
Becoming The Richest By Signing In

Liam is a transmigrator who became an ordinary Uber driver struggling to make ends meet, lives on a meager salary and driving a rented car. His life takes an extraordinary turn when he suddenly hears an electronic female voice in his mind, revealing that he has activated the God-Level Sign-In System. This mysterious system allows Liam to sign in daily and receive incredible rewards. His first sign-in grants him a luxurious Bugatti Veyron supercar, marking the beginning of his transformation from a struggling driver to a powerful and wealthy individual. Determined to embrace his destiny as the protagonist, Liam embarks on a thrilling journey filled with unexpected twists, grand adventures, and the pursuit of ultimate success. Will he be able to handle the pressures and responsibilities of his rapid rise, or will the allure of his new life prove too overwhelming? Follow Liam's story as he evolves from an everyday man into the richest man through the extraordinary power of signing in ****** I will probably be uploading 4 or 5 chapters a week ps: cover photo isn't mine so if you're the owner and Want meto bring it down please say so

Paragon_asura · Urbain
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25 Chs


Following James into the director's office, Liam was finally struck by just how wealthy the company truly was. The office itself was larger than his entire apartment, spanning over a hundred square meters. No wonder it required a private elevator to reach.

The decor was luxurious, with every piece of office equipment meticulously selected for functionality and style. There was even a separate room adjacent to the main office, furnished with a bed and other essentials, clearly meant for the director to rest after long hours of work.

"Mr. Liam, all the documents and reports detailing the company's history and current operations have been prepared for your review," James said respectfully, handing over a stack of neatly arranged files.

"There's no need for that," Liam waved his hand dismissively.

In truth, he had no interest in reading them—nor did he fully understand the reports. He couldn't be bothered to pretend to care or waste time poring over details that he would hardly comprehend.

"The reason I'm here today, aside from inspecting the company, is to discuss the Hudson Village project," Liam added.

James paused for a moment before nodding, acknowledging the shift in conversation. He began to explain the current situation regarding the project.

"The Hudson Village project is indeed complex. So far, we haven't found the right partner to collaborate with," James explained. "You're aware of the current conditions in North bridge City—there are only a handful of companies capable of taking on this project, and each has its own set of issues."

"That's why we were considering waiting until the upcoming conference to further assess each company before making a decision," James continued. "But hearing you mention it, sir, do you have a specific partner in mind?"

James was perceptive. He knew Liam wouldn't bring up the project unless he already had a candidate in mind. Sure enough, Liam nodded and replied, "Yes, Fang estate Group. Their real estate division has been operating for many years. Though they may not have the biggest name, they have a highly professional team."

"Additionally, I know Jack, who leads the department at Fang Group. He's diligent and responsible. At his age, he's already in upper management, and his business acumen is strong. I suggest we collaborate with them for the Hudson Village project."

James wasn't surprised at all. He had also considered Jack as a possible candidate, but had not yet made a final decision. Since Liam was now backing him, there was no reason to object.

After all, Liam was the one calling the shots for the company. "Mr. Liam, your suggestion is solid. Partnering with a company like Fang estate Group would benefit us by reducing costs and giving us a reliable team to work with."

"Since you've made your decision, we'll proceed as you've instructed," James affirmed.

As Liam left Century Group, he couldn't shake the feeling that something about his life had changed.

Before, in order to make a living, he had to work as an uber driver, taking orders without rest.

However now, due to the sign-in system, Liam had now accumulated more wealth than he could have ever dreamed of in a lifetime. He no longer had to worry about making ends meet. But ironically, being idle every day, with nothing to do, made him feel that life was meaningless.

"Am I just destined to be a workaholic?" Liam chuckled to himself, with a trace of helplessness in his tone.

He turned the steering wheel sharply and directed his sports car toward Fang estate. After some thought, Liam figured that despite all his newfound wealth, perhaps returning to driving for a uber service would suit him better. At least, it would give him a sense of purpose and keep him busy.

When Liam got home, he decided to go with his Mitsubishi for work.

Although the Bugatti Veyron was much flashier and incredibly stylish, driving it around for ride-hailing would be far too ostentatious. However, today seemed off; the traffic on the Second Ring Road had suddenly become congested. He hadn't even managed to pick up a fare before getting stuck in a traffic jam.

"Just my luck!" Liam sighed as he rolled down the window.

Turning around, he saw a Range Rover behind him. The owner of the car was clearly wealthy, judging by the flashy paint job on the vehicle. It looked imposing.

But what was with the honking? There wasn't even enough space for him to move. Blasting the horn wasn't going to make the cars ahead sprout wings and fly away!

The driver behind him appeared to be impatient. When Liam's Mitsubishi didn't budge, the Range Rover accelerated, bumping into Liam's car hard enough to shake it.

What the hell?! Liam got out to check and saw that his Mitsubishi's tail light was completely shattered, with a noticeable dent in the bumper. Meanwhile, the Range Rover's reinforced bumper had only a slight scratch.

"Watch where you're going, idiot!" The guy from the Range Rover yelled arrogantly as he stepped out, followed by three others, both men and women. The lead guy, with messy hair, was the first to start hurling insults.

Liam was stunned for a moment. He had to mentally check himself, wondering if he had somehow been in the wrong. But no—he wasn't. It was pure arrogance on the other guy's part.

That's just perfect, Liam thought sarcastically. Top marks for audacity! "You hit me first," Liam said coldly, "And it's a traffic jam. Where did you expect me to go?"

But instead of reasoning with him, the group started laughing mockingly. "Haha, listen to this idiot!"

"Hey, punk! You dare talk back to me? Do you even know who I am?" The messy-haired guy shouted, clearly full of himself.

"You're driving a piece of junk! It looks like scrap metal and you're clogging up the road!"

Liam couldn't help but laugh at the absurdity. This was the first time he'd heard such logic. So what? Only those driving Range Rovers were allowed to be on the road now?

"Is this road owned by your family? What gives you the right to tell me where I can drive?" Liam started getting impatient as he finally saw through the situation. These were just spoiled brats from some wealthy family in the city, likely causing trouble wherever they went just for fun.

"Hahaha, look at this poor idiot! What right do you have to speak to us like that?" The guy with the messy hair sneered, "Look at that pile of junk you call a car. You scratched our bumper. Now, tell us how you're going to pay for it!"


Liam was speechless. Was this some kind of joke? These people were on another level of twisted logic.

They had wrecked his car, yet here they were demanding compensation from him? Unbelievable.

(A/N: let him cook)