
Before The Clock Strikes Twelve

Cruellla D'vila is a child brought and raised in the human world, living an ordinary life, unaware of her origin and abilities. To everyone, she is destruction. Her existence feared. She wasn't supposed to be born and so her mother had to cast a spell on her. Putting her to sleep for 500 years to protect her from other clans. She  grew up in a small town called Greenville. An average teenager who hated her simple yet complicated life; always getting into trouble, always being bullied in school and expelled whenever she defended herself from the bullies. She wished for a different life and indeed  she got her wish granted the moment she discovered the truth. The simple life she once had was gone and now she faced an even bigger challenge. Now she's at the center of a new foreseen war between the four powerful clans , each fighting for dominance but with Cruella in their way, they must get rid of her to accomplish their agenda. This new life is even worse than her previous normal human lifestyle because now she's struggling to get use to these new powers, this new personality, falling in love with her guardian which is forbidden in their clan and preparing for a war which began even before her birth. But little did she know those are the least of her problems, little did she know her greatest threat hides in the shadows, waiting for the perfect time to strike. Who or what could possibly be her greatest threat? Will she be able to handle all these responsibilities? Or will she run back to the human world to seek refuge?

Catherineajuruchi · Fantaisie
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24 Chs


Zia looked at the burnt body of Azula and sighed.

"What are we going to do? Without Azula, the Rippers would go mad and we would all be in danger." Mira asked in fear.

Zia looked at Azula's head intently before replying. "She's not dead just fainted due to the pain, whoever did this only wanted her to suffer. We need to get her a new body ," she said taking a bottle of water. She opened it and poured it on Azula's disfigured face causing her to wake up , breathing heavily. Azula thought it was over already but seeing Zia made her realize she was in for a much bigger task.

"Please, just kill me already. I failed my mission, I can't bear this anymore," she begged.

"Shut up you weakling. You couldn't handle a single Irish with all the Rippers in your control"? Zia asked , shaking her head obviously disappointed.

Azula kept mute not wanting to remember the horror she went through.

"We'll find you a new body and you're gonna finish this mission!" Zia ordered before leaving the room.

Azula's eyeballs shifted to look at Mira .

"What are you looking at? Get out!" She yelled and Mira scurried away.

"There are two of them but don't worry, now I know and once i get my new body, I'll have my revenge!" she swore in pain .


Nila sat on the couch dumbstruck. She was freaking out about Cruella's condition and at the same time shocked at the second Cruella in the room with her. Palena's vision didn't say anything about another Cruella from the future, so where did she come from?

Ethan appeared in the living room where Nila sat, a sad expression on his face.

"Where's Jason?" She asked immediately.

"Ripper got him..I'm sorry but...he's dead," Ethan said somewhat feeling guilty. Jason died because of him. If he hadn't been fooled by Azula, non of this would have happened.

"What do you mean he's dead? Jason can't be dead, Cruella would freak out!" Nila half yelled in tears.

She couldn't bear the sight of her daughter in so much blood so she stayed here but now having to tell her about Jason, that is something she's not looking forward to.

"I..he's dead Nila, the Ripper sucked him dry. I could barely recognize him at first." Ethan said tugging at his hair. "Where's Cruella?" he added

"Sh-she's with them" Nila stuttered a bit shaken.

Ethan walked to the room and on opening the door, he froze when he saw the other Cruella chanting a spell. Her eyes had gone totally blank and blue rays of light emitted from her hands which were moving tho and fro over Cruella's wounded body. Ethan recognized that spell as a healing spell performed by only the most powerful witches. He wondered just how powerful this lady is to be carrying out such dangerous and life threatening spell but that wasn't what bordered him most.

"Why isn't it working?" He asked worriedly. The spell only works on the living so if it's not working..does it means she's...

"She's alive!" Estella cut in. She could read his thoughts unknown to him. He sighed in relief, moving closer to the bed.

"Then why isn't the spell working?"

"It only works on a willing soul." She replied with an angry face.

"You're saying she doesn't wanna be healed?" he asked but Estella clinched her fist and walked out of the room ignoring his question. Ethan looked at Logan whom carried a plain expression.

"You, you're the one who killed that Ripper, right?" he asked Logan.

"I couldn't save him..I'm sorry," was all Logan said before leaving as well.

Ethan moved closer to Cruella's body. Why would she want to die? Why won't she wanna be healed? Is Jason connected to this?


"His body needs to be preserved , he's time isn't quit over yet," Elsa said confidently.

"Are you sane? He's obviously dead...what are you preserving?" Lucia asked obviously frustrated. Living with Elsa isn't a days job at all. You got to put up with her crazy ideas and all that. But what could she do? She had to help her out, that's what families do.

"He's not dead..his soul hasn't crossed over yet because he has unfinished business."

"Even if his soul hasn't crossed over, there's no way he can come back to his body Elsa." Lucia said but Elsa gave her an are you sure look making her  frown.

"No Elsa, don't even go there, that spell is forbidden."

"I wasn't going anywhere, I'm only saying so we need to preserve his body.

Lucia sighed heavily, she's really tired of all these. She chanted a spell and immediately, the body was wrapped magically with a white cloth.

"No one must know we have his body," Elsa ordered and left, leaving Lucia to remove the body. Lucia looked at the corps. Poor Jason , he didn't even get to live long, just a hundred years plus. She sighed and left the room, chanting another sealing spell the moment she closed the door so the door disappears and be uniform with the wall, that way no one would ever discover his body.


Nila stood up the moment the other Cruella came out of the room.


"My name is Estella!" She cut in , pure hatred could be detected in her voice.

"Oh, I'm sorry, Estella. I-how?" Nila asked not knowing how to put her words right.

"I have nothing to explain to you since you never wanted me in the first place!" Estella snapped walking past her. Logan came out of the room and on seeing Nila's face , he knew she had talked to Estella...Ish.

"May I know you're name?" Nila asked weakly. All these were draining her of energy she didn't have.

"I'm Logan," he said calmly.

"Her guardian?"

"No, I'm Palena's grandson." he replied swiftly.

"Palena's...omg..you're like 600 years old!" Nila exclaimed.

"556 to be precise." He said with a slight chuckle.

"Ho-how old is she?" Nila asked nervously, referring to Estella.

"541," he said and left the living room, avoiding further questions from her. He wanted Estella to answer the questions herself. He entered the second floors bedroom and found her there searching through it.

"What are you looking for?" he asked tilting his head a bit.

"Her reason," she answered quickly still ransacking the room.

"Huh?" Logan creased his forehead, closing the door behind him.

"There must be a reason why she's rejecting the spell, if I can find it then I can bring her back. I don't get why she would want to die at such a young age."

"Let's go ask grandma, maybe she'll know?" Logan suggested.

"There's no time. I need to heal her now!" Estella half yelled. She was going mad. She didn't wait  for centuries just for her sister to die on her.

"Look she still has time. Let's just meet grandma so you can heal her before it's too late." he said and Estella finally Stopped throwing things away and looked at him. He stretched his hand out with a smile and after a long sigh, she took it. They both disappeared instantly.



Cruella sat on a bench outside a house she couldn't recognize. She's been sitting here now doing nothing. For some weird reason she didn't wanna leave. It's like she's waiting for someone and until that someone comes, she's never getting up from here. She looked at the cloudy skies which started turning dark. It's gonna rain soon , she thought and almost immediately, the heavy downpour started.

I might catch a cold if I stay here, maybe I should go in for a while, She thought, standing up from the bench and immediately the house disappeared. Everywhere turned dark as the heavy rain increased. A small narrow path appeared with a bright light beaming from the end. She decided that since the house is gone , her only option is the follow the path to the light. And so she began taking the path in a slow and steady movement. Each step felt graceful, filling her with unexplainable happiness as she neared the light. She felt like all her problems would end the moment she walked through that light and indeed she was right , because unknown to her, she was at the cross gate of Neville , a path that leads supernatural beings to the afterlife.