
The Kingdoms declare independence

With the North declaring itself a Kingdom, King Joffrey had declared them to be in open rebellion and had called for King Eddard's Head.

The other Lord's of the other Realms had received the message from Thornir had many couldn't believe what they had just found out.

Lord Mace Tyrell had received the message from Kingslanding asking for his daughter's hand in marriage to the King to strengthen the ties between the two houses.

But Lord Mace Tyrell had declined and had instead spread this news not knowing that the other Lord's of the other Kingdom's had already gotten them.

Lord Stannis Baratheon didn't take kindly to this news at all. His first course of action was to proclaim himself King of the Seven Kingdoms and declaring his intent to return to his rightful place in Kingslanding sitting on the Iron Throne.

Many supporters had flocked to his side bringing him a large host of ship's and an army at Dragonstone.

Renly Baratheon the former Master of Laws had declared himself as the rightful King of the Seven Kingdom's after marrying Margaery Tyrell securing powerful support from the Reach. He began to assemble a Host of men at Storm's End.

Stannis Baratheon having received the letter from the Free Folk King himself thought that the he would help him in this conflict so he asked if the Free Folk King would join him in a feast at Dragonstone.

Once Thornir got the message he agreed to meet with the King since he had nothing to do. He brought Val with him as she wanted to see what Dragonstone looked like now compared to the stories that she read about.


At Sunspear House Martell the ruling house of the Dorne had received a letter from Kingslanding or more specifically from Lord Tywin Lannister the Hand of the King offering him a betrothal between Princess Myrcella Baratheon and Doran's youngest son, Prince Trystane, justice for Doran's murdered sister Elia and her children, and a seat on the small council of King Joffrey I Baratheon, as well as some castles on the Dornish Marches.

Doran accepts the terms, and by the time Myrcella leaves King's Landing to begin the journey to Sunspear, the Prince of Dorne has called his banners.

Once his army was assembled he had sent them to the high passes of the Red Mountains. However, he will not send out his armies to give battle unless Dorne is endangered.


Back to Thornir his trip to Dragonstone didn't take that long and only lasted a week. Once he walked into what could be called the Throne room he was met with Stannis Baratheon who was already hosting a gathering of Lord's who had joined him.

Stannis had walked up to Thornir to greet him

"Your Highness King Thornir I welcome you to Dragonstone" Said Stannis reaching his hand out

Thornir grabbed his hand and gave him a firm manly handshake "Yes your Highness it's a nice fortress you have here, something the Baratheon's would have trouble attacking by themselves" Said Thornir as he observed the defenses of the Fortress as he was on the sea.

"Yes but I also don't have the means to attack Kingslanding just as they are the same with me" Said Stannis

"That's why I invited you here King Thornir as I hope that you can help me in this war to return what is rightfully mine" Said Stannis.

"Rightfully yours you say?" Asked Thornir questioning him.

"I hear your brother Renly Baratheon has claimed the same thing which would make three Kings of the Seven Kingdoms at once" Said Thornir

"But I am the rightful King by blood and by seniority over my younger Ignorant Brother" Said Stannis

"Look here Lord Stannis Baratheon your claim is as weak as Renly's since the former holder's of the Iron Throne was the Targaryen's but you and your brother ended that rule some over a decade ago and just replaced the Mad King with another idiot King, the only difference is Robert didn't try to burn half the city" Said Thornir causing the room to go quite.

"So I will not help you in your war" Proclaimed Thornir.

Stannis was furious at this time and he wanted to hit Thornir. But that's when a lady with Red hair had grabbed Stannis whispered something in his ear.

Stannis had calmed down and had allowed Thornir in to enjoy the meal since he was the guest of honor for this feast.

But once the Feast was over with Thornir left and went back to Hardhome.

Whatever it was that the lady with Red hair said to Stannis had saved him and all of the other Lord's from being killed.

Without the support of the Free Folk Stannis decided to focus on his brother Renly Baratheon in hopes of finding out a way to defeat him and take his soldier's.

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