
Becoming A Vampire Queen : Hafling

A Young girl of five was sucked dry of her blood by a vampire who was in dire need of food while on the run from his offenders. The young girl laid in the pool of her own blood gasping for breath while still holding on to the little life that had refused to escape her. He heartbeat drew the vampire's pursuers to her. A young man among the pursuers took her in thanks to her assistance in capturing the Vampire. Years later, Endeavor became the only adopted child of the Vampire King and Queen. Making her next in line for the throne. However, No one wants her for who she is and who her sire is even if he was already dead. With that, She was made to fulfill certain requirements and tests before she could be accepted as the future Queen. Will Endeavor be able to complete those requirements? How long will it take? And how far will they go just to erase her existence from their world. * * * For now, the novel has no romance, but once it is sighted, I'll update the tags. The novel has been dead for a year+ and due to not grasping the former plot anymore, I had to create another. Hopefully you will enjoy it! Thank you for your support!

Beautiful_Mind · Fantaisie
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11 Chs

Turn Of Events

Six months had gone by since Naomi was kidnapped and everything that has happened has hunted her, she didn't know that her Bipolar attitude would get her a grand escape. She didn't want to remember all that happened she was scared for the first time during her captivity.

Naomi was a careless child with a happy mind, she never let her race bring her down. Just because she was an Hafling didn't mean she couldn't be far greater in the coming future.

Naomi felt weak and defeated during her time of captivity and she was planning to change that but it seems like it might be too late for her.

Barging into her room was Brandon °Princess, we are at war and I need to get you to the safe house! Your parent's orders! °

° With who? Is the werewolf also going against us now? °

° No, it's the witches°

° Did they come into our territory or we are all meeting at the battlefield? °

° Battlefield °

That was all she needed to hear to confirm her suspicion after all Brook wasn't the only one behind her kidnapping and she had also fought with the council the night before about her coronation and they had refused all of her requests because she was a Woman.

~The Night Before~

Her father had called her to his office wanting to speak to her about her coronation and how she would have to be the one to convince the Council Elders herself for her position and whatever their decision was is final.

Arriving at the meeting and paying her respect respectively the meeting began.

° Naomi, we know you're the only heir to the throne but it can't be given to you on a silver platter ° Elder Susan began

° Yes, you would have to work for it and convince the people that you are capable of being their Queen° Elder Shirley completed

° My coronation is in six months, why are you all having doubts about me running the kingdom? ° Naomi was confused, she thought she would have cleared every doubt from their minds by now due to the previous events six months ago.

° I won't lie to you Naomi but no female has ever ruled the vampire kingdom and I won't let a naive child-like you destroy our legacy!° Elder Paul has become fed up with the whole beating around the bush and he just needed to break it out to her. He was done pampering her, she needed to face the truth.

No one knew what to say and was expecting Naomi to have blown up but she didn't, She was thinking of ways she can be accepted by her people. This was her future, this was her calling and she wouldn't let anyone get in her way, she was ready to push herself to her limit and she isn't backing down now.

Standing to her feet she faced the audience bowing her head she said

° Meeting Adjourned we will continue this when the time comes, if you would excuse me I have training classes to attend °

The Elders were in shock at her actions seeing how she acted like a true queen and they could see how she has changed within the few months that she had dedicated to her training.

King Lowell wasn't shocked by his daughter's actions but rather proud, she could be hot-headed sometimes but when she sets her mind on something she would do everything to accomplish it. He couldn't wait to see how much change she could bring to the kingdom.

~Present Day~

Naomi could feel it in every fiber of her body that something was going to happen, her temperature was running cold, she was freezing on the inside and couldn't move. She didn't want to leave according to her parent's orders, she was feeling empty and the feeling wasn't going away.

She knew something was fishy after the incident and was surprised that a vampire lord would go against every rule in the vampire community just to conjoin with the witches in kidnapping her. Something was fishing and she was going to catch it.

Ignoring Brandon and running out of her room, Naomi had one destination and that was the hidden room for the seers, she wanted them to dig into the memories that have hunted her for the past months and find out why the witches would want war.

Some memories were missing in her head and she had tried digging through her memories by herself. Normally she would have decided to seek the seers but she had been scared and she didn't want to feel that again. She had a mission and she needed to face her fears.

Turning the locks, she opened the room immediately locking it behind her when she saw how close Brandon was to reach the door. Brandon was faster than her but after the incident, she had become 3x faster and that was unexpected even for her.

Turning she came face to face with who she wanted to see. 'Mint'

Mint was a teenage boy and the mate of the Beta of Bloom Creech in the werewolf community. His mate was a Cold, Strong, Socially Awkward person who does nothing but talks about business. The reason why Mint was kept in this secure room was because of his power which is also his weakness. He walks in people's dreams or memories and he needs a non-chaotic environment for his work.

° You know if you keep standing there your answer wouldn't come to you right? °

-Sarcastic asshole- ° I need your help°

° I know and I've been waiting for you. Let's get down to business before its too late after all we both want an upper hand in this war and need answers to our questions°

Getting into position, Naomi lay down on the floor with Mint laying down by her side.

° You need to relax and free your mind for me to access, just don't pull up your walls and block me out or else all our efforts will be a waste °

Listening to Mint, she closed her eyes and thought of how her walls in her mind will look like but it seems she wasn't expecting what she saw. She was back to where her fears started and she needed to break this unbreakable wall but she wasn't ready.

Doing the only thing anyone who wasn't ready to face their worse nightmare would do, she looked for a shortcut. She was back in the lab room strapped to the medical chair again but this time she wasn't alone Mint had arrived.

° Your Highness, Naomi has escaped, she ran into the seer's room and wouldn't let me in°

That was all Bronz needed to hear before standing beside both men.

° She will be safe with my mate, after all, no one has the lock to the room apart from both of them which makes them much safer°

This was true. Mint and Naomi had a weird connection that they never wanted to Flourish but they had always watched out for each other and they trust each other which made it easy for Naomi to quickly bring down her walls in the situation they were in.

° True, we have a war about to take place and we need everyone's focus, they both shouldn't be our concern and knowing their connection, they would die for each other and their current position is the safest for them° Although Lowell was worried he trusted the two with his life.

° The Queen is currently preparing for battle and she wouldn't back out this time. She had made up her mind and said she would be in the front like along with you and the other kings°

° It seems like my wife is getting bolder and bolder but I want to to be her protector, you protect your Queen with your life°

° Yes, your Highness °

° It's time to give a speech °

Kelvedon the Werewolf king had joined their conversation

Smiling at his friend Lowell replied ° Today some unexpected things might happen and I don't think my speech will quench whatever will happen tonight °

° It seems like you've given up before it has started or you have an idea of what will happen during the battle°

° My friend I feel Cold°

That was all Kelvedon needed to hear to understand his friend. Vampires are naturally cold creatures but have never actually felt cold and this war means a setback. -what could the witches have in store for us? - he thought

No speech was needed and everyone had left for the battle. The Palace was silent, it looked like everyone had been wiped off the face of the earth.

Arriving at the battlefield, what they saw shocked them and they never expected that there would be a betrayal among the Vampire and now the reason for their Cold feet had shown his face.

Brook, his people, and the witches stood side by side on the opposite side of the battlefield facing his family all because he was still angry about his brother's death.

° Brook is this how it's going to be? ° Silver whispered feeling her heart shattering, she never liked Brook's brother but she had always had a soft spot for Brook himself and she felt like he wasn't just betraying his people but also betraying her.

° I'm sorry Silver but this is how it is going to be, I want my brother back, I need him, only you know how good we are when together and also how strong and fast we are, only you understand what I'm feeling. Is it wrong to want to hug him one last time? °

Silver understood him more than ever, after all, she had lost her twin also due to her mistakes and she had wanted to hug him and talk to him one last time but she would never go to this extent in bringing back her dead brother to life. She would want him to continue his journey wherever he may be and rest in perfect peace.

° I understand you but this is wrong, why don't you just let your brother rest in perfect peace! Do you know the consequences of bringing the dead back to life!? °

° Yes I know my Queen and that is why I am here to face the consequences°

°A life for A life right? What more than to kill the people who caused his death in the first place °

° I'll deal with him, handle the rest°

Running headfirst into the battle, Silver was still human but had acquired some vampire abilities that are compatible with a human. Her speed was equal to her husband and her fighting skills and reflex had also increased. She was like the human version of a vampire with all of her training, she knows she could kill Brook without any struggle.





Those were the only sounds that could be heard on the battlefield.

Gasping for breath were Naomi and Mint both had figured out who they were here for and Naomi's goal was to protect their target. Standing up, she cut the chain on Mints neck and sped out of the room locking it behind.

Her Destination was the Battlefield and with great speed, she passed the hallways heading to the field, it felt like she was running for ages, she could see some of their enemies dead but she doesn't know who was on the winning side.

All she heard was a swoosh and her ears had picked up on it far sharper than anything. the smell of blood began to fill the air and she knew who's blood it was before she saw the owner. Her eyes had become extremely sharp that she had zoomed in on their position. She could see that her mother was still holding on but not for long.

Before she knew it she was in front of Brandon sliding under his feet at a great speed she was about to get to her mother's side when she felt it. From her back were feathers sprouting out at a fast rate before turning into a full wing.

With this, she didn't need to practice she could already feel the connection to her new wings and was using it to her advantage. Hitting her feet in the ground she jumped spreading her wings she flew straight looking towards the moon before it turned red and so did her eyes.

At great speed, she wrapped her wings around herself and kept turning like a rocket aiming for one person only Brook. Both colliding with great force that had sent them underneath the ground below. The attack was a surprise to Brook but it wasn't to Silver. She had seen her daughter the moment she heard her skin tearing out of the corner of her eyes.

She had seen for the first time her daughter's recklessness and it was a turn of events.