
Becoming a life winner from infancy

Reborn in a parallel world, Fang You landed on earth with the cry of a newborn! By achieving growth goals, he could unlock various unique talents, positioning himself to win right from the starting line! As a baby: Accomplish 1,000 rollover movements to unlock the talent "Reverse Life"; As a toddler: Master 10 paper airplane folding techniques to unlock the talent "Origami Celebrity"; As a youth: Secure 100 victories in "Three Kingdoms Kill" to unlock the talent "Rising to Prominence"; "Absolute Focus," "Eat without Gaining Weight," "Never Nearsighted," "Five Seconds to Sleep," "Photographic Memory"... With the continuous acquisition and accumulation of growth energy, more all-around talents gradually emerged... Starting as a well-known internet sensation baby cutie and accompanied by the neighborly companionship of a girl who was like a sister from another life, enjoy the sweet, loving daily life of winning from childhood to adulthood!

Cao Manjun · Urbain
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191 Chs

144 Paper Airplane Battle_2

Xia Anyang grew up with a silver spoon in his mouth, always under his mother's strict tutelage attending various cram schools for music, art, swimming, calligraphy, and other special classes, and he was always an honor student.

It wasn't until middle school that he was introduced to rock music and the electric guitar by his childhood friend, little Chun, and he believed he'd found the career he loved most in life. Therefore, despite his parents' objections, he embarked on his journey with his own rock band—

Of course, Nuo Nuo had already heard this story from her dad so many times she could have grown calluses on her ears.

The only reason to mention these things was to illustrate one point:

Xia Anyang's childhood was not that colorful.

He could only lie on the window sill of his 100-square-meter living room, watching the kids downstairs play with paper airplanes.

But Fang Guanghui was different!