
Because I simply love you

[COMPLETED] From the outside, Nana’s life seemed simple. She had everything she had ever wanted: a cute but rascally pair of twin brothers, a best friend, and her own restaurant. Nana couldn’t ask for anything more; she was happy and content in her life. One day by chance, Nana meets Madam Chen of the second most prestigious Chen family who instantly liked her for her son, Chen Jianyu. But this one meeting turned Nana's simple life into a hell of a rollercoaster. Amidst all the twists, when the time came to announce Nana and Chen Jianyu's engagement in the Chen's celebration banquet, someone from the shadows planned the biggest conspiracy that woke Nana to the biggest horror of her life. What will happen next? One thing is for sure. Nothing is as simple as it seems to be. --- Discord - https://discord.gg/CbhNys444r Follow me on Insta - enthu_reader7 **Cover is designed by artist Vatarison. Insta - vatarison.art**

enthu_reader · Urbain
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524 Chs

Shin and Huian (1)

Everybody gathered for the barbecue. All the kids were restlessly waiting for their delicious feast.

"Aunt Nana. When can we eat the barbecue?" Meirong asked as she drooled at the burning meat's sight.

Nana chuckled. "It's almost done."

Zixin shook his head. "You don't have any patience."

But then his own stomach grumbled.

Jian and Nian burst into laughter, and so did Nuo and Bao. Meirong and Meixiu giggled. "Zixin is also so hungry~~"

Zixin's face turned beet red from the embarrassment.

Nuo carefully walked, holding a small tray containing three cups of water. She trotted towards Jinhai, Jianyu, and Shin.

"Dada, Uncle Jianyu, Uncle Shin…I bwought water for you. You bwought woods, so you must be thirsty."

An arrow shot through their hearts as Nuo adorably smiled.

Shin said, "You are just like Nana when you smile."

Jinhai felt proud. "Of course. Nuo and Nana have the prettiest smiles in this whole world."