

On the couch of of an apartment sat a certain unsuspecting youth.

Sitting with his legs folded an his legs somewhat on the edge he consumed the noodles slowly with a disinterested expression.

A quiet apartment filled with nothing but the sounds of japanese language watching anime as he read subtitles.

As other characters he didn't really care about came up he showed a disinterested expression an would skip it but he was bored anyway an rushing through the show would leave him with nothing else to watch.

Suddenly he arrived at a seen where a god showed up, in name to be precise the god was beerus. Beerus was somewhat of an Egyptian cat styled god with a human body, long thick tail and a cat head but his skin color was purple as he wore barely any clothes but it was considered an appropriate outfit for gods of destruction.

The youth widened his eyes a bit an stopped slurping noodles as he arrived at a scene the god said a word

"Hakai." Thus turning an enemy into nothing.

At this the youth got excited the god was so damn cool.

Once to a couple of times the youth said hakai just to get a feel for it but it was pointless as there were no powers like that in the world he was in.

As he finished his episode he received a notification, not normal but more like an isekai.

[System complete∆ host among selecting your next destination you will immediately be sent to another world.]

Checking the notification it was like it was in his eyes an not manifested in real world.

Alot of options were present an he saw his favorite character.

Selecting his character he received a description.

[Beerus- a highly intelligent an nearly immortal being whom is a God of destruction of his universe, he casually destroys planets stars an solar systems an is quite petty an even once destroyed half a planet unsatisfied with a drink they offered him saying "too salty." His control over his power is so great tapping the table was enough to destroy half the planet.]

[ The god was so powerful that surviving the explosion of a solar system could be done without much effort. He's immune to poisons, possession, an his power being taken or surpressed. Only a god can go against a god.. usually.]

[Beerus is arrogant an egotistical an d of course petty and has been a god for years. If not for his laziness or disinterest in most things besides food he would have destroyed more than he ever has. Though he has an interest in food he's skinny an bony.]

[Uses ki at a god level an his attacks hardly drain his power an is capable of quick recovery.]

Reading the descriptions the youth stopped there and said out loud.

"That sounds about accurate, what can I do now?"

Curiously the youth selected beerus an waited.

[Nine customized details allowed.]

"Yes! I didn't want to completely be the same."

Going through beerus's weaknesses the you went an said several things as system changed them accordingly.

"1: instant regeneration to health an ki. 2:power grows on its own over time at the speed requested. 3:speed grows over time at the speed requested. 4: damage taken only amounts to wounds and you are agelsss. so as to make being killed impossible. 5: links to anyone's life impossible all links severed. 6: perfect ki an energy use instantly. 7: perfect control over physical an mental. 8: capable of illusion casting. 9: perfect illusion casting with ease."

That' was about it so he decided to ask what was next with a satisfied expression.

[Appearance an deciding what you will take from beerus.]

"Take?" He asked a bit confused.

[As for his memories, behaviors, habits an all.]

"Alright appearance first."

He went for a pale look with white hair, it blended with golden being two colors. His clothes were just baggy loose fitting pants like beerus but color gold while he also wore golden forearm guards an a bit of golden jewelry. He had the look of a 20 year old but was chiseled an had muscle in the right places.

He also instead of a tail could freely change his hair length an manipulate it.


He said an breathed a sigh.

He thought about this as he went with his appearance.

"Go on what's next?"

[Lastly you choose a world to go to.]

"Well the typical another world is boring somewhat.. I mean probably later but not now.. wuxia? Maybe.. why not a world's with all thee above I'll start in with witches, demons, humans, gods and goddess. That'll be different."

[Well done, achievement: first destroyer god+ reward....]

"I get to say? Well I want to be the only destroyer god ever."


When it said that the youth could only feel him self falling before he noticed he entered the atmosphere of a planet.

'status.' he isntantly thought.

[Name- death Len

Title: destroyer god


Tapping open it showed his capabilities an all which he knew how to use none off.

Reading some of them he fell asleep slowly as he fell.

"So this is that damn gods memories, to think I was going to live as him for so long.. damn."

Death said as he woke up, he immediately stopped falling noticing his flighting paying it little attention at all he floated subconsciously.

Upside down in a think posture his head inches above some grass he thought.

"Well this is simple.. my old memories are barely there but I did make some good CHoices. My power will rise with time so I can do what I want."

He said but this bought a different question to mind.

"What do I want?"

Suddenly feeling power waves he looked in that direction east to see what was going on. He saw purple crackling lightning in the distance an the clash of a sword an a broom the further he look with improved sight, although most of the forestry got in the way this floating up to get a better look.

Turning over so his head was upright he laid back in mid air as he watched the fight with the witch slowly losing ground.


*Over to the right with the witch an the other guy.*

"Damned witch you will pay for living by dying pay up!" The man said an jumped a few trees to get back in the air to the flying witch.

She snarled an flicked her wrist to the right causing lightning to shoot at him in a large blast.

"You dare come here trying to kill me an tell me to pay for living where I live?"

Easily slicing through the lightning he went for an over head slash as he shouted.

"You dare question justice!?"

Instead of using magic for a spell she focused he magic into her hand and punched the sword hoping it would break but it hurt her more than the damage she did actually she didn't do much but knock him back.

"Haha you think you can match a bladesmen? Casters are full of them selves." He laughed.

The witch hand number a bit as she flicked it to rid the pain from it.

"Hurt doesn't It? Here have some more!" The blademen leaped at the witch again who was fast descending, Bringing the bladesmen to a stop.

Soon as she hit the ground she charged her magic through her body giving her full body a cloak of Mana. It crackled purple with lightening. She bit her lip an blood leaked out as she wore a fed up expression.

"I didn't want to but you're forcing my hand! This day will change the history of man kind, you provoked the wrong witch!" She yelled as the sky darkened an the air rippled.

It began to thunder an the ground crack beneath her feet as cracks spread.

"Fool.. you really think I came here to challenge the great witch lilith of a god descent without my own god with me?" The air beside him rippled when he said this an a head peaked out.

Multiple eyes an wings could be seen behind this person as they traversed space white hair an golden skin with the appearance of a woman with great beauty stepped out.

Or was about to..


"Interrupting a 1 v 1 are you serious!?"

Death shouted.

He went over there so fast it look like he teleported when he arrived he already had ki in his finger ready to shoot a beam pointing it at the forehead of the new comere.

"Go back." He said in a seriously

"w-who." The new comere asked.

"You're either to watch or leave make your choice."

Death threatened his expression going serious.

The witch an bladesmen were surprised, they were speechless who was this that came threatening a god an a human god at that.

'maybe he can help me.. no way I'm beating a god on my own.'

The witch thought.

'his speed.. I didn't even see him arrive. I hope she kills him.' the blades men thought.

"You dare threaten me? I'm the human god-" she began to say as she glared.

"I'm the destroyer god, I won't ask again." He said as an aura cover his body.

She tensed an prepared to attack but in that instance she died from a beam and a hold pierced her head an she fell back closing the gap the space closed.

Death was wondering if she retreated or died.

He relaxed his aura an clasped his arms behind his back.

Turning to face the shocked pair he said.

"Destroyer god, your guest an spectator do continue."

He said.


' he's strong.. an a destroyer? I've never heard of such a god. If I can get his help.. destroying these humans may end up easy. After all I'm tired of them turning up causing trouble.'

The witch thought.

'impossible.. he can't..'

"Agh!!! You dare offend the human goddess!?" The blades men charged forward fast.

Death yawned an waved his hand. Invisible ki sent the man flying into a tree an he died.

Clasping his hand behind his back he turned to the witch.
