


OH God I overslept, I was just taking a quick nap which turned into a long sleep. I have to get to work in 30 minutes, I quickly took a shower and wore my waitress uniform and headed to the kitchen.

"What are you doing here? I thought you already left." a-yeong asked, my best friend since college, she's a Korean. After college we decided to move together to our new apartment since the one we were living in was small.

"I overslept and thank you for waking me up." I said sarcastically, grabbing a banana in the fruit basket.

"Simone, I still don't understand why you have to work there... You are already one of the popular fashion designers across the world." a-yeong said. Even today she will never understand the reason why I decided to work at that bar.

"a-yeong, I'm already late, see you. I love you." I said after getting an alert of my Uber waiting for me outside.

"see you." I walked to the Uber and hopped in. The drive only took 20 minutes to get there and I quickly got in the counter and starting preparing for the night.

"you are late again?" jack said, my manager, he has been nothing but nice to me. Maybe that's why I love working here and of course no one knows that I'm that famous fashion designer in disguise. I just want to live my life in a simple way so this job is the perfect way to make my life normal.

"I'm sorry Jack, I overslept what's going on today.... Seems like only high profiled people are making their way here tonight." I asked, I noticed that there are only men in the bar except me and other waitress.

"well, yes those are well-known men and that man in black suit is getting married tomorrow so his friends threw him a bachelor party." jack said.

"Jack but they are all in black suit." i asked, that's what I have to deal with daily with jack not being able to describe people.

"you know what? Just go and serve them with this bottles I was about to go and give them, maybe you might find someone who can entertain you tonight." jack said, I just rolled my eyes and took the bucket of the bottles with ice cubes in it to the table.

"oh God, don't tell me that you are the one who will be stripping for me tonight?" the man said I don't know, but I would say he was disgusted in some sort of a way. I placed the bucket in the table.

"are you going to stare at us or say something? We paid a lot of money to get a stripper like you." the other man said, he was wearing just a white shirt without a suit, either way he looked handsome. The fact that I just kept quiet might have gotten the guy more furious, he shouldn't be furious at yet because if I wished to talk to him. He will regret ever making me feel like I was a dirt.

"well, at least you can say something rather than keeping quiet like that?" the man said with Grey eyes, for a moment I didn't noticed him when I get here. Regardless of how charming he is, I don't think i should react to this nonsense. Literally the man is getting married, but still want to see some strippers ass. Disgusting.

"I want to see the manager, I can't deal with this dirt slut." he said.

"Jordan calm down, I don't think..."

"what's going on here?" jack asked looking at me suspiciously.

"is this the best stripper you could get for us after paying so much money here." the man who I assume he is the groom says.

"well, she's not a stripper, but a waitress and I don't appreciate the way you are talking to her." jack said in an annoyed tone..

"well she could've said so than to stand here without saying anything, that is rude." my charming man said. Jack looked at me. I sign "I didn't want to be arrested for murder, this guy was getting through my nerves" after telling him, he just nodded and earning shocked faces from the guys. Well Jack's daughter is deaf and obviously he knows sign language which he was the one to taught me.

"well I'm sorry for inconvenience service, she's deaf. I'm sorry I will make it up to you Jordan I promise." jack said while grabbing my wrist leading to the counter.

"wow, you should've studied to be an actress because you are good at it." jack said while using his hands which I laughed. I looked the men who seemed like they were still in shocked for what happened.

"thank you for the rescue, I thought I was really going to murder that rude guy, is this Jordan the groom" I said, using sign language sometimes it's fun.

"yeah, he's kind of a womaniser which even today I don't get why he's marrying if he will be cheating on his wife everywhere. I feel sorry for her." jack said. And left mmm that was a touchy story I almost laughed at my thoughts.

"mmmm I heard that you were in trouble with those handsome men over there. How recklessly you can be sometimes." kedibone said, Jack's daughter.

"just leave me alone, they were so rude well except for that with trimmed beard." I said.

"mmm someone has a crush, it's about time you get a one night stand." kedibone said with that evilish smile.

"you and your dad are so obsessed with my love life." I said taking the tray of drinks to other table. Ladies in their 30's enjoying their life. I placed the tray on the table.

"thank you miss big clothes, why do your manager give such an ugly uniform, I mean he can't give you ugly uniforms while you are ugly yourself." the lady said, my mother's voice flashback, my mom used to call me ugly fat guy, well I'm not fat anymore so I guess the only thing that I'm left with is my ugliness. The ladies laughed and Jordan came.

"hey ladies, how are you doing?" he asked shoving me aside, even after hearing that I'm deaf, there's no respect. I hate this man.

"look at you, pretending to be that innocent that doesn't mean you are beautiful, you deaf." he said, and the other lady I guess couldn't hold herself and burst into laughter. It was funny how I experience this every night, but in my daytime everyone pretend to love me because I'm the famous fashion designer.

"oh you are deaf darling poor little thing, I think your mother should have saved the humiliation that you will get rest of your life and aborted you." the other lady in red dress said and had the nerve to pour me with the wine. "oops I'm sorry it must have slipped through my hands, and you going to pay for that. Why are we even served by the deaf?" she asked. I quickly run to the bathroom. Is this what kedibone go through everyday? Why she hasn't told me anything though? Or is it me because they say I'm ugly? I took the tissue to wipe the stains.

"can i help you with that beautiful?" the deep voice asked.