
Before The Clock Strikes Twelve

Cruellla D'vila is a child brought and raised in the human world, living an ordinary life, unaware of her origin and abilities. To everyone, she is destruction. Her existence feared. She wasn't supposed to be born and so her mother had to cast a spell on her. Putting her to sleep for 500 years to protect her from other clans. She  grew up in a small town called Greenville. An average teenager who hated her simple yet complicated life; always getting into trouble, always being bullied in school and expelled whenever she defended herself from the bullies. She wished for a different life and indeed  she got her wish granted the moment she discovered the truth. The simple life she once had was gone and now she faced an even bigger challenge. Now she's at the center of a new foreseen war between the four powerful clans , each fighting for dominance but with Cruella in their way, they must get rid of her to accomplish their agenda. This new life is even worse than her previous normal human lifestyle because now she's struggling to get use to these new powers, this new personality, falling in love with her guardian which is forbidden in their clan and preparing for a war which began even before her birth. But little did she know those are the least of her problems, little did she know her greatest threat hides in the shadows, waiting for the perfect time to strike. Who or what could possibly be her greatest threat? Will she be able to handle all these responsibilities? Or will she run back to the human world to seek refuge?

Catherineajuruchi · Fantaisie
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24 Chs

Erotic thoughts

Cruella shook her head to get any disturbing thought out before dragging Ethan up.

She paused at the door nob before hesitantly pushing it open.

"Go on," she said gesturing for him to enter first which he obeyed without hesitation.

"So red moon's day is tomorrow? Are you prepared?" He asked the moment she closed the door.

"I don't even know what red moon's day is," came her reply, causing his eyes to widen a bit before going back to it's expressionless form.

"Cruella, I know you don't like me much because you feel I'm trying to replace Jason but.." he trailed off when she brought out the white cloth from her bag, unwrapping it for him to see.

"What I'm I suppose to do with this?" She asked showing him the dagger. She knew what he wanted to say but didn't feel like talking about Jason. He's now her past no matter how hard it is to believe and there's nothing she can do to bring him back. He saved her life and she'll forever be grateful but for now she rather focus on what's at hand...this so called red moon's day.

"That's a Ripper's dagger, kills on contact. Where did you get that?" Ethan asked scrutinizing the dagger. Yes it's a Ripper's dagger but something about it is a bit off.

"Da..a friend of mine gave it to me for tomorrow, so what's going to happen tomorrow?" She asked placing the dagger on her dressing table.

"Tomorrow as you know is red moon's day, an event that happens once every two millennium. A time when the moon's brightness is lost, supernaturals loose their powers for that 8 hours of the red moon night and are made to fight Rippers like humans. It used to be a test of strength but with time the rules changed. Magic schools turned it into some kind of sports competition amongst themselves to avoid anyone getting hurt. They set up all kind of supernatural to do list for teams to accomplish before the clock strikes twelve. After midnight, the winning team then gets to fight the Ripper. Each team would bring out their best teammate to represent them..."

"What happens when the teammate loses?" Cruella cut him off. She remembered that Jason got killed by a Ripper so it would be stupid to make students fight that awful creature. Would she really have to do that? What if it kills her too? What if...

"Then he will be striped of his powers and cast into the human world, to exit as a human and die as one too." Ethan's straightforwardness made Cruella's heartbeat quicken. She actually thought since it's now a school competition that the consequences of loosing would probably be something school related but getting stripped of ones powers isn't something she was looking forward to. She's heard of some power stripping rituals being performed on notorious beings and it was indeed a painful experience.

Why would they put such cruel purnishment just because of some dumb competition? It doesn't make sense at all.

"Cruella? Hey!" Ethan called snapping his fingers to wake her up from her daydream.

"I-I am not going, I can't." she shivered, covering the dagger with the cloth.

Ethan who's been a stationary machine all these while finally moved from the wall, closer to her bedside where she sat, shivering like a wet chicken.

"You don't need to be afraid of fighting a Ripper Cruella, they are not hard to kill." he said but only earned himself a hard glare.

"Not hard to kill?" she repeated his words or more like turned it into a question. "This so called not hard to kill creatures killed Jason!" She snapped, rising from the bed but that was an error on her part because she was now an inch away from him. They've never been this close before, seeing him from this angle was an eye opener on just how beautiful this man is. Yes beautiful, she couldn't use the word handsome because his looks didn't fit that category.

She couldn't understand why at this critical moment she could still let herself be swayed by the charms of a man even when he wasn't making any seductions at her. Is it because she is the only 500 year old being that hasn't experienced the sensual pleasures which everyone below her age found not to be new to them?

"Jason's case is different but I can teach you if you want," he said still maintaining his poker gaze.

Cruella didn't immediately register what he said because her mind still strayed a bit but after a while she finally came back to earth, clearing her throat to suppress this uncomfortable feeling that began to rise within her.

"Its already too late to do so, I mean I have less than 8 hours to get some rest." she said trying to maintain her cool.

"Its not too late, trust me." he said stretching his hand out. Cruella's first instinct was to place her hand on his but later realized he wasn't stretching his hand to her but at the direction of the dagger. She almost face palmed herself for going that far in her thoughts. Letting out a sigh, she handed him the dagger and he unwrapped it again, scrutinizing the metallic structure and carvings on the dagger.

"Come," he said leading her to the room's balcony. He examined the place and a satisfied smile which vanished after a millisecond settled on his face as he confirmed the balcony big enough for their practice.

"Whoever gave you this had a reason so the least I can do is to at least teach you how to use it." he said handing the dagger to her while getting behind her to guide her hold on it.

Cruella's body stilled the moment their bodies touched. He stretched his hands and covered hers in an attempt to guide her on how to hold the dagger properly, little did he know the effect it had on Cruella.

She felt like a warm blanket had been put over her from behind to further warm her already warm insides. She wasn't even paying attention to what he was currently showing her anymore. Her mind has drifted and images of all possible pleasurable realities were displayed before her. She began to imagine how it would feel to actually be in his embrace and not just during training but on a non official occasion. What it would feel like to have his warmth not only on her back but front as well, how his soft hands would feel on her bare skin.

Ethan whispered close to her ears as he further guided her holds on the dagger but the moment his hot breath touched her skin, Cruella subconsciously let out an erotic sigh causing Ethan to pull away immediately, confusion written all over his face.

Cruella remained in the position he left her the moment she realized what she did. She didn't feel happy as the warm blanket had been lifted off her back and now replaced by the cool breeze but that wasn't what bordered her, she...did she just, oh god! Her cheeks burned as she slowly turned to meet his questioning gaze.

"I..I'm sorry.." she said feeling so embarrassed especially with the way he looked at her. It would be better if he just put up his poker face now, at least that would help her forget what she just did now but no..he kept looking at her with that undescribable gaze. "I think..I think I'll be best if we just skip the training. I know you're trying to help me but I can't just make myself face a Ripper, those creatures terrify me," Cruella rushed her words, trying to distract herself from this embarrassing moment.

Ethan only nodded, heading back to the room without saying anything which only made her feel worse. She shook her head before going back to the room as well, only to see him sitting on her reading table, flipping through some of her school books. She chuckled within at how cute he looked at that position...wait cute! Ethan! What is wrong with her?

She immediately rushed into the bathroom before he could turn to catch her staring at him.

Running her hands through her thick black hair, she turned on the shower... wait black hair? It's just now it dawned on her that her hair isn't red anymore...she completely forgot about that.

Leaving the bathtub, she stood infront of the mirror, looking at her now damped hair.  She had actually forgotten how she looked before she dyed them red, It really gave a nice contrast to her slightly pale skin. Her gaze trailed from her hair to her collarbone, then her twin peaks. She smiled awkwardly as she looked at them, so round and full. She really had the body of a 500 year old -that is to say she had a fully developed female body- but the brain of a 5 year old. Her hands moved on it's on and landed on each of her peaks, slowly massaging them while her eyes were shut, enjoying the feel of it. For some unknown reason, she began to imagine this being done by..by Ethan!. She imagined him hovering above her with that poker face of his but this time with sexual seriousness. He slowly bend his head, taking in one of her tits into his warm mouth and immediately her eyes flew wide open as she looked at the mirror. Her cheeks were flushed and she suddenly felt hot.

Why is she having erotic thoughts about Ethan all of a sudden?

She decided to go back into the bathtub but instead of using the shower, she decided to soak first to calm her nerves.

She submerged herself into the warm bubbling water, closing her eyes at the feel. Her tensed up body slowly relaxed and she smiled satisfactory but the smile disappeared as quickly as it came as she began to imagine him in the bathtub as well, his soft hand roaming around her body, exploring every part of her. She opened her eyes frustrated to the bones and pulled at her hair. 'What is all this! What's happening to me!' she yelled within.

oh come on Cruella when will you stop deceiving yourself? she could hear her inner voice asking her.

You know what you want so why resist it? You're 500 freaking years old for goodness sake! Don't think coming back in time can change that.

"F*ck!" she yelled out loud, hitting the tub with her elbow with supriselly didn't hurt.

'It would be absurd to just go out and tell Ethan she wants to make out or worse have sex with him, she barely liked the guy and he just got here. She is just being foolish right now, hopefully these feelings would go away before daylight.' she thought to herself.

"Cruella are you okay?" Ethan asked knocking slightly at the door. "You yelled?" he added when she didn't respond.

"I'm okay, you don't need to worry," she forced herself to say.

Ethan didn't respond neither did he knock anymore and she assumed he had left the door. She sighed, standing up from the tub but then the door came open.
