and Apollo couldn't help but be confused. He looked up only to notice Bernie holding his right hand, which was bleeding profusely.

Is the luck finally happening?

"Sh*t! F*ck!" Bernie looked at his hand, veins popping up and blood constantly falling. I've already reached the Beginner stage of this technique, how did I mess up?!

When there's a mishap using a battle technique, cultivation technique, or any other techniques that require one to use their body, there's a great risk of self-injury. Some have even died because of their carelessness.

Bernie was confident this wouldn't happen to him, especially at the Beginner stage. The steps at this stage are simple and don't require intricate precision, but for some reason, he injured himself!

With his eyes red, he decided to redirect his anger and injury to the beggar who 'caused' all this!

But when he looked up, the beggar was already gone.


Bernie turned to the side when he heard that hateful voice.


A punch landed on the thin man's face, and he took a couple of steps back.

Bernie wasn't given time to recover as Apollo was already in front of him.

Because of his small frame, Apollo had to jump to attack the thin man's face. He sent five to six punches while still in the air, and Bernie took them all, his lips bursting.

"Argh! F*ck off!"

Without caring about his injuries, Bernie responded with his left palm!

The air exploded between them, sending both the beggar and Bernie to opposite sides of the arena.

"Huff!" Apollo breathed heavily. He could feel his body aching from the impact. If he hadn't reached the Half-Step Foundation Building, he would have received a greater injury.

That attack is really strong! Apollo couldn't help but admire the technique. He glanced up only to see Bernie taking what seemed like a pill.

Confused, Apollo tilted his head while trying his best to recover as much as possible.

In the next second, he realized what that pill was used for.

His wound stopped bleeding, Apollo thought, squinting his eyes.

Bernie's bloody right hand stopped dripping blood, and his pale complexion regained its color. He wiped his mouth with his left hand and turned to the beggar, his eyes radiating killing intent.

"Ahhhhh!" Like a maniac, Bernie started running towards Apollo, his left hand raised, ready to send his palm attacks.

Seeing this, Apollo clenched his fist. He hadn't received any serious injury; he just felt exhausted. Nevertheless, the excitement of this fight got to his head.

He decided to use the system store only when he felt that he couldn't win the fight. Apollo was still confident in his abilities, especially with the Wish Me Luck item doing its wonders!

Apollo raised his fists in front of him in a boxing stance. He waited for his opponent to get close, and that's when he would use all his knowledge about boxing!