
Before The Clock Strikes Twelve

Cruellla D'vila is a child brought and raised in the human world, living an ordinary life, unaware of her origin and abilities. To everyone, she is destruction. Her existence feared. She wasn't supposed to be born and so her mother had to cast a spell on her. Putting her to sleep for 500 years to protect her from other clans. She  grew up in a small town called Greenville. An average teenager who hated her simple yet complicated life; always getting into trouble, always being bullied in school and expelled whenever she defended herself from the bullies. She wished for a different life and indeed  she got her wish granted the moment she discovered the truth. The simple life she once had was gone and now she faced an even bigger challenge. Now she's at the center of a new foreseen war between the four powerful clans , each fighting for dominance but with Cruella in their way, they must get rid of her to accomplish their agenda. This new life is even worse than her previous normal human lifestyle because now she's struggling to get use to these new powers, this new personality, falling in love with her guardian which is forbidden in their clan and preparing for a war which began even before her birth. But little did she know those are the least of her problems, little did she know her greatest threat hides in the shadows, waiting for the perfect time to strike. Who or what could possibly be her greatest threat? Will she be able to handle all these responsibilities? Or will she run back to the human world to seek refuge?

Catherineajuruchi · Fantaisie
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24 Chs


"Jas-Jason?" Cruella stuttered blinking several times to confirm if she's seeing clearly

"What? you're not happy to see me?" he asked and she noticed a millisecond frown.

"What are you doing in my room Jason? How did you even get in?"

"Same way I did the last time," he winked causing her cheeks to burn.

"So it was real, i wasn't imagining anything," she said within.

Jason got up from the bed, taking slow steps closer to her. She stood still unable to move, like she's been glued to the spot. He stopped an inch away, running his hand through her thick hair, lifting up a strand and frowning a bit.

"Black? I never knew you had black hair." He said causing her to gain control of her body. She slapped his hand off , walking past him to the bed table to pick up the blue bottle containing the dye she needed .

"Look Jason, I don't know what the heck is going on but right now I need to take a shower." She said opening the door for him to leave.

"I can't leave , we need to talk."

"Whatever it is can wait Jason, just go already," She was beginning to feel uncomfortable around him because of their last almost intimate encounter. Jason sighed , turning towards the opposite direction.

"Where are you going? I asked you to leave ," She repeated

"That's what I'm doing, just call my name when you're ready," he said and chanted something causing him to vanish into thin air.

Cruella kept staring at the same spot unable to believe what just happened. She immediately rushed into the bathroom to finish cleaning up. Now more than ever she needs to see Elsa. She can't be hallucinating to this extent. She can't be going crazy at this age.. "wait how old I'm I?" She asked no one.


"So you're saying that Jason is some kind of vampire dude or something?" Maggie asked with kin interest. Everything Ethan told her seems unbelievable and crazy but remembering the blood case made her have a little believe in it.

"He's not a vampire. He's a guardian and so are you now."

"What's the difference between vampires and guardians if they both drink human blood?" Maggie asked.

"Vampires don't just drink human blood, they posses super speed, super vision, hearing and super reflexes."

"So? Jason doesn't have all these?"

"We guardians posses little vampire characteristics and other gifts." Ethan said like he is getting bored of answering questions.

"What other gifts?" Maggie asked just like he expected.

"We posses witch and demonic powers as well and we don't have superspeed, well some of us. We don't have super vision and we don't really need human blood like that. We can stay for weeks without human blood and still be strong enough to go to war but once we get angry or go mad, we crave for human blood like our lives depend on it."

Maggie nodded even though she still didn't believe supernatural beings exists. She's read about it on fantasy novels but nothing about an Irish or guardian or any of the supernatural clans he mentioned, she was just enjoying his company at that moment. Her eyes trailed down to his hand.

"Are you okay?" She asked in a worried tone.

"This? it's normal, I've trained several guardians and I've gotten much worse injuries."

"Did-did I really do that? How is it po-possible?"She stuttered.

"It's possible with fangs, which you have now."

"I don't have any fangs." She said with a frown. Ethan rolled his eyes, obviously feeling exhausted.

"I would love to prove you wrong but my arm still hurt," he said and she smiled a bit. "Why are you smiling?" He asked not showing any expression as usual.

"You know Ethan, you're not so bad, if not for your poker face," she joked but he didn't smile or even act like what she said had any impact on him. He sensed something or rather someone, causing a slight frown to crept up his face.

"Hey I didn't mean it like.." Maggie got cut off by Ethan's hand. "What's wrong?" she asked.

"There's someone in this house." he replied sharply.

"Who else if not Cruella or Mrs D'vila?"

"Stay quiet and stay here," he ordered before teleporting to the living room. He looked around the empty room and frowned.

"Show yourself!" he half yelled and almost immediately a black shadow-like mist began forming something or probably someone on the couch but Ethan remained unmoved as he knew who it is. The mist slowly formed a touchable figure on black hoodie robe.

"My my Ethan, you've grown so big, how long has it been?" Azula smiled underneath the hoodie covering her face .

"What are you doing here Azula?"

"I've come for the Irish, not you,"she said calmly.

"You know I can't let you have her, tell Zia I said hi,* he smirked and turned his back to leave.

"Clever guy but not smart enough, I'll give Zia your message," she smirked and disappeared into dust.



Cruella laid on the bed pressing her phone. Today's gonna be a long day anyways. She tried placing a call to her mom but it didn't go through. She let out a weak sigh and decided to call for Jason, she can't avoid him forever anyways.

"Jason?" she called and looked around to see if he'll appear. "Just call my name if you're ready," she mimicked with a scoff.

"Jason," she called again and a shadow started forming in front of her. She waited patiently thinking it's Jason. The shadow formed a woman on a black hoodie robe , causing Cruella to frown a bit, looking confused.

"Who the hell are you?"she asked, crossing her arms on her chest. Azula looked at her with an evil smirk.

"If you want to live, come with me," she said stretching her hand out to Cruella.

"And why should I trust you? Your attire alone reeks of evil."

"If you want to live Irish, take my hand," Azula repeated again this time in a deeper tone. Cruella frowned and was about saying something when someone or something else appeared in her room. It first formed a small spider then it started growing bigger and bigger until Cruella could swear she saw a human face on its body, serving as the head. Frightened to the bone, she took Azula's hand and they disappeared instantly. The Ripper, which is the name of the creature, also disappeared with them. Unknown to poor Cruella, the Ripper is Azula's pet. It feeds on power and kills whomever it drains.


The moment Azula disappeared from the couch, Ethan rushed to Cruella's room and she was gone

"Damn it! How could I have forgotten Azula's ability to multiply!" he yelled at himself. He totally fell for her trick, she was merely distracting him in the living room while her main agenda was going on here. He went back to Maggie's room to make sure she's alright but she was also gone.

"Where the hell did she go?"



"Jason"  Maggie said surprised to see him. The Mate mark had signaled Jason that she's in trouble and as much as he tried to rescue Cruella first, the bond was too strong to resist. He quietly carried her off the bed, teleporting her to Elsa's home. it's the only place the Grutina's can't invade.

"You'll be safe here," he said and made to leave but Maggie held him back.

"I--i know about  your abilities..I know that you marked me and that's why you came to save me right?" Maggie rushed her words. She knew Jason wanted to save Cruella so badly but couldn't because of the mark that brought him to her instead and she was actually happy. She was happy that she won't have to try to get him to notice her anymore. She was happy that he's finally hers and she's never gonna let that change. Jason simply nodded and made to leave but she held him back again.

"Don't go please, stay with me. I don't know where I am." She said looking intently at his face and trying so hard to meet his gaze but Jason was trying his best not to make any eye contact with her. The mating mark is a very powerful marking that bonds supernatural beings. It's very irresistible especially when your together with the person.

"I need to help Cruella, she's in danger." he said weakly. Resisting the bond is draining him, making him weak by the minute.

"She has Ethan now and you have me." Maggie said clutching onto his shirt harder. Little did she know the level of anger Jason felt by her words. He hated the idea of trusting Cruella's safety to Ethan.Yes Ethan is powerful and going to keep her safe but he rather be the one to protect her. A part of him is already addicted to her but the only problem is this stupid mate mark and the stubborn Irish won't even let him explain so he can break this bond before it's too late.

"Jason, I can see you brought a guest." Elsa's voice interrupted him from his thoughts.

"Keep her safe Elsa, Cruella is in danger," he said and disappeared instantly before anyone could say anything. Maggie looked at the woman infront of her.

"Elsa?" she repeated her name after hearing Jason call it.

"Yes , that's my name. Can I get you anything?" Elsa asked nicely.

"Water please," Maggie said and Elsa left immediately to get it.

Elsa, she looks really familiar. Maggie said within.



"Where the hell did she go?" Ethan thought as he made to exit the room but stopped in his track as he spotted Jason , glaring at him.

"Where is she!" Jason's angry voice filled the room. Ethan knew he is asking of Cruella. it's obvious now that he had taken Maggie away.

"I'm not going to ask you again Ethan! Where is Cruella!" Jason yelled.

"She's gone!" Azula has her, Ethan replied tugging his hair a bit.

"You fucking bastard! How could you have let this happen!" Jason yelled sending a heavy punch at Ethan which was too quick to dodge.

"Where is she?" A female voice asked before Ethan could reciprocate the punch.

"Nila!" They both chorused, eyes widened.

"Where's my daughter? Where's Cruella?"