
Before The Clock Strikes Twelve

Cruellla D'vila is a child brought and raised in the human world, living an ordinary life, unaware of her origin and abilities. To everyone, she is destruction. Her existence feared. She wasn't supposed to be born and so her mother had to cast a spell on her. Putting her to sleep for 500 years to protect her from other clans. She  grew up in a small town called Greenville. An average teenager who hated her simple yet complicated life; always getting into trouble, always being bullied in school and expelled whenever she defended herself from the bullies. She wished for a different life and indeed  she got her wish granted the moment she discovered the truth. The simple life she once had was gone and now she faced an even bigger challenge. Now she's at the center of a new foreseen war between the four powerful clans , each fighting for dominance but with Cruella in their way, they must get rid of her to accomplish their agenda. This new life is even worse than her previous normal human lifestyle because now she's struggling to get use to these new powers, this new personality, falling in love with her guardian which is forbidden in their clan and preparing for a war which began even before her birth. But little did she know those are the least of her problems, little did she know her greatest threat hides in the shadows, waiting for the perfect time to strike. Who or what could possibly be her greatest threat? Will she be able to handle all these responsibilities? Or will she run back to the human world to seek refuge?

Catherineajuruchi · Fantaisie
Pas assez d’évaluations
24 Chs

Say it

The door bell rang and she reluctantly left her room to open it. She held the nob for a while, preparing herself to see the poker face Ethan. She finally turned it, pulling the door and gaps on whom she saw.


"Where's Jason?" Maggie asked, inviting herself into the house.

Cruella looked at her intently. She looked really pale, whitish to be precise.

"Maggie are you alright?" Cruella asked but immediately regretted it. Why should she care if she's okay or not? it would be to her advantage if she's not.

"Where Jason?" Maggie asked again ignoring Cruella's question.

"He's not here," Cruella answered rolling her eyes.

"Look here Screwella, I'm not in the mood to play games!" Maggie half yelled grabbing Cruella's shirt by the neck region and supriselly, she raised her up at shoulder length.

Cruella's eye balls almost left their sockets when she looked into Maggie's red eyes. They were--were... red?

"Ma-Maggie?" Cruella stuttered not believing her eyes.

Maggie put her down immediately and covered her head with the hoodie she wore.

"Please Cruella, I--I don't know what's happening to me. I need to speak with Jason, he's my last hope."

Cruella froze not believing her ears . Margret Nicolas is actually being humble to her?

"Nevermind, talking to you is of no use," Maggie said tuning to leave after Cruella's silence.

"Wait," Cruella said finally snapping out of her thoughts. "Jason really isn't here , but I..your eyes, they're not normal." she said with a worried expression.

"I can't explain it myself," Maggie replied, bowing her head.

"Is--Is this the reason you've been missing school?" Cruella asked and she nodded.

"Let me get you a glass of water at least, my mom won't be home tonight, you can maybe stay a little."

Maggie looked up to meet her gaze just to be sure she's really the one talking. She couldn't believe Cruella would actually try to help her in her time of need. Well if she were to be In Cruella's shoes, she wouldn't dare help a girl who bullied her .

"Why are you looking at me that way ?" Cruella asked a bit confused and afraid.

"I..you would help me? After--after all I did?"

"Well Maggie, if there's something I've learnt is that we gotta be better than our haters."

"I don't hate you, I never did." Maggie muttered.

"Then , why did you always bully me?"

"Cause, I've always envied you. You're prettier, smarter and I just...I'm sorry, feel ashamed of myself."

"Well it's fine. I'm also sorry for breaking your bones," Cruella joked and they both laughed.

"Yeah that's some strong kick you've got there," Maggie said sitting on the couch.

"You hungry?" Cruella asked, searching the fridge for some left overs fries.

"A little, so does this mean we are friends now?"

"I don't know are we?" Cruella asked handing Maggie a plate of fries.

"I guess we are."

(Somewhere outside Greenville)

Jason sat on a rock , his hands tugging at his hair. He kept thinking about the condition Daven gave him. He also remembered what Elsa told him before.

If he should go ahead with Daven's conditions, then that means what Elsa said about Palena's vision would definitely come to pass.

Maybe he should just give up and let Ethan be Cruella's guardian. Maybe he should just accept his new fate.

"Well if it isn't the legendary Jason Star," he heard a mocking voice...a familiar one and he stood up immediately , balling his fists.

"What? Your gonna hit me? I told you I would top you Jason. Just because your father is great doesn't mean you are. I've always been better than you and now I'm gonna be making my legacy thanks to your failure," Ethan boasted causing Jason to release  his fist. What Ethan said is true, he really messed up this time but he can't let his father's legacy go to dust because of a careless mistake. He would have to accept Daven's condition.

"Don't worry, I do have you to thank for my success and I'll make sure to give you the credit. Now If you excuse me, i have an Irish to babysit," he said and disappeared before Jason could say anything.

Jason let out a light chuckle. He knew Cruella Would definitely give him though time.

"Goodluck Ethan, I hope you survive tonight," he said and chanted a spell causing him to disappear as well.

(Black forest )

"Are you sure about this? You are altering several possible happy features to come." Daven asked for the third time.

"I'm sure Daven, I take full responsibility for whatever's to come." Jason said carrying a determined look.

"Fine then. You know what to do, break one bond by creating another but it must be with a powerful being and so far Cruella is the one available."

"I'm fully aware." Jason said although he knew it would almost be impossible. Now, he had to prepare for two things.

Firstly is he had to get passed Ethan and

secondly, he had to prepare to explain everything to her and he wasn't sure if she's ready to learn the truth


Maggie and Cruella sat on the couch watching TV. Maggie had popcorn on her laps which Cruella would take now and then.

As weird as this seemed, she enjoyed having a girl her age to spend time with.

Being an only child sucks at times. She looked at Cruella whose attention remained focused on the TV. She's actually not so bad to hang out with. The movie came to an end and so did the popcorn.

"Well I guess this means it's betime," Cruella said turning off the TV.

"I need to take a bath," Maggie said with pleading eyes.

"Go ahead I'll clean up here , use any room except that on the west side, that's my mom's," Cruella instructed.

"Okay," Maggie said , heading upstairs.

Cruella dusted the couch and removed the fries plates, locked the backdoor and was about locking the front when she heard a knock.

She checked the time and frowned. Who could be knocking by this time. She peeped through the peep hole and frowned even harder upon seeing the poker face Ethan. She opened the door reluctantly with a why are you here look.

"Your mom asked me to come watch you." he said not giving off any expression on his face.

"That was hours ago, it's almost 10:50."

"I got held up, can I come in or not?" he asked almost rolling his eyes.

"Rude," Cruella muttered while opening the door.

She locked it after he had entered.

"I don't know about you but I'm going to bed," she said rolling her eyes. He's presence alone irritates her.

"You're not gonna give me water at least?"

"Water's in the fridge and You're sleeping on the couch," she said coldly, turning made to leave.

"Wait I thought Jason had his own room?"

"Exactly, you're not Jason and you never will be!" She snapped, storming out before he could say anything else.

Ethan sighed, falling on the couch. What was he expecting? A warm welcome? DEFINITELY not.

Just then Maggie came down to get a glass of water and froze when she saw Ethan. His gaze trailed down her body.

She wore the sleeveless nightgown Cruella lent her which stopped 2 inches above her knee , exposing her smooth skinny thighs.

"Who are you?" Maggie asked a bit panicked by the way he looked at her.

Ethan shook his head getting rid of the dirty thoughts that surfaced just by looking at her.

"I'm Ethan and you?" he asked carrying his normal poker face again.


Cruella couldn't sleep.

She shut her eyes tight, trying to force it to come but she couldn't.

She kept thinking of Maggie's eyes. They really bordered her. What could possibly be wrong with her? What bothered her most was the strength she possessed. Maybe the crazy lady would know what is happening to her. She would take Maggie there tomorrow. Her thoughts drifted to Jason, She couldn't understand why she kept thinking about him. She shut her eyes again trying to force sleep once more but didn't succeed so got off the bed, walked to the window and opened it . Maybe fresh air might help.

She looked up at the night sky, the arrangements of the stars is indeed a beautiful sight.

"Beautiful right?" She heard a familiar voice and gasped.

"Jason?" She called to be sure.

"Miss me?" He asked with a smile.

Cruella rushed him immediately, engaging him in a tight bear  hug. She had no idea why she did that but it felt right. Jason froze a bit before hugging her back.

"I didn't know you missed me that much, are you starting to like me already?" He teased causing her to pull away immediately.

"Of course not.. i can't like someone as annoying as you," she scoffed.

Jason's gaze fell on her body as she said this. She wore a pink baggy PJ trousers and pink shirt but still looked cute in them.

"Really?" He smirked , taking forward steps which made her step back.

"What are you..what are you doing?" she stuttered.

"I don't know, what do you think I'm doing?" Jason said seductively, pinning her to the wall.

His gaze fell on her luscious lips.

He remembered what Elsa said about Palena's vision and what Daven said. Who knows maybe Palena's wrong and besides, he's always wanted to taste those tempting luscious lips of hers. Cruella shut her eyes as he leaned closer. She knew she should push him away but she just couldn't. Jason stopped an inch before their lips could touch.

"I thought you said you can't like someone as annoying as I am? But you would let me kiss you?" He asked carrying a smirk, causing her to open her eyes.

Her gaze fell on in his on his lips immediately . She suddenly felt an urge to kiss him, to know what his lips taste like, to know how soft his lips are and supriselly to them both, she leaned in closer but Jason put his index finger on her lips stopping her.

She looked at him questionably with a light frown.

"I want to hear you say it first," he whispered into her ear. His hot breath on her skin sent a new kind of sensation down her spine.

"S-Say what?" She stuttered. Her eyes still on his lips even though his finger blocked it a little.

"That you want me to kiss you, I want to hear it first," Jason said as he slowly grazed his lips on the tip of her pinna and then down to her neck, earning a soft but quick gaps.

"I--I," Cruella couldn't form any words as he started sucking on her neck. Nibbling, bitting slightly and teasing her on that sensitive spot.

"Ja--Jason," She moaned unknowingly, covering her mouth immediately.

Jason chuckled, removing her hand from her mouth.

His gaze now on her lips. He was about leaning closer when they both heard a Knock on the door causing them both to divert their gaze.

"Cruella, are you sleeping already?" Maggie asked knocking slightly again.

Cruella shifted her gaze to look at Jason but he..he wasn't there anymore.

Where did he go?
