
Before The Clock Strikes Twelve

Cruellla D'vila is a child brought and raised in the human world, living an ordinary life, unaware of her origin and abilities. To everyone, she is destruction. Her existence feared. She wasn't supposed to be born and so her mother had to cast a spell on her. Putting her to sleep for 500 years to protect her from other clans. She  grew up in a small town called Greenville. An average teenager who hated her simple yet complicated life; always getting into trouble, always being bullied in school and expelled whenever she defended herself from the bullies. She wished for a different life and indeed  she got her wish granted the moment she discovered the truth. The simple life she once had was gone and now she faced an even bigger challenge. Now she's at the center of a new foreseen war between the four powerful clans , each fighting for dominance but with Cruella in their way, they must get rid of her to accomplish their agenda. This new life is even worse than her previous normal human lifestyle because now she's struggling to get use to these new powers, this new personality, falling in love with her guardian which is forbidden in their clan and preparing for a war which began even before her birth. But little did she know those are the least of her problems, little did she know her greatest threat hides in the shadows, waiting for the perfect time to strike. Who or what could possibly be her greatest threat? Will she be able to handle all these responsibilities? Or will she run back to the human world to seek refuge?

Catherineajuruchi · Fantaisie
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24 Chs


"Okay if this is silly prank y'all can stop now," she said and made to pass by them but they raised their heads showing her their red eyes and at the same time, chanted something and in an instant, she blacked out.


Cruella opened her eyes weakly , holding her head even though it didn't hurt.She felt likes she's been sleeping for days.

"You're awake," she heard an unfamiliar voice , making her flinch. She tried getting up but couldn't..it felt like her legs weren't part of her body anymore.

"Oh just give it time , it's the paralysis spell wearing off," the woman said calmly.

"A para what spell?" Cruella asked a bit confused.

"Nevermind , you'll understand with time."

"Who are you? and where am I?" She asked looking at her surrounding 

"My name is Elsa and this is my home ..for now," she added.

"For now?" 

"My birth home is the black forest of Neville but I'm on exile." Elsa said.

"Why were you banished?" 

"Well let's just say I broke a rule that was made centuries ago.." Elsa paused to look at the face of whom she's talking to. "You won't understand anyways," She concluded.

"What are you talking about? I wanna go home."

"Well you can't until the spell wears off. For now neither your mother nor gaurdian can sense you."

"Sense me? I'm I some kind of food or what?" She asked a bit annoyed.

"You talk too much, just get some rest young lady," Elsa said leaving her alone in the room.

"What is she talking about anyways? And where is Jason? Why did he allow this woman take me?"

"I actually saved you!" Elsa shouted from the living room causing Cruella to freeze.How did she know what she was thinking about?

"Are you hungry?" Elsa said coming in with a tray of fruits.

"If I were hungry, do you think fruit will be a best food option?" Cruella asked rolling her eyes.

"Huh? That's weird, I thought Irish love fruits aside blood?" Elsa asked unmoved by Cruella's arrogance.

"What are you talking about? You're a crazy woman! Get me out of here. I wanna go home!" She snapped

"Well with a manner like that, you're never getting people to obey you," Elsa said placing the fruit on the bed. Cruella looked at the fruit and somehow she started druling. She took a grape to be sure if it's the fruit making her drule or normal hunger.Before Elsa got back to the room, the tray had been emptied.

"Seems like someone is really hungry," Elsa said with a slight chuckle.

"Where's Jason? I wanna see him."

"Really? I thought you disliked him?" Elsa said tilting her head.

"I don't, he's just a bit annoying but I rather stay with him than some random old woman."

"Random old woman? This random old woman saved your life. If the Grutina's had captured you, you'll be long dead!" Elsa snapped.

"I'm not dying old lady and what the hell is a Grutina's?" Cruella blurted.

"Arghhh! Now I see why Jason left you here, you're a handful," Elsa complained.

"I wanna see Jason now!" Cruella yelled.

"Then go to him, don't yell at me young lady."

"But I don't know where he is.. I--I'm sorry for yelling."

"Look , if you want to see Jason, go to him yourself the same way you entered his room," Elsa said and left the room. 

"I--I should sleep walk to Jason?" Cruella asked no one in particular. 

"No teleport you dumb Irish!" Elsa yelled from the living room.


"Jason it's not time yet. She's young, she needs to live her life a bit,"Nila said pacing in the room.

"I already told ElsaI, thought I'm not sure she's gonna keep her mouth shut," Jason replied calmly.

"You need to go bring her back please. I know you're mad right now but I'm begging you Jason, bring her back."

"She's the one who put herself there so why should I bring her back?"

"Jason! Please, go..."Nila's word was cut short as they saw a bright light forming a human figure on the couch.Jason took a battle stance, ready to fight any intruder while Nila stood there watching the figure intently. She didn't feel fear but rather curiosity.The bright light finally disappeared, revealing a sleeping Cruella. Nila looked at Jason who seemed unbothered by what just happened.He simply covered her with a light material and headed to his room.

Nila remained there , unable to believe it for her own eyes.Jason had told her she teleported to his room the other night but seeing it happen right before her eyes , was just too good to be true.She couldn't believe her little baby girl is an Irish. At least the legacy of Kail , her late husband will continue through Cruella. But before then she needs to protect her. She's weak now and can easily be harmed.


Cruella slowly opened her eyes , hoping the sleepwalking orior teleportation idea  worked. Since Jason said she often sleep walk to his room, she decided to take Elsa advice even though the woman sounded crazy but it actually worked.

"But can someone really sleepwalk that far? Or was she never out of her home?Or did she do more than sleepwalking? Did she actually teleport? More importantly, whom were those people with red eyes? and what is Grutina's, according to Elsa."

Bearing all these questions in mind, she stood up from the chair and headed to the fridge to get something to cool down as she was starting to burn up again.

"Baby, Nila called rushing to hug her. I was so worried about you, please don't do that again okay?" Nila said kissing her cheeks, hair and just caressing her.

"Mom I'm fine, i think." Cruella said not actually sure. Some of the things that happened seems like an illusion, cause there's no way people with red eyes exist. Maybe she actually fell asleep here and dreamt of everything including the crazy lady Elsa.She just decided to forget about everything that happened and act like it never did or people might say she's crazy.

"I called principal Bradson, he said you can have your Saturday classes here instead with Jason. We were so worried about you." 

"Why? Nothing happened to me and thanks for calling him.I wasn't looking forward to leaving this house on a Saturday." She said with a sigh of relief.

"I have a night shift today at the hospital, don't wait up for me okay," Nila said picking up her bag. 

"Okay, love you mom," Cruella waved with a sigh.She really wants to make her mom proud because she's been through a lot. They don't really talk much about her dad infanct, all she was told is that he was a wonderful and powerful man and a loving father to Xavier, well until he died.

Her phone vibrated and she brought it out to see a text from her brother Xavier.

To Cruella: 

"Hey baby sis, just checking up on you .My day went well as usual although Lisa kept trying to get my attention, why won't she just give up? How are you and mom doing?"

Cruella smiled sweetly as she read this. She immediately moved her thumps to reply him.

To Xavier;

"Mom's doing great and I'm...well you know the same. Honestly, I think you should give Lisa a chance, i know a part of have a likeness for her too.I miss you so much.."

Cruella dropped her phone after sending the message. She suddenly remembered Jason is also in the house. She knew he was mad at her earlier, so she decided to go apologize as a good girl she's suppose to be. She headed up to his room and paused at the door. "I'm I really doing this?" She asked within before taking a deep breath.

"Jason? she called as she knocked on the door but got no response. I know you're mad at me, I'm sorry okay?" She said but still no response.

"Jason open up already, i'm trying to be good here," she said and yet no response. She sighed and was about leaving when she noticed a light escaping from underneath the door.

"Jason? She called , placing her hand on the nob. Are you in there? I'm coming in," she said and opened the door. She looked at the empty room in confusion. "Where did the light come from? And where is Jason?"


"Elsa c'mon, can't this wait? I'm tired," Jason complained when he found himself in Elsa's apartment. Part of her powers is to summon whoever she wants but it doesn't work on all creatures.

"Is the girl at home?"

"Yes, she teleported again," Jason said almost rolling his eyes. He's already tired of being around her.

"Jason, I know she can be a handful but honestly I think you're the key to taming her," Elsa said after noticing his reaction.

"Taming who, Cruella? Jason almost laughed but respected himself. I'd love to see the day that savage witch gets manners," he scoffed

Elsa let out a small chuckle before putting a serious face again. "There's something I need to tell you." She said


Jason appeared back in his room or more like Elsa sent him back to his room. He went straight to his bed to crash but halted when he noticed a small being on it.

"What is wrong with her? Why does she jeep teleporting into my room?" He muttered. He moved closer to the sleeping beauty not knowing what else to do. He watched her sleeping face for a while, her long eyelashes, those cute pointy nose and luscious lips. She wore a black tube with a black bumshort jean, exposing her shoulders, flat tommy and skinny legs.

He sighed and raised the duvet to cover her. He'll be patient with her like Elsa suggested. Maybe one day she'll Chang.  In the process of covering her, his finger grazed her arm, causing her to jolt, wide awake.

"Jason," she called feeling embarrassed. She only wanted to wait for him to come back so she could make peace with him but instead ended up falling asleep on his bed 

"I don't get it, there are many rooms in this house, why do you always sleepwalk to mine!" he complained using sleepwalk instead of teleport because he felt she isn't ready to learn about her powers yet.

"No, I--I didn't sleepwalk here," she defended but he wasn't looking convinced. "Stop glaring at me. I--I only came here to--to apologise but didn't see you, she stuttered but he just rolled his eyes and headed for the door.

"Where are you going?" She asked climbing off the bed 

"Since you love my room so much , I'm giving it to you. I'll just sleep elsewhere," he said opening the door.

"Wait, I.." Cruella couldn't finish her words as he slammed the door shut. "Well I tried," she said, planking herself into the bed. She turned her head , looking for something interesting to kill her boredom. She opened his side drawer and saw a little book in it. She read the cover which had an imprinted Jason on it.

"Hmm this should be interesting," she smiled as she opened the book.