
Beauty Awake

After being expelled from the elite Marine Corps for a serious mistake, he returns to urban life in a state of decadence, where fate continues to mock him. A series of misunderstandings make him a regular at the police station, where he is regarded as an extremely dangerous individual. When various urban beauties appear before him in different ways, he unwittingly finds himself in conflict and misunderstanding with them. What stories will unfold between him and these women? Starlets, wealthy heiresses, beautiful policewomen, high-level executives, flight attendants - these outstanding beauties, the dream of every man, will grace the pages of this book, inviting you to explore each one.

jojokria · Urbain
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42 Chs

018 Say goodbye to decadence

That night, Zhang Ziwen lay in bed, tossing and turning, unable to sleep. Since being expelled from the army and sent home, he had been in a deep state of depression, living a life of decay.

The sorrowful eyes of his old commander and his parting words lingered like echoes from yesterday. "Young man, remember, patience is key. Don't repeat your mistakes. You're a top-notch soldier trained by the army. I believe you will excel back home just as you did here."

Zhang Ziwen had been through a lot recently. First, the policewoman's comments had stirred up memories of his time in the army. Then, the sharp slap from the beauty in the lingerie store compounded his frustration. His casual response to Tang Shu today further reminded him that despite the time that had passed since his discharge, he had achieved nothing. What use were his skills if he continued down this path? He would become a societal outcast.

"Am I still the elite soldier from the army?" Zhang Ziwen cursed himself silently. He had been back for so long without making anything of himself. His time in the army seemed wasted. No, he couldn't continue like this. It wasn't too late to turn things around. He had to stand up again.

As the morning mist was gently pierced by a ray of sunlight, the night's coolness quickly vanished. Early risers were returning home with their breakfast, and the city's tranquil morning began to buzz with life.

Zhang Ziwen woke up early and sat at a breakfast stall, sipping soy milk and munching on a fried dough stick. He held a newspaper, browsing the job listings. It seemed that after a night of contemplation, this once-elite soldier had finally come to his senses.

Determination was one thing, but the reality of finding a job was harsh. Zhang Ziwen felt a bit dejected as he flipped through the newspaper. There were many job openings, but most required advanced degrees—Master's, Ph.D., even Bachelor's degrees. At the very least, even for security positions, preference was given to former soldiers. Yes, he had been a soldier, but one with a dishonorable discharge. His tarnished record made it difficult to get hired anywhere. Who would dare to employ a soldier that even the army had given up on, unless he hid his past?

Turning to the back of the newspaper, Zhang Ziwen's eyes lit up. It seemed fate had not entirely abandoned him. A large group called Xin'ao was advertising for numerous positions, taking up half a page. From executives to managers, assistants, salespeople, clerks, drivers, security guards, and even cleaners, they were hiring for all roles. The requirements for positions below manager level were not high, and the ad was valid for three days—today being the first.

Elated, Zhang Ziwen thought he should be able to land one of these many positions. Checking the time, he decided to go home, change into something clean and presentable, and head out for the interview.

As he stood up to pay, his phone rang. Seeing the caller ID, he thought, Damn, why is this guy up so early?

The call was from Hai Dafu, a childhood friend of Zhang Ziwen. Dafu was chubby and was often teased by Zhang Ziwen, who called him "Fat Hai." Dafu was a night owl, typically awake at night and groggy during the day, making him perfectly suited for the American time zone.

"Did the sun rise from the west today? Are you up to watch the sunrise?" Zhang Ziwen teased over the phone.

"Damn! You're up too? I can hear the cars passing by."

"Why are you up so early? What's up?"

"Hehe," Fat Hai chuckled mischievously. "I haven't slept yet, so it's not early for me. I was checking if you were up. Didn't expect you to be awake. My prank failed."

"You're such a troublemaker. How many times have you done this?" Zhang Ziwen laughed and scolded. "Damn, you'll never catch me off guard again. I'm turning over a new leaf and looking for a job."

"Seriously?" came Fat Hai's exaggerated voice. "What's gotten into you? Your beautiful sister sends you a few grand every month. Why look for a job?"

"Damn, you don't get it. I have to go change clothes and get ready for an interview. Bye," Zhang Ziwen said, ending the call.

"Wait, are you serious?"

"Man, do I look like I have nothing better to do than lie to you?"

"Alright then, let's grab a drink tonight. It's been a few days since I last saw you. You disappeared after winning my money last time. That's not cool."

"Sure, we'll touch base tonight. Gotta go now." Zhang Ziwen hung up, slightly annoyed. Mentioning the money soured his mood. It was at the very bathhouse Fat Hai had recommended that he got into trouble, ending up spending a night in a cell. Tonight, he'd definitely give Fat Hai a piece of his mind.

Back home, Zhang Ziwen took a shower, shaved, and put on a white short-sleeved shirt with subtle stripes and light gray trousers. He checked himself in the mirror, feeling a bit proud. He looked quite dashing and thought that with this appearance and his decent looks, he surely could land a job.

The Haidong Development Zone was now one of the most renowned areas in Zhonghai City, and even nationwide. It housed a mix of finance, trade, manufacturing, and high-tech industries. Since its inception in the 1990s, it had seen rapid development. Prominent companies like North German Bank's Zhonghai branch, Siemens, Alcatel, Thompson, Huayuan, and Citibank's Asia-Pacific headquarters, as well as major domestic enterprises like Ping An Insurance, had all set up offices here. Today, Haidong stood as a glittering pearl on the Yangtze River.

Zhang Ziwen stood outside the Yinmao Building in the Haidong Development Zone, where the Xin'ao Group's headquarters were located. This was his first job hunt, and he couldn't help but feel nervous. He lit a cigarette, hoping it would calm his nerves. After finishing it, he checked his watch, took a deep breath, and walked into the building.

The lobby was spacious and bright. Employees were clustered around the elevators, frequently checking their watches, likely worried about being late. Zhang Ziwen squeezed into the crowded elevator and politely asked someone near the door to press the button for the 22nd floor, where the Xin'ao Group's HR department was located.

As he stepped out of the elevator, he was surprised to see many people already waiting, either standing or sitting in the corridor. More people exited the elevator behind him. He had thought he arrived early, but clearly, many others were eager as well. The competition was fierce, and he sighed inwardly.

Due to the large number of applicants, the HR staff had divided them into several rooms, with job titles posted on the doors for clarity. Applicants received forms to fill out. Zhang Ziwen took his form and joined others at a long table in the corridor to fill it out. The form was similar to the one he had filled out when enlisting in the army.

After completing his personal information, he paused at the "Skills" section, only listing his ability to drive various vehicles. He didn't mention his skills with small aircraft, boats, or handling firearms and explosives—those were irrelevant here and might scare people.

Choosing a position was tough. He wasn't qualified for managerial roles or assistant positions, which required at least a college degree. Security roles preferred veterans, and with his dishonorable discharge, he couldn't list his military experience. Cleaning or menial jobs felt too degrading. Eventually, he opted for an office clerk position. The requirements weren't too high—just a high school diploma and basic computer skills. He had received training in this area in the army and was proficient with office software. It seemed his best bet.

Having filled out the form, Zhang Ziwen felt relieved. Reflecting on his situation, he realized that without the army, he was practically nothing. He had to seize this chance to turn his life around.

Determined, he resolved to perform well in the interview and secure the clerical position.

The person collecting the forms was a quiet, delicate-looking young woman named Xu Ying, as per the ID badge reading "0215" on her chest.