

Eighteen years ago ,she was sacked from his presence .Wandering about the streets of Los Angeles ,she swore to keep his baby away from him . Eighteen years later ,he runs into a street girl in rags with his car . Three hours later ,Jakes Riddles gets the information that the street girl he ran into with his car is his daughter . Rushing to the hospital to confirm the information ,he finds out that she has escaped from the hospital . Deploying all measures and going against all boundaries ,he finds and nabs her and brings her home as his adoptive daughter in order to have rights over her . He feared that she might run away again if she comes to know that he is her biological father who abandoned both she and her mother ; Eloise Jenkins . He says , "henceforth you are my daughter and you must do as I say ....!" She also replies , "you have no rights over me because you adopted me to replace your dead daughter ,am I not right dad...?"She asked , sarcastically. BECOMING A TYCOON'S DAUGHTER OVERNIGHT is a whole pack of action ,power and wealth and crushing hearts . See how Susana Jenkins ; a street girl , who later transforms to become Monalisa Susana Jenkins Riddles is introduced overnight as the daughter of the multi - time billionaire tycoon ; Jakes Riddles in front of all the media persons of Los Angeles and worldwide . How will Jakes Riddles ; the rich , tall ,suave , handsome , quick-tempered and arrogant CEO of the Riddles Corporation succumb to his daughter's needs in humility ? Everyone bows to his feet without questions but will his strange daughter question him about his actions ? "Nobody has the right to question me ....!" Jakes angrily says . “Well I have the right daddy! ....” Susana answers back with confidence . How will the daring daughter and her arrogant father relate ? BECOMING THE TYCOON'S DAUGHTER OVERNIGHT.... Don't miss out on any chapter of this amazing story because it contains all you need to entertain you .... Follow me on Instagram @Sunnyrays_17 and @Sun_ nylovers for all your updates .

Sunnyrays · Urbain
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156 Chs

Chapter Forty ..you are a coward

"Why ? Did I suddenly remind you of someone ? "Suzzy broke the silence between them as well as Jakes' thoughts .

"Why ? Can't you talk now ? "Suzzy pressed Jakes harder .

"Hmm! let's go and don't bother me with your unnecessary questions !"Jakes ignored Suzzy's questions ."We ain't going anywhere until we talk properly and you answer all my questions ,Jakes !"Suzzy affirmed on her stand .

Dora stood at one point of the stairs and listened carefully to their conversation ."Fine ! If you won't go then don't go .I won't force you !"Jakes grabbed his car keys from Jordan and walked straight to the exit not caring about Suzzy's emotions .

Jakes knew where the conversation was heading to and so he didn't want his daughter to judge him just yet . He wasn't ready to stand in front of his daughter .

However , determined Suzzy who was hungry for questions from her father followed swiftly behind him .She rushed in front of Jakes' car and stood there ."Hey ,get away from there ! "Jakes said to Suzzy ."If you want to knock me down then just do it .After all it will be nothing new to me .You've knocked me down before so do it again because until you give me answers to my questions ,I ain't moving my body away from here !

You are a coward Jakes Riddles ,a bloody coward who cannot even face his own daughter !

A coward who wanted to shade his own daughter's identity under fake adoption papers !That's what you are ,a bloody coward !"Suzzy shouted the hard truth to Jakes' hearing ."What did you say ? "Jakes finally gave her his attention and faced Suzzy ."I said you are a bloody coward !

No ,let me rephrase it this way ,you are a bloody coward who cannot face his own daughter because of his ego ,pride and arrogant angry spirit that you possess !How could you ,Jakes Riddles?!

Do you have a sense of humor at all ?! You watched me cry out to you that I wanted to search for my jerk father and smash him on the face and you still had the guts to tell me that you adopted me,huh?!

You adopted your own daughter ,huh ?! You even let my late aunt Monalisa become part of your cowardly plan too !Tell me ,were you really afraid of looking at me in the eye and telling me that you are my jerk father ,huh ?!

Speak up Jakes Riddles because I know you are not dumb !

You cannot hide anything under your wealth Jakes !

What were you saying earlier at the dining table ,that I ,I am wearing rags ,is it ?!

You called my dress a rag but you have been living for eighteen years of your life without a sense of humour so you are in rags no matter how you coat it with nice designed attires and expensive perfumes .

Your lack of sense of humor makes your body a rag too Jakes Riddles !

What ?!

You're hurt ?!

Intentionally ,I want to hurt your feelings in such a way that money cannot buy and you will end up falling at my feet for forgiveness ,coward ! "Suzzy blasted Jakes angrily and in tears as well .However , Jakes said nothing because Suzzy's words were continually playing in his head and he felt very hurt to the extent that it was all over his face .

"You are a coward Jakes ,you are a coward !

Your anger and stupid jealousy will make you lose all those who truly love you !

Remember this Jakes , remember this ! "Jakes heard this play in his head while Suzzy still stayed silent .

"No ! no ! Just shut up Eloise ! I'm not a coward ,please don't taunt me ,please ! "Jakes screamed to himself as he battled with his own memories .He heard Eloise's voice constantly playing in his head .

"Daddy ,your memories eighteen years ago are taunting you and not my words ."Suzzy added more salt to his wounds .

"Whatever that happened eighteen years ago wasn't my fault .Your mother hid your identity and existence from me .If I knew she was expecting my child ,I wouldn't have let her go !"Jakes tried explaining himself to Suzzy .

"Ha! Stop this Jakes ,stop it ! You insulted my mother's character and called her a cheat !

You called the woman who loved you for twelve years of her life a cheat when you were the one who first betrayed her and cheated on her with Meredith Grey .

I know everything Jakes because my mother never lies to me .I know everything about your childhood ,the sad thing was I got to know your name at her last breath .I guess the heavens love you for if I found you earlier ,only God would have known what I would have done to you ,Jakes Riddles !

With that huge accusation after loving you so much ,how were you expecting my mother to stay with you , huh ?Answer me Chairman Riddles ,answer my question since it wasn't your fault as always .I said answer me now !

Hmm ! My mother left you because she was tired of loving a man who brought nothing but sorrow into her life .She saved her dignity and self-respect by leaving your side and you didn't bother to even look for her ,dear father !

She was right under your nose and you didn't find her !

Listen Jakes ,if you truly want to find someone then no matter what , you'd find the person !

Even if heaven and earth fall down ,your determination of finding the person will be achieved !

I lived on the streets day and night like a hustler and got verbally abused by people who knew nothing about me but I didn't give up until I found you Jakes . That's the only difference between you and I and now I will tell you why you couldn't find us , it's because you are nothing other than a coward !"