
Before The Clock Strikes Twelve

Cruellla D'vila is a child brought and raised in the human world, living an ordinary life, unaware of her origin and abilities. To everyone, she is destruction. Her existence feared. She wasn't supposed to be born and so her mother had to cast a spell on her. Putting her to sleep for 500 years to protect her from other clans. She  grew up in a small town called Greenville. An average teenager who hated her simple yet complicated life; always getting into trouble, always being bullied in school and expelled whenever she defended herself from the bullies. She wished for a different life and indeed  she got her wish granted the moment she discovered the truth. The simple life she once had was gone and now she faced an even bigger challenge. Now she's at the center of a new foreseen war between the four powerful clans , each fighting for dominance but with Cruella in their way, they must get rid of her to accomplish their agenda. This new life is even worse than her previous normal human lifestyle because now she's struggling to get use to these new powers, this new personality, falling in love with her guardian which is forbidden in their clan and preparing for a war which began even before her birth. But little did she know those are the least of her problems, little did she know her greatest threat hides in the shadows, waiting for the perfect time to strike. Who or what could possibly be her greatest threat? Will she be able to handle all these responsibilities? Or will she run back to the human world to seek refuge?

Catherineajuruchi · Fantaisie
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24 Chs

Angry and hungry

Cruella stirred up as the morning sun shined brightly on her face. She slowly opened her eyes , placing a hand on her head. Thankfully the migraine stopped. She still couldn't explain how she got into Jason's room.Wait speaking of Jason,where is he? She got down from the bed , putting on her robe and headed downstairs. She saw her mom and Jason in a serious discussion which ended immediately they sighted her.

"Morning baby, did you sleep well? Jason said you had a fever last night".Nila said , touching her head and neck to check if it's still hot.

"I'm fine, what were you two talking about?" Cruella asked heading to the fridge.

"What you should be more concerned about is controlling your sleep walk. I don't like sharing my bed." Jason complained.

"Sleep walk? I don't sleep walk you witch!" She frowned.

"Then how did you get into my room and of all rooms , you had to come to mine.Next time, I'm throwing you out the window."

"You wouldn't dare." Cruella gaps

"Try me."

"Okay you two cut it out. You don't wanna be late for school." Nila intervened, not wanting world war III to commence.

"I don't feel well mom, I think I'll skip school today." she lied.

"A minute ago you were fine and now you're not feeling well? Someone wants to skip school." Jason scoffed.

"Mind your damn business!"

"Cruella language!, You're going to school today and that's final." Nila said and walked out of the kitchen.


(Grutina Clan)

The Grutina's are the third most feared clan. They not only make use of dark magic but are the only ones who are in control of the Rippers.

Rippers are power sucking beasts as their names implies, they drain the powers out of any magical being, killing them in the process. With the possession of these powerful beings, Grutina's won wars in the past until other clans eventually created weapons powerful enough to kill them and the victories took a turn but still they remained powerful.

"I'm telling you Zia, I felt it.I felt the long forgotten power in me." Azula said

"That can't be possible.Irish no longer exists,their king died centuries ago.it's impossible."

"But you know I'm always accurate, I really felt something last night and that something isn't like that of any power I've ever felts,strong energy could only be from an Irish."

"So what are you saying? that there's a 500 years Irish hiding in the shadows?." Zia asked not buying any of this. 

"No this power felt weaker, like a young Irish. It isn't strong enough yet, we need to locate it and get rid of it before it becomes strong."

"Azula, I've always believed your words but this sounds crazy. Are you insinuating that the queen was pregnant of 500 years?."

"No, I'm not saying that and it's not even possible. I don't know how this happened but I know the Irish isn't a fully developed one. The energy I felt was weak for an Irish but stronger than any other beings energy."

Zia sighed , standing up from her throne. They've been living peacefully for 500 years without the fear of being over throned by anyone or anything. Now Azula is saying an Irish lives, does this mean the balance they fought so hard to create will be destroyed?.

"Fine then, trace this energy and report back to me it's whereabouts. We would find a way to get rid of it before it's too late." she ordered and Azula left immediately.


(Montena's High school)

"Maggie, I see you're looking like your old sef again." Cruella teased.

"Stay away from me you maniac." Maggie snapped, although she sounded a bit scared.

"Why, I thought we were friends? Or don't you want to shove my head in the toilet once more? Or talk about my mother again!." Chayelled. she was starting to loose her temper, luckily Jason just entered the hallway and on seeing them, he knew trouble would soon commence so he briskly approached Cruella, grabbing her arm and pulling her away from Maggie.

"Wait, isn't that Jason Star?" Melissa asked, eyes wide open.

"Yh I heard he got transferred here from Golden High" Linda replied.

"Maggie say something, that's your Jason over there with that bitch Cruella!." Melissa scolded.

Maggie only stared at them fumming with anger. She's had a crush on Jason since their first grade excursion to Golden High. 

Seeing him here now brought back that feeling and the fact that he's with Cruella made her blood boil. 

She can't possibly fight Cruella, not  after what she experienced in the toilet. Now Cruella is standing up for herself so she can't bully her anymore. But that doesn't mean she'll let her take Jason away, she will get Jason one way or the other.

"He's mine and I will get him." she said inwardly and walked away, leaving Linda and Melissa staring at her in confusion.

"What do you think she's planning?."Mas she knew Maggie always has an interior motive each time she's quiet.

Linda shrunged and walked away as well .


Jason dragged her to an empty class, locking the door behind them.

"What is your problem?" he asked , almost yelling.

"My problem is you butting into my business. Why did you drag me away? Now she'll think she's untouchable!" Cruella half yelled.

"Are you trying to get expelled? Principal Bradson strictly warned you to stay away from Margret Nicolas!. Her dad is a freaking billionaire and can make you disappear without a trace!"

"And what do you care? Why did you even accept to be my guardian? Just go find someone else to guide and leave me to my fucking crazy life!"

"You think I wanna be here? For goodness sake I thought I was dealing with a human being , a normal average lady but instead I'm left with a wild puma like you!" Jason yelled.

"Puma!. For all I know you're a witch!. Look at you, you're so perfect even your hairs don't get ruffled, why would a witch wanna watch over a puma!." Cruella yelled back.

"Aghhh!" Jason groaned , pulling his hair in frustration.

Exchanging words with her would never get them anywhere, he couldn't take this anymore. He needed to feed, he hadn't eaten in two days and it's starting to affect his temper.

He couldn't stay here anymore or she might turn to his lunch.

"Where are you going?" she asked as he turned back towards the direction of the door.

"Anywhere that I won't see you" He muttere, opening the door forcefully and banging it behind him.

Cruella felt another level of range rush through her again. This same feeling that kept Maggie in the clinic for two days.

She picked up a desk so easily and smashed it on another angrily and they both scattered into pieces.


Jason walked through the hallway, trying to control his rage and hunger as the same time.How can a girl , a little loud mouth make him so angry and hungry at the same time. Normally he could stay a week without eating but this time around it's been only two days. 

"Hey Jason." Maggie called , trying to keep up with his pace.

"Jason slowed down," she called again and he turned to face her. He glanced at her bare neck and couldn't control his hunger anymore. He  dragged her into the locker room and trapped her between himself and the wall.

"Jason wha." He cut her off, crashing his lips on hers which she reciprocated immediately. He wasn't surprised anyways, he knew she's always had a crush on him.

He sucked her lower lips really hard and then moved to her upper lips,  not giving her enough chance to breath.

"Jas-Jason wait," she said breathlessly. 

He broke the kiss and moved to her neck, nibbling and sucking on it hard in an attempt to create a hickey then he moved to her nape , the moment he kissed her collar bone, his fangs grew. She tried pushing him off but it was too late. He instantly burried his fangs into her nape, causing her to scream a little in pain.

He started sucking her blood hastily. He's never had this gluttony for blood before, a little always satisfied him but he wasn't satisfied. He wanted more and if he doesn't stop himself soon, he might kill her so he shut his eyes  pulling away from her and she immediately dropped to the floor loosing consciousness.

He sighed heavily, wiping his bloody mouth with the back of his palm before carrying her off the floor.

He placed her on a bench and cleaned the blood on her shoulder.

"Forgive me." he said , placing a hand on her head. It froze for a bit before going back to it's normal state and he left the store room  immediately.


"Come in." Bradson said to whoever knocked at the door.

Cruella came in slowly, standing at the door awaiting his permission to fully enter.

"How may I help you?" He asked , taking off his glasses.

"I--I want to make a request sir,I mean principal Bradson."

"Okay, take a seat." he ushered her and she obeyed.

"So? What's your request?"

"I--I was wondering--if I--I could get a new guardian?"

"A new what now?" Bradson asked frowning a bit.

"Please principal Bradson, Jason is the worst.I don't think I can take it anymore and why must he live with me? I'm not causing any troubles at home as well please, I--Ipromise I'll be good, just take away any guardian. I need my freedom back."She pleaded.

Jason was heading to the principals office. He needed to get advice on how to deal with Cruella. He almost killed Maggie because she drove him insane.

He stopped his hand before it could knock on the door as he heard her voice from inside his office.

"Jason is the best option for you, he is great at his job infact, we had to plead with the school to let him come over here so I don't see why you're complaining." Bradson said.

"The best? that witch is nothing close to best. What are you talking about begging the school? I'm sure they were happy to get rid of him as he's trouble for them too. He's terrible at his job. The only thing he's accomplished so far is calling me names and making me smash things and"..

"Wait smash things?" Bradson cut in glaring at her.

"I--I'm sorry it was an accident. It--it's only two desks.I can totally pay for that from my students allowance."

"You have no student allowance miss Cruella,infant you're not even a student here anymore. you're under a conditional admission here. I'm sure if you had studied the code of conduct, you would've seen where it says you're no longer entitled to a student allowance."

"Well that sucks." she sighed.

"Look Cruella, this is for your own good. Just give him a chance to help you."

Jason got fed up and left the office not wanting to here further more casts from her.

A part of him felt hurt that she said all those. She's always the one causing trouble and now she thinks he's a bad guardian? If she could just shut her loud mouth for a minute they would get along just fine.

He went back to the class and decided not to think about it anymore. 

(Closing hours)

Cruella sluggishly walked out of the class. 

Another night with that annoying witch.

"Just give Jason a chance".

she remembered the principals words.

She came out of the building and saw MLM'S at their usual spot.

"Maggie what happened? We didn't see you in class this afternoon". Linda asked looking at a pale Maggie

"I--I don't know, I just feel so weak.I need to see a doctor."

"Did you talk to Jason as planned?." Maggie noticing the hickey on her neck.

"I--I can't remember, maybe?" Maggie said unsure.

Humph, that's wired, Cruella thought as she walked passed them. She spotted Jason waiting by a car for her and walked over to him.

They headed home silently and Cruella couldn't help but feel uncomfortable.

"So what no insults today?" she asked rolling her eyes.

Jason ignored her and kept walking.

"So Maggie said she talked to you today, about what?" she asked trying to get him to say something.

"That's non of your business". he replied coldly and increased his pace.

"Hey slow down, why are you rude? Why I'm I even asking, you're always rude!" She yelled back he ignored her and continued walking ahead.

"Fine! I'll just find another way home, walking with you is a waste of time."  She said and turned to a different direction.

As she went further, it felt like she's been going in circles. She's taken this route several times so why is today different. She decided to turn back and take the main route but as she kept moving she arrived at the same spot she started at. It's like she's trapped in this particular street.

"What the hell is going on?" She thought as she turned to try the other side but halted as she saw three figures standing infront of her.

They wore hoody robes so she couldn't see their faces but they sure weren't moving.

She turned back and saw the same people at her back as well.

"Okay if this is silly prank y'all can stop now." she said and made to pass by them but they raised their heads showing her red eyes and at the same time they chanted a spell causing her to black out.

Hey everyone. Please kindly give this book a start is you're enjoying it so far. Thank you

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