
Before The Clock Strikes Twelve

Cruellla D'vila is a child brought and raised in the human world, living an ordinary life, unaware of her origin and abilities. To everyone, she is destruction. Her existence feared. She wasn't supposed to be born and so her mother had to cast a spell on her. Putting her to sleep for 500 years to protect her from other clans. She  grew up in a small town called Greenville. An average teenager who hated her simple yet complicated life; always getting into trouble, always being bullied in school and expelled whenever she defended herself from the bullies. She wished for a different life and indeed  she got her wish granted the moment she discovered the truth. The simple life she once had was gone and now she faced an even bigger challenge. Now she's at the center of a new foreseen war between the four powerful clans , each fighting for dominance but with Cruella in their way, they must get rid of her to accomplish their agenda. This new life is even worse than her previous normal human lifestyle because now she's struggling to get use to these new powers, this new personality, falling in love with her guardian which is forbidden in their clan and preparing for a war which began even before her birth. But little did she know those are the least of her problems, little did she know her greatest threat hides in the shadows, waiting for the perfect time to strike. Who or what could possibly be her greatest threat? Will she be able to handle all these responsibilities? Or will she run back to the human world to seek refuge?

Catherineajuruchi · Fantaisie
Pas assez d’évaluations
24 Chs

Mr arrogant

"No way!" They yelled simultaneously.

"Yes way," Bradson said, handing her a piece of paper. "That is your code of conduct from now on miss Cruella, break that and it's sweet detension for you."

"What is sweet about detension?" she asked rolling her eyes.

"Sir there must be a mistake, this can't be her? This savage red-haired animal can't possibly be the girl you were talking about," Jason pleaded even though he knew the answer.

"Jason, I'm counting on you on this one, don't let me down," Bradson said ignoring his question.

"Yes sir." he replied and walked out of the office. Cruella looked at the paper and frowned even more. 

"What kind of sick ass code of conduct is this!" she half yelled.

"Language miss Cruella and you are to study that , now please leave my office."he ordered and she stormed out of the office. She bumped into Melissa while rushing out and the paper fell. Melissa immediately picked it up , glancing through it before Cruella snatched it back.

"It's good to know you won't be allowed to fight anymore, I might as well use that to my advantage." she scoffed

"I might not be allowed to fight but  I won't think twice about beating you up if you cross my path, maybe you can join Maggie on her bed if you like". Cruella fired back and walked off carrying a victorious smirk as she was sure she left Melissa in a frightened state.

"Hey Ella." Pedro called approaching her

"Pedro." she said not sparing him a glance.

"So ,you should be happy you weren't expelled." he said nudging her a bit.

"What's exciting about that when my social life here has been restricted." she complained

"At least be thankful,anyways I was wondering, I got two tickets to Camilla Cabelo's performance for this Saturday.Wanna come?"

"I would have loved to escape a bit but unfortunately I'm supposed to have a lesson class with Mr arrogant," she rolled her eyes.

"Who is Mr arrogant?" Pedro asked frowning a bit.

"Oh no one important, just some random being." she replied.

"Random being huh? This random being can get you to detension at his wish!" She heard his annoying but charming voice and froze. Pedro diverted his gaze from Cruella to the person standing at her back. He widened his eyes as he saw the handsome young man behind her. He couldn't believe his eyes. How can a guy look this breathtaking? His futures were perfectly sculpted and he almost druled over him but he shook his head and snapped out of his daze, surprised by his action. At this rate , there's no telling he has no chance now in getting Cruella. This guy is way more handsome than he is and Cruella will definitely fall for him. Devastated, he left them both to their argument.


"I don't need a tutor, I'm already smart." Cruella complained in the empty class they stayed in to study.

"That's for me to decide red haired, now solve this and stop whining like a mouse" Jason said in frustration. He couldn't believe someone this pretty can be so annoying. He hasn't even started yet and it feels like he can't take it anymore. He just hoped that underneath this bag of annoyance, she's really whom they say she is. He really hoped that she's really the last Irish.



"So you had to follow me home as well!" Cruella yelled as she rang the doorbell more than she's supposed to. She knew someone already heard her the first time but part of her was taking out her anger on the doorbell.

"Do you think I want to stay with you? The last thing I want to do is spend another minute with you.I'm just doing this for the money."Jason lied

"Really, how much are they paying you? I'll pay you double to leave me alone forever!" Cruella yelled still pressing the doorbell aggressively.

"Cut it out you witch!" Jason snapped, grabbing her hands and holding them tight against his chest.Their gaze locked instantly, both unable to look away. Jason could notice a glimpse of Grey reflected lights , emitting from her pupils. She's indeed an Irish.He just needs to tame her before her powers start popping up to the surface.

Cruella on the other hand was lost staring at Jason. He's features were just too perfect for a normal being. Where did Mr Bradson find this male witch? she thought as she continued burying her gaze with his. The door opened and Nila gasped at the welcoming scene before her. Jason immediately let go of Cruella and cleared his throat.

"Good day ma'am, my name is.."

"Jason Star, I know." Nila cut in. Bradson already told her about Jason staying over to guide Cruella especially when her powers start showing off.

"Oh, may I come in?" he asked but Nila's gaze diverted to Cruella who seems lost in thoughts.

"Cruella?" Nila called a bit worried.

"Witch," Cruella responded to no one.

"Huh?" Nila said in confusion

"That explains it all,he's a witch.That's why he seems so perfect." She scoffed and glared at Jason 

"Whoa whoa whoa red haired I'm not a witch, now you can stand here all day or come in, I don't give a damn," he said and entered the house. Cruella followed reluctantly, she still didn't like the idea of him staying with them. A confused Nila gently closed the door and headed for the kitchen. She had maids to do the cooking but she prefered cooking for her children herself.


Cruella relaxed her tensed body in the warm bathtub water. She always felt calm and at peace after every afternoon bath. She rested her head on the header , shutting her eyes a bit to meditate. She felt  like she's floating on air and a smile creeped up her face. But it didn't last long as Jason's image appeared in her mind, making her force her eyes open in annoyance.

"Why the hell I'm i thinking of that witch!"


(Dinner time)

Nila, Cruella and Jason sat on the dining table, silently consuming the delicious meal prepared by Nila.

Xavier, Cruella's brother traveled overseas to further his education. His life is normal so he has nothing to worry about. He doesn't even know whether supernatural exists or not but his mom always told him stories about them and even went as far as telling him his sister is one but he payed a deaf ear on this.

"This food is really tasty Mrs D'vila." Jason complimented.

"While thank you, this use to be my son's favorite meal." She responded cheerfully.

"Really, where is he now?." Jason asked politely

"He's overseas." She replied smiling at him.

Cruella silently took out her anger on the food. First he's staying with us and now he's actually taking the attention of mom, I'm I invincible or what!. she fumned within.

"Cruella are you okay?" Nila asked as she noticed the way Cruella angrily chopped her meat.

"I'm fine mom, so glad you finally noticed me." She scoffed.

"Hey what are you saying honey?" Nila asked a bit confused.

"You know what, forget it.I've lost my appetite." She said standing up immediately and running off to her room before anyone could stop her.

Nila looked at Jason who gave a "don't look at me, I didn't do anything" look. Nila sighed, taking a plate of meatball and heading to Cruella's room.

"Honey open up , it's mom." she said sweetly. Cruella tucked herself more in her bed. For some reason she felt angry but didn't know why.

"Cruella, this delicious plate of meatball won't eat themselves." Nila said trying to pull her gluttony to open the door and it worked. Cruella immediately grabbed the plate and ran back to her bed.

Nila chuckled and closed the door behind her. "You know for someone who's not hungry, you eat quite opposite." She teased.

"I just love meatballs." Cruella defended.

"Alright, so can you tell me what happened at the diner? "

Cruella dropped the almost empty plate on the bed and faced her mom.

"I'm sorry mom, that was a childish thing to do." she said and Nila smiled.

"Finish up and get ready for bed." she said pecking her cheek.


Cruella furrowed her brows with her eyes shut. She had a killer migraine which prevented her from sleeping.

What annoyed her most is the fact that Jason's image kept popping into her mind.

She tried to concentrate and sleep but ended up seeing him again.

She opened her eyes frustrated but found herself in a different room.

She slowly turned and screamed when she saw Jason beside her.

He also jumped off the bed in shock.

"What are you doing in my room!" she yelled. "Your room? This is my room you loud mouth!" Jason yelled back.

Cruella kept mute as she remembered this room is entirely different from hers but how did she get here?.

Her migraine came again and she held her head , it felt like her head isn't part of her body. Jason immediately moved to her and placed a hand on her head which she felt too weak to hit off.

"You're burning up, hold on." He said, entering into the bathroom and coming out seconds later with a bowl of water and a dry face towel. Cruella glared at him as he came closer but he ignored her and forced her to lay on the bed. He soaked the towel in the bowl and gently placed in on her head. He noticed it helped a bit as her body settled down but the towel became hot in an instant. He removed it and dipped it back into the bowl.

"This won't do." he thought as he looked at her pain filled face. Her eyes were shut tight and he could only imagine the pain she's going through. "She must have teleported here, but why my room?." he asked himself.

At least he knows one of her powers now.

He dipped his hand into the bowl causing a mist to come out of it, making the water as cold as ice. He placed the towel back on her head and this time, it didn't change temperature.He stood up , tucking her well in bed and was about moving away when she grabbed his hand.

"Jason, stay." she said with her eyes shut.He froze and looked at her.

This is the first time she's calling him by his name. Her hands were still holding him  tight so he had no choice than to lay on the bed with her .