

Eighteen years ago ,she was sacked from his presence .Wandering about the streets of Los Angeles ,she swore to keep his baby away from him . Eighteen years later ,he runs into a street girl in rags with his car . Three hours later ,Jakes Riddles gets the information that the street girl he ran into with his car is his daughter . Rushing to the hospital to confirm the information ,he finds out that she has escaped from the hospital . Deploying all measures and going against all boundaries ,he finds and nabs her and brings her home as his adoptive daughter in order to have rights over her . He feared that she might run away again if she comes to know that he is her biological father who abandoned both she and her mother ; Eloise Jenkins . He says , "henceforth you are my daughter and you must do as I say ....!" She also replies , "you have no rights over me because you adopted me to replace your dead daughter ,am I not right dad...?"She asked , sarcastically. BECOMING A TYCOON'S DAUGHTER OVERNIGHT is a whole pack of action ,power and wealth and crushing hearts . See how Susana Jenkins ; a street girl , who later transforms to become Monalisa Susana Jenkins Riddles is introduced overnight as the daughter of the multi - time billionaire tycoon ; Jakes Riddles in front of all the media persons of Los Angeles and worldwide . How will Jakes Riddles ; the rich , tall ,suave , handsome , quick-tempered and arrogant CEO of the Riddles Corporation succumb to his daughter's needs in humility ? Everyone bows to his feet without questions but will his strange daughter question him about his actions ? "Nobody has the right to question me ....!" Jakes angrily says . “Well I have the right daddy! ....” Susana answers back with confidence . How will the daring daughter and her arrogant father relate ? BECOMING THE TYCOON'S DAUGHTER OVERNIGHT.... Don't miss out on any chapter of this amazing story because it contains all you need to entertain you .... Follow me on Instagram @Sunnyrays_17 and @Sun_ nylovers for all your updates .

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Chapter 116.. Lolly!

Eloise decided to check up on Suzzy in her room but she was fast asleep and so she decided to check up on Jakes instead .

Just as Eloise expected ,he was playing video games in his room coupled with a bowl of popcorns by his side .

Eloise's heart skipped a beat when she saw Jakes ,it was like all the hormones in her body had risen up and her adrenaline was rushing through out her body .

Jakes also realized that Eloise was right behind him because of her perfume and he smiled to that .

"It wasn't a good idea to have come here ,I will just leave him for him to play his video games .

It's good he's got something to cool himself down ."Eloise turned to leave .

"Don't go please ,stay with me Lolly ."Jakes said to Eloise who was twisting her pendant nervously .

"Lolly ? After ages ,he's calling me Lolly once again .

I can't even seem to predict you even if I want to , I can't .

"Lolly was how Jakes used to call Eloise after they both got married and after ages ,he was calling her with that name again .

Eloise felt satisfied from within all of a sudden .

As soon as Eloise walked in front of Jakes ,he pulled her onto the couch and kissed her passionately .

"Jakes ! "She pulled herself from his grip and tried slapping Jakes but he held onto her hands .

"Let's go of me ,you jerk ! "Eloise pulled away from Jakes' grip on her hands .

"Here I was thinking that you needed someone to coax you but I was wrong .I'm leaving .."Eloise picked up her bag and walked towards the door .

"You surprise me Eloise , it's like you've never known me .Until I give permission for you to leave this room ,you ain't leaving .

The door is locked so get back here and sit by your loving husband Lolly . "Jakes sarcastically said with a smile .

Eloise had no choice but to get back and sit down by Jakes .

Jakes tried kissing her again but Eloise pushed him away .

"Are you drank ,huh ? Stop this nonsense now Jakes Riddles !

I'm not an easy pawn that you can get away with just like that .

Get that into your head .It was a mistake coming here in the first place because you are just crazy !"Eloise angrily lost it on Jakes .

"Hehe ! I love you the more when you are angry Lolly ."Jakes pulled Eloise's cheeks playfully .

"Stop this drama of calling me Lolly and don't you ever think that i will become your Lolly ever again .

You think you are so freaking smart , don't you ?

Now open this door because you are getting on my freaking nerves ! "Eloise demanded .

"I won't open up the door since it was your damn choice to get in here !

You wanted to come here so that you could dine with the fiend himself which is me ,so you've come into zone ,my rules ,my conditions .

Now my dear Lolly , let's not argue over this ,sit down and let's have some fun ."Jakes said sweetly and pulled Eloise onto his laps where he grabbed her by the waist tightly.

"Stop acting as if I don't have any effect because I still do , isn't it my dear Lolly ? "Jakes passed his hands slowly and reached out for Eloise's zippers which he moved down slowly till the end .

"You smell really good and your body seems really fresh too ."Jakes teased Eloise as he caressed her neck down to her lower back .

"We need not do this Jakes !" Eloise told him .

"We have to , especially now that our daughter is a major consent .

We need to get back together again , don't stay hard .. "Jakes convinced her down in his breath .

Eloise couldn't stop him since he had great effect on her and so she stopped persisting to break free from Jakes' grip .

Drowned in the pleasure of love ,Jakes and Eloise gave in to their sexual demands for each other .

Once Eloise woke up and saw that she was locked in Jakes' arms ,she really felt satisfied because after a long time ,she felt like a woman whose veins blood was running through also .

"Stubborn you , anyways that's what I love about you ."Eloise cuddled Jakes' beautifully handsome face .

"Did you say something Lolly ? "Jakes locked her in her arms tightly .

"I said ,I want to take a shower and so please let me be ."Eloise finally broke away from Jakes' grip .

Once she stepped under the shower and the water fell from a height onto her body ,she felt like she had no regrets for what happened between she and Jakes unlike the first time they both gave in to their desires for each other .

"I love you ,I love you Jakes Riddles ."Eloise said happily .

"I know .."Jakes said .

Eloise opened her eyes right away only to see Jakes standing in front of her with his masculine suave and built-up body that Eloise admired so much .

His black push back hair was wet and curly from the water that dripped on both of their bodies .

"What the hell are you doing here ? Don't you know that I need some privacy ? Get out of this place this instant before I lose it on you !"Eloise quickly reached out for a towel and covered herself .

"Lolly , don't be such a killjoy okay ? What is there to hide anyways from me ? "Jakes scanned Eloise's whole body and giggled .

"Fine ! talking to you is like hitting a foam against a stone so you can bath here too .

This is your bathroom and I thank God it's really spacious so you will use that end and I will use this end .

If you can't comply with these simple rules then use the jacuzzi tub.

One more thing , don't steal a look at me or else I will break your head into pieces ."Eloise warned Jakes who did nothing but smile at her .

That provoked Eloise's anger the more .

"Okay ,so those are the rules .."Eloise emphasized .

The duo took their bath based on Eloise's rules without any breech of agreement .

"So now what ? You will have the dressing room too ? "Jakes asked while wearing his bathrobe as Eloise did same .