
Becoming Pokémon

On the way home Alex is summoned to another world, a Pokémon world. He makes friends and join to their team. On the way to the town to register him as official member of the team he had an accident and got turned into a Pokémon but there's problem. What was that problem? Read to find out :)

Domini_Goz · Fantaisie
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34 Chs

Chapter 2 The begining of the journey

When Alex and Alice left the cave, also know for the Pokemons as "dangeon" he saw a beautiful view. He saw a very big field with a lot of colourful flowers, and in the distance was a forest and the sun was setting over that forest, the sky was beautiful, blue with maybe a few clouds. He was standing there, looking at the view with his mouth open, 'I have never seen anything as beautiful as this' was thinking. After a while Alice saw him standing there and asked him:

"Alex?... What's wrong?"

But he didn't heard that because he was stunned by the sight. After he didn't responded she stood in front of him blocking his view and asked him again:

"Alex! What's wrong?!"

Then the daze disappeared and he heard what she was saying

"N-no... Nothing... It's just.... This view... I've never seen a more beautiful sight than this."

After that she calmed down. And took him to the place where she set up camp with the other members of the team. There were two other pokemons. First was hunched, his fur was red and white, looks similar to a werewolf and glowing red eyes. He had one bag, scarf with brown pin and a hat. Second was similar but had dark grey fur, had a big backpack, silver pin and an eye patch.

"Hey guys! I'm back." Said Alice to them

"Welcome back Captain. Have you get what you wished for?" Said grey one

"Yes. Everyone this is Alex. And he is what I wished for." Alice slid to the side to point at him. They where shocked.

"Captain. What is he? I have never seen Pokémon looking like him." Said the red one

"I-I'm not a Pokémon!" Said Alex

"Then if you are not a Pokémon, then what are you?" Said grey one

"I'm a... Human."

"Hmmm... I have never heard of the creature you say you are... But... I also never seen anything like you... Captain why did you wish for a "human"?" Said red one

And suddenly Alex remembered something when he said that.

"Oh! I remembered, why did you wish for a human? And how did you even knew of the existence of the humans?" Said Alex, with a suspicious tone.

"Well... You see... On one of our journey we have found a strange thing. On the one side was write "humans don't belong to this world", so I was curious how humans look like. And to know how you look I had to wish to bring one human here. And that's how you did ended here"

They stood there didn't know what to say. After some time Alex broke the silence.

"So you want to tell me that I'm here only because you wanted to know how humans look?! Well... What happened can't be reversed. You mentioned that you find some text about humans on something strange. Can you take me there? I want to know what that thing is"

Alice was standing like frozen, she was so much confused. Some time later she answered.

"Ok. We will take you there. But it will take some days to get there"

"Well... For me it doesn't matter right now. To get back I need to defeat lots of dangerous pokemons in the dangeon, right? And to defeat pokemons I have to know more about you pokemons, right?"

"Well... I guess you are right. Anyway let's get ready to move out!" Said Alice.

"Yes sir!" They shouted and began to prepare everything to move out.

They move out moments later, their destination was strange thing located very far away.

End of chapter 2

This is the second chapter and I think I will be able to upload new chapters every week. But I'm not sure.

I decided to do that because this will be my backup in case I forgot to make a chapter or I won't have any idea for some time.

Please don't be mad at me and I know I said I will update quicker but I really want to have some backup.

As always I'm open to suggestions for the story.

Please write it in the comments and I check every comment

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