
Before The Clock Strikes Twelve

Cruellla D'vila is a child brought and raised in the human world, living an ordinary life, unaware of her origin and abilities. To everyone, she is destruction. Her existence feared. She wasn't supposed to be born and so her mother had to cast a spell on her. Putting her to sleep for 500 years to protect her from other clans. She  grew up in a small town called Greenville. An average teenager who hated her simple yet complicated life; always getting into trouble, always being bullied in school and expelled whenever she defended herself from the bullies. She wished for a different life and indeed  she got her wish granted the moment she discovered the truth. The simple life she once had was gone and now she faced an even bigger challenge. Now she's at the center of a new foreseen war between the four powerful clans , each fighting for dominance but with Cruella in their way, they must get rid of her to accomplish their agenda. This new life is even worse than her previous normal human lifestyle because now she's struggling to get use to these new powers, this new personality, falling in love with her guardian which is forbidden in their clan and preparing for a war which began even before her birth. But little did she know those are the least of her problems, little did she know her greatest threat hides in the shadows, waiting for the perfect time to strike. Who or what could possibly be her greatest threat? Will she be able to handle all these responsibilities? Or will she run back to the human world to seek refuge?

Catherineajuruchi · Fantaisie
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24 Chs

Friends with Maggie

"Cruella, what are you doing?" Maggie asked looking confused. She opened the door only to find Cruella at the wall looking like she's seen a ghost.

"I--I," Cruella fought for words but just couldn't say anything. Where did Jason go? She knew very well that this wasn't an hallucination, she really saw him, he really touched her so...where no how did he..

"Cruella?," Maggie called snapping her out of her thoughts.

"Do you need something?" Cruella asked shaking her head. She didn't want Maggie to think she's crazy.

"Actually yes. Who's the guy on the couch?"

Cruella frowned upon remembering the poker face Ethan.

"He's no one, just ignore him,"she muttered laying on the bed but Maggie gave her an I'm serious look , causing her to yield.

"Fine, he's Ethan, my new guardian."

"Why do you need a guardian?"

"Why else? To keep me out of trouble." Cruella sighed.

"I think he's cute," Maggie said winking at her.

"Look Maggie, I'm really not in the mood, I need to sleep."

"Fine I'm leaving, you don't have to be rude about it," she said with a frown as she exited the room.

Cruella fell back on the bed with a smile on her face. A part of her knew she didn't imagine this while the recessive part told her it's her imagination. It felt so real to be imaginary. Maybe she should listen to Elsa AKA crazy lady, maybe magic really exits. Cuddled up in her thoughts, she slowly drifted off to sleep.


Maggie shut her eyes tight, trying to control the disturbing urge to eat. She knew it isn't normal, she really wished she knew what was happening to her. She opened her eyes and looked at the bed clock. it's midnight already and she's still awake.

She turned to a other side of the bed but froze when she saw a shadow standing close to the bed. Her first instinct was to scream but she refrained from doing that.

"Wh-who are you?" She stuttered, reaching for the light switch.

"You need to feed." She heard the familiar voice of the guy on the couch. She jolted, turning on the light immediately and she was right. He stood there with his poker face, not moved by her reaction.

"Ho-how did you get into my room?"

"You need to feed," he said again ignoring her question. Well he's right anyways. She felt so hungry and she couldn't explain it. She already had dinner so why this?

"You need blood not human food." He added, causing her to glare at him.

"Are you crazy? How can I drink blood?"

"You need blood or you might die from starvation. You're still new to this so the least I can do is guide you." He said still carrying an expressionless face.

"Get out of my room! You're not making sense!." Maggie half yelled but only Ethan shook his head almost rolling his eyes. Newbies are always stubborn. He stretched his hand to her clear view, took a pin and pierced himself. Blood trailed from the pierced area, slowly dropping on the floor, causing Maggie to involuntarily salivate on the sight. She wasn't thinking straight anymore, all she wanted was to have a taste of that blood. Ethan noticed his theory had worked so he came closer , stretching his hand for her.

"Go on, drink," he urged her and without even knowing how, Maggie pulled his hand closer to her mouth, sucking on it like her life depends on it. She pulled him on the bed for better comfort and further burried her fang which she didn't even realized are out yet into his flesh.


Cruella woke up to the ray of the sun on her face.

It's a Sunday thankfully so no school today. She got off the bed and headed straight to the bathroom. She might as well take her time here. "Mom will be back by noon today and Maggie would be gone by then. I would take her to the crazy..I mean to Elsa to find out what's wrong with her." she muttered. She took a toothbrush, put paste on it and brushed her teeth, after which she glanced at the mirror and frowned. Her pupils were becoming more gray each passing day. And there is a strand of black on her red hair she purposely dyed her hair red for many reasons. But it keeps changing back. She groaned and got out of the bathroom to get a dye but froze upon entering her room.

"So your friends with Maggie now, that's nice." Jason said comfortably sitting on her bed.

"Jas-Jason?" Cruella stuttered blinking several times to confirm if she's seeing clearly.


Maggie slowly opened her eyes feeling much better.

Though she had the craziest dream of her drinking blood from that Ethan guy. Maybe she should see a psychiatrist.

"So you're Jason's mate huh? He couldn't even care to feed you, what a jerk." Ethan scoffed, causing Maggie to jerk up from the bed fully realising her dream wasn't a dream. She looked at the bed and saw the blood stain. She also looked at his hand and saw he had wrapped it up.

Did she really drink his blood? And what's this about being Jason's mate?


"Is it time?"

"Almost my dear, don't worry you'll soon be reunited with your sister."

"Finally, it's been  way too long. I'm gonna make mother pay for keeping us apart."

Estella said with a determined look on her face. She's waited so 5 centuries and finally the time is near. She can't wait to meet her twin sister...Cruella.