
Because of Sophie

Is all about betrayal,heart break and giving love another chance. Kasie gave love another chance because of little Sophie

annaachums80 · Fantaisie
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Chapter Four

David felt panic rise as he had the out of control desire long before. She was still a child when she didn't seem to have seen the mess they have caused. He didn't use condom and she was a virgin. He remembered that he's been lying naked with her in his arms. His room was near his parents house.

When his friend Louis walked into the kitchen, he jumped up and put on his clothes on,asking Kasie to do the same. He stepped out of the kitchen, shut the door behind him thinking that Kasie would stay behind which she didn't. Louis figured out what happened between them but David denied it. Assuming Kasie had so much touched him,she could have confirmed Louis suspicion and the whole town would have known about it. Louis is someone who doesn't keep secret. So David made a joke inorder to wave it out. He should have find a better way to send her to bed than been cold and cruel to her.

Lightening thunder struck,Sophie sat up and screamed before David could make it to her bed. "You are safe, princess. Daddy's here".

He sat beside his princess and his princess covered her ears as another thunder struck. "It's so loud. I don't like it".

David carried her up into his lap and snuggled her head under his chin. It can't hurt you. It's just the clouds banging together.

Sophie yawned expansively. Let it stop. Me too, David admitted. He turned so his back was against the headboard, still carrying Sophie to his chest. He rubbed her back,sang luabbly to her inorder to soothe her fears. "Try to sleep. Daddy will stay beside you and tomorrow we'll get started on our house. You can help me choose the colour once the repairs are done.

Sophie yawned. "Brown like my magic rock. I want the house to match my rock, to be beautiful. She said before she dropped off to sleep. He smiled then remembered sadly, just like Sophie, he always thought that a daddy could fix anything. But he knew like his father before him, there were a lot of things he and Sophie's "magic rock" couldn't fix. He picked up the magic rock she treasured so much and left for Torthuil. He kept it to remind him of the home he had lost so that he never stop fighting to be rich and powerful as the man who' d forced him to leave. He gave the rock to Sophie that day when he knew they would be returning.

As he sat there ten years ago, holding sophie in his arms, revisiting what had happened that morning so long ago, things looked different. John Hopewell's anger towards David was different. David could go to any length to protect his princess. Hopewell showing up at Torthuil the following was understandable. He'd still been shepherding two of his daughters through their teenage years, having expected David's parents to be involved in meeting made sense. Telling David to get out of town, to stay out so he and Kasie had no contact again and that fell in the forgivable range.

What Hopewell had done was still unforgivable and inexcusable. Hopewell made a threat that if David didn't agree to what he said, that he is going to make sure that he close Wilson's farm because they are more powerful than Wilson. If Kasie had turned pregnant, nothing would save his family from Hopewell's threat.

Summer came,Hopewell had crossed the line into cruelty, refusing to allow David to return to Hopetown for his younger brother's burial. David was so angry at Hopewell which made him to work so hard inorder to forget about what happened. Kasie betrayed him by telling her father what happened between them. She was so immatured then but now he have seen her all grown up, it was hard to ignore and harder to hold against her. There was still Anna's death and the belief he long harboured in his heart that Kasie was involved in his sister's death. How else would Anna have met the rich kid who'd been drunk behind the wheel of the boat the day she was killed? There was no doubt in his mind that a member of the privileged crowd the Hopewells hung around with. Now John Hopewell is dead which left David with a problem. What will he do with this attraction for his daughter or the anger he have for Hopewell because of his ill treatment?

She peeked around the kitchen door into Cliff Walk's dining room. Her chef Jane Felix had prepared the meals each guests have requested the night before and now they are happily eating the food expect for David and his precious jewel Sophie. Kasie had been so knocked off that she forgot to ask them to choose from the menu, even though Jane didn't known that they have checked in.

"Ready, Kasie," Jane said behind her and that made Kasie to be a little scared.

Don't sneak up on me like that, said Kasie.

Jane looked down and apologise to her.

Kasie gave her a little smile and also apologise by saying she was preoccupied.

You sure are interested in them. Why aren't you in there chatting with him and your other guests the way you usually do.

"Interested? Me? Don't be foolish. I loathe the man", refused to comment on her neglect of the guests. Any woman who'd loathe a man who looks like that and treat his kid like the centre of the universe needs to examine her head. Think all this catering to strangers is affecting your brain. I have better things to do than stand around watching you hide from life.

"I do not hide from life, Kasie said". I have a busy life. What could you have to do with everyone's meal ready? I'm going to ltalian tonight so that i can get started on the fresh pasta for them.

David's reason for his break up with kasie

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