
He doesn't care at all

As far as Oliver was concerned, PE classes should be totally removed from every high school's curriculum. He hated it with passion.

He was exhausted from everything the instructor asked them to do. Mr. Whitestone, the instructor had made the boys do a more strenuous exercise and now his body ached terribly from it. It had been a long time since he did any exercise so it was quite expected after the rigorous sports which included running several laps around the school field. At least, no one got to touch him with their sweaty bodies and even the ones who tried to, he had moved away from their reach. He was certain they had labelled him as a snob already but he didn't mind. Just a few more months and he was out of high school and away from this place. If possible, away from the world.

Another thing he wasn't quite fond of was Rachel. She seemed quite clingy. He had noticed the previous day that her eyes was set on the Liam dude but all of a sudden, she switched to him. He guessed she was trying to get Liam jealous but she was probably too stupid to see that Liam didn't care... or maybe he did? Considering how he had been keeping his eyes on them since yesterday and especially looking at him. Was he concocting some kind of plan to pay him back? What for exactly?

"Oliver! You should hurry to the locker room and freshen up before the break is over. Mr. Spencer won't take it likely with you if you're late to his class." Harry said with a tap on his shoulder before walking past him to meet Liam who was already heading towards the room.

Oliver looked at the shoulder where Harry had tapped him. Good thing he chose to wear the PE shirt with the long sleeves instead of the sleeveless one.


"You okay?" Harry, who was already stripping out of his basketball Jersey asked Liam who was simply standing in the room absentmindedly.

"What? Yeah. sure. Why?" Liam asked before he began to take off his own football Jersey.

"You've just been... somewhat distant lately and always blacking out. Is something going on?" Harry asked, looking at his face closely.

"I'm fine." Liam assured him.

"If there is anything you want me to help you with, do not hesitate to let me know, okay?"

"Sure. Thanks man." Liam smiled faintly at him and turned towards his locker to get his personal towel. Immediately he turned, he locked gaze with Oliver and the latter looked away immediately and opened his own locker. He didn't know whether Oliver was truly looking at him before or whether it was just a coincidence that they had locked eyes but it was weird how he suddenly looked away as if he had been caught doing something bad.

Normally, Liam would have ignored him but that wasn't his plan today. He walked directly to where Oliver was and stood beside the boy who was still looking through his locker for God knows what.

"You aren't going to get changed?"

Oliver flinched when he heard Liam's voice and turned to look at him. It was obvious in his face how startled he was.

"Sorry." Liam quickly apologized but the amusement in his eyes was clearly obvious to Oliver who frowned and returned to bury his face inside his locker. He didn't know why Liam was talking to him. They weren't friends. They never were. Never would.

"I still have your helmet." Liam said, getting his attention but he didn't look away from his locker.

"I remembered this morning. Leave it on my bike later."

Oliver expected Liam to leave after he said that, but he didn't go away.

"Are you... okay?" Liam asked, sounding concerned SURPRISINGLY. That got Oliver's full attention so he closed his locker and looked at Liam.


"Are you okay?" Liam repeated.

"Why are you asking me that?" He asked in confusion.

Liam could not tell him he had seen how broken he looked yesterday or tell him he had been noticing quite a lot about the way he behaved so instead, he shrugged.

"Just wanted to know. Changing environments and schools isn't easy for anyone." Liam said while looking at his face carefully. He noticed Oliver looked uncomfortable but he couldn't tell if it was because of him or something else.

"I'm fine. Thanks for asking."

He didn't wait to hear anything else from Liam before he walked away to the opposite direction.

As Liam watched his back, he sighed. He didn't know why the kid was bothering him too much. This was the first time he was really worried about someone he knew nothing about. They both didn't have a good relationship and the kid seemed to dislike him for some reason he didn't know about. So why couldn't he just mind his business and leave the kid alone?

He was going to start minding his business from now. Oliver Sallow wasn't his problem. He already has a lot on his plate and worrying about a boy wasn't something he should be doing. He didn't care about Oliver Sallow. He doesn't care at all.

Should we bet how long that is going to last?

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