

"What is love?" someone asked me. I said love is the most beautiful thing in the world, and love is the cure for everyone." The lady sitting behind me laughed and said, 'No! That not;' "Love is the drug that makes you blind," she said. She gave me a book and whispered in my ears, don't be blind, and she disappeared. I looked at the book and I read the title: "The drug that makes you blind Because it's first love." and there is a note "you will get your answer soon." I don't understand; I want to hear her thoughts and ask why it makes us blind. But she disappeared like the wind, and I never saw her again. It feels like some mystery. Let’s read, and find it together. ************** Joskylar is a girl who trying to find about the answer of the question, "Why love makes us Blind?" The story start with her reading of the book named, "The drug that make you Blind, Because it's first love." which is a love story between a girl named ‘Jomira’ and a boy named ‘Skylar’. They two fell in love because of the letters that they wrote to each other. It all starts with a letter. Waiting for someone is not an easy task, but if it's first love, then waiting is worth it. If that day comes, does fate make it possible? After five years of long-distance love, they are finally going to meet for the first time. But is it simple? Will destiny bring them together? What tragedies await them? Will Joskylar find her answer? A story with lots of mysteries; that will fascinate you and break your heart. Let's get ready to cry out loud... Lots of sweet moments are awaiting you... **************** Hi readers! It's a story about finding first love and fighting for it. The story is about the journey between Lar and Jomira to find each other, and the story focuses on the people they met on their journey. It's a full pack of the love story with a love triangle in it. You can find not only the love story of Lar and Jomira but also the love story of the side character of the story too. We need to find out why love blinds us so you can find different types of love from this story. This story mainly focuses on the first love of each character. **** As I'm a Cdrama, Kdrama and Kpop fan and an EXO lover so I'm using the Korean place and other Korea related thing in my story. **** From this story, you will get nothing but I'm sure I will make you believe "Love is a drug that makes you blind". Enjoy reading... N/B Image in the cover page is not mine, it's CRT to it's owner. I edited it.

Joskylar · Urbain
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186 Chs


"What is love?" someone asked me.

I said love is the most beautiful thing in the world, and love is the cure for everyone."

The lady sitting behind me laughed and said, 'No! That not;'

"Love is the drug that makes you blind," she said.

She gave me a book and whispered in my ears, don't be blind, and she disappeared.

I looked at the book and I read the title: "The drug that makes you blind Because it's first love." and there is a note "you will get your answer soon."

I don't understand; I want to hear her thoughts and ask why it makes us blind. But she disappeared like the wind, and I never saw her again. It feels like some mystery.


A girl named Joskylar begins to read the book, which she received from an unknown lady in search of a question, "Why love makes us blind?"





Jomaira is an 18-year old pretty girl, the granddaughter of the most famous person in Korea, and the next heir of the JOA group, one of the number one business groups in the world. And she is the only child in her family.

Everybody called her Aira. She lived with her parents, and she just moved to the new town for her further studies. She fell in love with a boy named 'Skylar' when she was 13-year old.

Skylar is a 19-year old charming boy, the son of the number one business magnate of Seoul. He is the second child of his family. He went to study abroad when he was 14-year old.

Jomaira and Skylar had never seen each other before. The two fell in love because of the letters that they wrote to each other. They addressed each other with the name Jo and Lar. They both do not know each other's identity.


One heavy night on New Year's Eve, it's an unforgettable day for Aira. She was very excited about this day because it's her first date with Lar. She was nervous because it's the first time they were going to meet.


The day before New Year's Eve…

The door opened, and there was no one in the room. Found a letter on the table; I'm leaving.

Aira, who escaped from home, is now on a flight to Seoul.

The plane arrived at Incheon International Airport. She got off the plane. And the cab she booked online was waiting outside.

The cab arrived in front of a hotel called Sparkle, where she had booked online. She went inside. The staff gave her the room key.

Her room was on the fifth floor, and she got into the elevator and pressed five. She went to her room, which was room number 1212.

She put the key in the lock and walked inside. It's a beautiful room with good interior work; it's not the one she booked online. She opened the door of the balcony, looked all around, and just closed her eyes and felt the air.

'I missed it lots; it's been a year,' she said.

*knock* *knock*

Someone at her door. She opened it, and it was the staff. The staff said her room number was 1211 and that they had given her the wrong room key. They apologized and brought her to the booked room.

The staff returned the key to a tall young man with a handsome face. He got inside and put his luggage in the corner. And he saw a paper bag was on the bed. He took it and looked at what was inside. It was lots of chocolate. He took one and ate it. It tastes different, and he loves it. But he felt guilty and decided to return it to the person next door. He knocks on the door, but no one replies. So he put the bag in front of the door and went to his room.

Aira came from the bath and opened the door to see who it was, but she didn't see anyone. She looks down and finds the paper bag. She took it and went inside.

And eat one chocolate from the bag and said glad I got it back. It's the chocolate that is Aira made by her own hand.

Suddenly, her phone rang; she looked at it, 50 miscalls. She turned it off and put it on the table.

She sat beside the mirror and started to dry her hair. After that, she put on a face mask, applied some lotion on her hand, and took a paper cut from her bag then lay on the bed. It was a letter from Lar.

Aira read his letter again and again, 'Let's spend New Year's Eve together; I promise you, we will meet this time for sure; wait for me. Lovingly Lar.'

Lar wrote in his letter that they would meet at the Moment restaurant at 5 pm. The Moment restaurant is near to her hotel, and it's only a few minutes' walk.

While reading the letter, she blushed and smiled. But she was wondering, will Lar like her; what should she do if he comes? The thoughts made her worried, and she can't get enough sleep.


On New Year's Eve…

The sunlight coming through the curtain touched her face, and she smiled slightly. She wakes up from her sleep. She went to the balcony and enjoyed the fresh air.

The young man next door also comes to the balcony and enjoys the fresh air. They can't see each other.

She went for a morning walk and came back after doing some exercise. She read the newspaper while drinking her coffee.

After a few hours later, Aira was busy with makeup, dress, and many other things. Finally, she prepared herself and looked in the mirror. She looks gorgeous in a pretty dress, and happiness makes her even more beautiful.

She reached the Moment restaurant on time. When she got there, she wondered why there was nobody in the restaurant.

Then the staff came to greet her; and asked, "Are you Jo ma'am?"

Aira got surprised, and with a low voice, she said yes.

The staff told her to follow them, and they showed her a table decorated with white roses and candles. It's full of nice smell, and she feels very blessed.

'Ma'am, do you want anything?' staff asked.

'No, thanks.' Aira said.

But she was super nervous and ended up asking for a glass of water. The staff brings some water, and she takes a sip and makes herself cool down. Then she just waited for Lar.

The time went so fast, the clock in the restaurant struck eight, but Lar didn't show up. It does not make her worried; she still believed that he would come because he promised.

But unfortunately, it's getting dark, and the restaurant is about to close. The staff comes again to tell that they are closing. Aira asked for half hours, they agreed.

But Lar didn't come up, and it's time to close too. Aira smiled and left from there.

Unfortunately, it started to rain. It was heavy. Aira just walked in an absent mind and only one question in her mind, why he didn't come.

She looks like a stupid person who waited five years for a person who never met for once.

The rain also was quite cruel to her; the heavy drops of rain fell on her face. She completely drenched in the rain and fell. The beautiful dress turned ugly, the glowing face was washed away by the grief, and the joy turned to sadness there.

The tears she tried to hold up came out, which mixed with rain. She started to cry loudly and looked at the sky then she shouted why... she felt it full dark.



Why didn't Lar come?

What is going to happen to Aira?

To find out, read the next chapter.


" Sometimes, in each life, some days will be dark."

Hi, my precious readers.

How are you all?

How was my first chapter. Did you like it. Please comment about it. And thank you for the all supports you guys gived to me. I'm glad to have you all.

Here is a question for you.

Do you remember your first love?

Who is that?

Are you still love your first love?

why is first love so special?

comment please.

Joskylarcreators' thoughts