
Becoming A Vampire Queen : Hafling

A Young girl of five was sucked dry of her blood by a vampire who was in dire need of food while on the run from his offenders. The young girl laid in the pool of her own blood gasping for breath while still holding on to the little life that had refused to escape her. He heartbeat drew the vampire's pursuers to her. A young man among the pursuers took her in thanks to her assistance in capturing the Vampire. Years later, Endeavor became the only adopted child of the Vampire King and Queen. Making her next in line for the throne. However, No one wants her for who she is and who her sire is even if he was already dead. With that, She was made to fulfill certain requirements and tests before she could be accepted as the future Queen. Will Endeavor be able to complete those requirements? How long will it take? And how far will they go just to erase her existence from their world. * * * For now, the novel has no romance, but once it is sighted, I'll update the tags. The novel has been dead for a year+ and due to not grasping the former plot anymore, I had to create another. Hopefully you will enjoy it! Thank you for your support!

Beautiful_Mind · Fantaisie
Pas assez d’évaluations
11 Chs

Chapter 4

After not finding anything in her memory that could alter the course of her death, Savvy finally took her first step into the city of Devastation.

However, that first step became her doom.



Something or someone passed by her so fast that she could barely comprehend and to her dismay, she felt light. Tilting her head to the side, she noticed her bag had gone missing.

Sighing and without an ounce of fight left in her she ignored the missing bag and moved deeper into the city.

The city had no light just like how a city the a world of darkness was meant to be. However, every individual who occupied this planet had a glow in their eyes which made them see like there was light.

The city was big yet foreign to savvy after all, she had only always known the forest. Savvy strolled around the huge city with curiosity flashing in her gaze.

The city was buzzing with peoples voices and music from the lips of singers who sang without beat yet their melody was beautiful.

The city of Devastation wasn't as it's named implied on the outside. But, on the inside the name showed it's meaning.

Suddenly, several trucks zoomed past, their speed wasn't so special however, they attracted all attention due to the light which seemed like a forbidden thing in this environment. The people cursed at the trucks, some hurling stones, knifes, bats and so many dangerous objects.

To their dismay, they didn't turn off their light and kept driving forward. Savvy stood at the sidelines ignoring the sharp objects hurling around her some almost injuring her yet with the slightest move, they moved past her delicate areas.

Suddenly their lights went off and a very lanky child of seven stood in front of the moving cars with his palm stretched forward indicating a halt towards the moving truck. The truck driver seeing the child had fear in their eyes and without further ado, they stopped their vehicle making the other three halt in the process.

With a wave of his finger, the child ordered the driver to get down from it's vehicle. With shaky legs the driver stepped down feeling flustered and intimidated by the small figure of the child yet his eyes were brimming with respect and a bit of fear for the child.

Stuttering the driver bowed making sure to keep a 5meter distance. "Y-y-your lordship! It is with great pleasure to receive your anger"

Laughing the child tutted and in a mocking tone he asked "And yet you guys do as you please in my city! Have I been lenient with your people?"

Fear sticking the driver stayed bowed unable to respond properly he stuttered once more "i- it is isn't like that your lordship, you have been extremely kind to us and we will forever be greatful to your kindness! It is I who had broken the rules! For our King and Queen are as innocent in this matter as new borns.it is I who needs to be punished for my wrongdoings"

The child immediately folded his arms behind him, his action made the bowing man piss his body. His fate has already been decided and without further ado, the child's guards who stood in the surrounding area hidden in the shadows became visible to everyone.

They moved swiftly dragging the man away just as swiftly as they had arrived.

"Take that truck and deliver the trash where they belong"The child spoke up, a young man appeared making sure to order all the other trucks to turn off their light before driving the trucks off.

As the child was about to return, he caught the pair of black eyes without whites watching him before disappearing from his view making it seem like it was his imagination playing tricks on him.

Savvy had hidden herself underneath the last truck following it to it's destination. She was curious even when she knows this curiosity will case her death.

A few hours later the trucks arrived at a big facility with guards lining everywhere, but what shocked Savvy the most was how the trucks weren't allowed to enter the facility thankfully she had gotten down in the nearby forest they had passed through minutes ago making her a bit safe.

Savvy watched behind a tree as the trucks opened and people with their whole head locked in a small metal cage for their head alone came down from the trucks. Their eyes were red and the head cage had spikes which if their neck was moved in an unnecessary angle, the spike could impale their neck killing them in one go.

'What could they have done to deserve such treatment!?' Savvy wondered.

These trash as the Lord of the city calls them consist of both genders and different ages. However, the female were led to a tunnel probably leading to an underground facility. The children were moved to a facility that had the name 'Experimental' written in bold letters.

The males were led into the main facility which if one looked closely was more like a prison cell for deranged people. The moment the huge gate to the main facility opened, wails, cries of pain filled Savvy's ears making her groan with clenched teeth. Her ears were bleeding like a water fountain.

She knew where she was, so she couldn't cry out or make noise instead, she endured it hoping the the doors will close soon. However to her dismay even after they were all in, they didn't close the gate and instead, an alarm blared from the facility and the next words paralyzed her.

"A prisoner has escaped! A prisoner has escaped! Zero has escaped! Search for him!"

Slumping on the tree, her mind was fussy yet savvy stood straight although knowing she could collapse at any moment, she did the unexpected. She ran in a blurry gaze Savvy ran for her life like there was no tomorrow. Her mind could only say one word and like any human, her survival was all that mattered 'Run Savvy Run!'

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