
Our First Million

A lone figure, wearing a long coat and a bowler hat that obscured most of his face, walked the dimly lit hallway. The only light in there came from the flickering glow of his cigarette that he was smoking.

After a brief walk, he reached the only door which was before him. Pausing, he extinguished his cigarette and slowly opened the door entering the place. Inside there was a small room awaiting him, illuminated by a single wooden table where three other individuals were seated waiting for him as he seemed to be the last to arrive at this meeting.

"Finally, he showed up," a young man's voice chimed in as Don Cerino entered the room and closed the door.

"Show some respect, Don Enzo," Don Vito interjected. "You're talking to the legendary Cerino here." Don Vito and the others stared at Cerino as he removed his hat and coat, hanging them on the ragged wall before heading toward the table where his peers were sitting.