
The Sinder Dungeon

Kyle waited there for a while, he knew that the second Korgan and Fury gets free, they will be loud and he would know. He took Will Breaker out of its scabbard and looked at it with deep thought. He wanted to talk with Borris about the things that were happening to it but refrained. He wasn't sure how he will act and the last thing he wanted was to let other people know about it. Kyle would become a prime target from anyone remotely stronger than him

Even now, Kyle could feel Will Breaker's presence as a sentient being. Its record didn't tell jack shit about anything other than that it was an ordinary sword yet there it was, acting like a sentient being.

'Wait, now that I remember, didn't I give a dumatite and ice shard to Borris?' Kyle pondered, he was worried if Borris used those materials to make something, will they also act like Will Breaker?

Whenever he thought that things were getting a little peaceful, shit like this happened.