

Aksa is sent to another world to live a leisurely life; however, due to his weak status, she is not accepted by the big guilds and decides to join the starting city, which is all weak adventurers. Another fate brought him together with a mysterious magician named Heliet Ladeosfa, who was 900 years old. Since then, their relationship turned into teacher and student until Aksa was involved in a dangerous situation. Can he solve all the problems he faces?

BabyF_05062016 · Fantaisie
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12 Chs


Under the sunlight that was not too hot, a figure flashed above the heads of the three of them, and it had a large body covered in dazzling blue scales and a body length that was difficult to measure by anything.

If you had to guess, it might be 10 km away, that's what Aksa thought, for the two people by her side were no longer surprised by this figure. After all, that dragon figure was a figure worshipped by the dragon race long ago, and she was Freya.

The dragon flew through the clouds and then towards the top of a white tower that soared through the sky.

Vivian explained.

"The dragon goddess does live there, according to the legend if one can climb the tower all the way to the top, he will be able to marry her and the dragon goddess will grant you one wish."

"What's the point of marrying a dragon, you might end up being eaten by it," added Heliet puffing her cheeks.

Heliet only worries that Aksa will try to climb the tower and leave her alone; however, Aksa honestly doesn't care about such legends.

The reason he was here was to live a leisurely life while adventuring. When it came to marriage, he would think about it later.

After eating the processed fish he made, Aksa stood up from his seat.

"I want to go home now. How about you two?" asked Aksa.

"I still have something to do later, you go first."

"Then I will cook dinner."

"Sure, please make me some good meat."

"I also have to go around first to check around, see you later in town."

Aksa just walked without looking back. When he disappeared, Vivia took a deep breath, looked at Heliet and said.

"You haven't told him the truth yet?"

"I don't want to make him worry, I'm happy to be with him anyway."

Heliet gave a small smile which made Vivia shake her head a few times, and this was the first time Vivia had seen such a genuine smile from her.

"Gradually, it will happen that I live in Antares city, too, because you can't protect this place anymore."

Vivia stood up to walk away. Only a few meters, Heliet called out to her.

"Thanks for that time, if you didn't come, the city of Antares would no longer exist by now."

"No problem, just think of it as a service from your friend. Unfortunately I failed to get rid of that dragon of destruction, maybe one day he will come here again."

After that, they both separated.

A gentle breeze caressed Heliet's hair as grass and flowers fluttered around her.

"I've lived for 900 years, I guess I don't have any regrets anymore."


I returned to the guild to get money from the fishing, and Lulu happily gave me the money bag I thought was too much.

"Fifty silver coins."

"Miss Lulu?" I called her in a surprised tone.

"This includes bonuses, Aksa has been working hard to beat the slimes that's why the guild gave it for free."

"I only beat slimes you know, nothing great."

Lulu waved her hand in disapproval.

"Honestly there are more and more slimes near the city, the reason being that there are no more adventurers hunting her, since there is Aksa it's not a problem anymore, with this the existence of slimes can still be controlled."

I'm still confused. However, I decided to accept it.

"Thank you."

"If you're so grateful how about we go on a date once in a while?" said Lulu while closing one eye mischievously.

"I'll think about it," I answered, so she just puffed out her cheeks with a frown.