
The red demonic body

"It has been a long time since then, I may not be able to use the essence with its full potential but this much is... nothing! Will Breaker, output at 30%!"

Kyle took out Will Breaker from its scabbard and equipped it in his hand. The blade started drawing out icy energy from the inside of the hilt where the essence was located.

Kyle felt some prickling in his hands, his mind advised him to coat his hands in mana but it was for later when it would become unbearable to hold Will Breaker.


He moved with speed unknown to the people of the barren land. Kyle's speed was that of a god in front of them. Their stats were so low that they couldn't tell where Kyle was right now. As for the others, it was easy to see Kyle dashing toward them.

"Formation M!" The guard in the middle said, the other 8 guards around the rich snobs smacked their hands on their chest plate lightly which made them disappear again.