
Becoming Pokémon

On the way home Alex is summoned to another world, a Pokémon world. He makes friends and join to their team. On the way to the town to register him as official member of the team he had an accident and got turned into a Pokémon but there's problem. What was that problem? Read to find out :)

Domini_Goz · Fantaisie
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31 Chs

Chapter 1 Summoned

It was a cold, slightly windy evening. Alex was going home from a bar trough the park when suddenly he fell for unknown reason. When he regained consciousness he saw that he was in a cave, and some kind of rainbow ring was closing above him.

He got up and first thing he see is two creatures in front of him, one was sitting and the other was floating. First had big blue things, yellow chest with a spike, blue arms, black hands with spikes on them, blue head with black stripe and black-blue spiky ears on top. Second was small had white chest, head and arms, sparkling yellow cape and star looking hat with 3 tips with 3 blue pieces of paper on each of them.

"W-who are you? What are you?" Said Alex confused.

The first one said:

"Don't worry we won't do anything to you. My name is Alice and I'm a lucario, this is Jirachi and he is also a Jirachi. What's your name?"

Alex was shocked. 'Lucario, did I heard right? And Jirachi? Did I end up in another world? And in the Pokémon world? But how?' was thinking.

"H-how did I get here?"

"Well... You see... I used a wish to bring some creature called... "Human" to see how they look... And that's how you ended here" said Alice

"A wish? Are you kidding me? So can you send me back? Please?"

Alex was more and more confused. 'A wish? That's something what don't exist... Right?'

"Well... That's not possible right now..." said Jirachi

"WHAT?!!" Alex was furious to hearing that he can't go back. He is a big company owner and he had an important meeting the next day.

"W-w-w-wait I said it's not possible right NOW. I didn't said it wasn't even possible. To gain a wish you have to go through my dangeon. Which has a lot of deadly Pokémon inside..."

"Sigh. Wathever. Anyway my name is Alex, nice to meet you... erm... Pokemons?"

'Well... It seems that my meeting will be cancelled. What a pity! Haha... heh... Dangerous Pokemons he said? I wonder how will I defeat them... It doesn't matter eight now, right now what matters is that I must to get out of here and get stronger'

"So... erm... Can we get out of here? I wonder how this world looks."

'Great if I can get of here I can escape and get stronger on my own... But if I go with them I think I can get even stronger... And I will had someone who can lead me in this world.'

"Oh... Ok. But Jirachi won't go outside with us because he have to stay in his dangeon. He must to stay because he is the "owner" and he is the one who give wishes to the Pokemons who complete he's dangeon" said Alice, holding out her paw to help Alex up

Alex grabbed her paw. It was smooth, like holding a cat's paw. He gets up, wiped the dust off himself, she took her bag lying next to her and they left the cave. As they were leaving he looked back over his shoulder to say goodbye. And they have left the cave, and this journey for Alex is about to begin.


The end of chapter 1


This is my 5 time trying to write a book so if I decide to close the book because I will abandon it I will make a special chapter for it.

For now I don't plan to abandon it so don't worry, I have planed some chapters now so be ready for quick uploads. I don't have whole story ready so mind that after some chapters I won't post any because I have to think what will happen.

I also want to tell you guys that my English isn't perfect and some of the text is 'copy-paste' from Google translator. If you find any misspellings tell me in the comments and I will try to fix them. And if you have any suggestions for the story also write it in the comments.

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