
Beauty at Agent's gunpoint(on hold)

Agent King is the famous name in the field of Assassination. No one dares to cross path with him and his team, known as "Agawe Lune". But, that is not all about him, the world barely knows his actual name! He has a secret he could not let someone reveal, and he is determined to go to any level for it. Grace Wittstock is a medical student who is the most beautiful girl of the Somantrea, a small country in the Asia region. Making friends is not her hobby and getting scared is not her habit. But, is that all about her?? Fate is going to play the biggest game, and every evil has to pay for it.

meraki_gal · Fantaisie
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10 Chs

Two different gazes

Agent 01 was sitting on the chair in his room with his fellows. It was their free time and, some of them were playing.

Some were talking while some were listening to music and, some were sleeping.

Agent 01 was the supreme of them and, Agent King was superior of all.

He looked around at all the agents and noticed them looking deadly dangerous but free of any stress, just like their name in the world.

They were known as "Deadly Immortals", Deadly Immortals of the "Agawe Lune" team and, every country's representative knew about them, and, these agents were superior to all of them.

For they were risking their lives to make sure every citizen of every country could sleep in peace, could enjoy their life, and could feel a sense of being safe.

They were the head of every Investigative Agency in the world.

No one dares to raise an objection to their objective and tasks and, no one can deny their order.

There was even a rumour, widely widespread they cannot die and, maybe it was one of the reasons they all feared Agent King's team.

No one knew whether it was just a rumour or whether there exists, such a thing, as no one came forward to either accept it or deny it.

Some terrorists came up with a plan to know about them and attacked them, but no one died making the rumour stronger.

Every terrorist group started fearing them, but many still existed who thought of daring them and continued spreading terror in parts of the world, challenging them and defying them.

And there was only one punishment for those who defy "Agawe Lunaians", Death.

"What do you think about our Mystery girl?" asked one of the agents to Agent 01.

"Can't say anything" replied Agent 01 casually, while laying back in his chair, to have some sleep.

It was almost two days for he to be awake, along with Agent King.

All others' attention, except, those who were sleeping now turned to him. They all knew that this mission was their last and wanted to end it soon, but as eager they were to end it, it was getting delayed.

It had been a week now and, they had come to know only a little information about her.

"I wonder what Agent King is going to do now," said one of them wondering it.

"Whatever he is going to do, he is going to do rightly. All we have to do is to obey him and, the rest will be all right." Agent 01 spoke up and continued " Do not worry about the issue and concentrate on your exercises and routine work."

Shifting his eyes to one of the agents, he spoke with authority" Agent 15, have you done the work I asked you to do?" when his phone rang notifying him of a message.

He did not waste any second on his knights and immediately walks away from his room toward the Agent king's room.

Entering his room, Agent 01 saw Agent King sitting on the chair and engrossed in something.

Getting closer to him, without making any noise, he saw him looking at Grace's file.

He did not want to disturb him so, instead of saying anything, he kept on standing there, waiting for Agent King to notice him.

Agent King smiled internally at Agent 01 action and glanced at him.

He saw Agent 01 bowing to him silently.

"Any new information?" accepting his respect, Agent King asked Agent 01.

"No such valid information, but, some pictures of her with a male have been sent by Agent 02 and Agent 03."

Agent King saw Agent 01 showing him the pictures on his phone and observed the snaps in front of him in which a boy, no, a man dressed in a Midnight blue suit was bending such that his face was in level with a girl whose face was not visible, sitting inside the car.

The man's face was not visible, but, his side view was clear and, from it, Agent King could guess the man to be extremely handsome.

"Her boyfriend?" looking upward at Agent 01, he asked with arched brows.

"We do not know sir. We are trying to find as much information as we can."

Agent king started looking at other pictures from different angles, of the couples standing on some college campus, talking outside the campus, the man opening the door for the girl and many more of the same day.

But he observed in all the pictures, the man was always in a defence position, as if, he was protecting the girl.

As if, she was the most precious thing to him.

He chuckled and looked at Agent 01 again and said: "They are couples."

"Find more about the man" ordering, he kept looking at both of them as if looking at them would make him understand something more or would give him some more information.

He spoke while looking" Well, that's a piece of great news for us, keep an eye on him and, we will come to know about her too".

He spoke when he saw Agent 01 bowing to him, again as to take his leave" Tell all the agents, I want every bit of information about her in the next 24 hours."

"And, I mean it, Agent 01."


The sky was clouded and, the once-blue clouds had turned blackish.

Silence was prevailing all around, and the air was blowing fast, almost roaring.

It was a stormy day, but, the sound of the wind whispering through the trees was heard easily, along with the bird's humming.

The weather was giving the impression of rain, but for her, it was pleasant.

It was the same as the weather she had loved.

She was wearing a grey coloured shirt, navy blue jeans, and white sports shoes. Her hair was tied in a messy bun, and earphones were plucked in her ear.

The cool breeze was easily flowing through her satin blue mask and she took a long breath.

The urge to take her mask off, to feel the air on her face was great and she looked around.

It was six past thirty in the morning, and not many people were outside.

She had the chance to unmask.

Removing the mask upto her nose she felt the air felt a moment of paradise.

She would hardly feel such moments.

Enjoying the weather she looked at her watch and  knew she would reach on time, like every time in the past, no matter how late she would leave her home for Healing Medical institution.

The Healing Medical Institution was one of the best Hospitals and an Institution for Medical students in Somatrea.

She was an intern there and submitted her final project two days ago.

In the Future, She was thinking of completing her "MD (Doctor Of Medicine)" at the same Institution.

Admiring the surrounding, and listening to music, she was busy with herself when suddenly her sixth sense give her a warning.

She felt someone's presence behind her and eyes trained on her back from her left side.

Guessing the intensity of the gazes, she could easily calculate whoever was following her was one or two meters away from her.

"Who the hell are they?" questioning herself, Grace did not change the pace of her walk.

She did not want them to have any idea about her plans and intentions.

But she was no more relaxed.

It was the first time she was facing it. No one had ever stalked her.

Even though she had been the centre of people throughout her life from school to university, Ryan had always been with her.

He had made sure no one harm her in any way.

Ten more minutes and she would be in her institute.

And then suddenly she felt another gaze.

But surprisingly, it did not bother her.

She felt safe but the other gazes were troubling her.

She heard those footsteps approaching her at more speed and she too increased her pace.

She was now alarmed.

They were certainly following her.

Her sixth sense urged her to get lost in the crowd and she changed her direction.

Taking a turn hurriedly, she did not look ahead and bumped into a man.

A man she felt was stronger than anyone she has ever seen.


Enjoy reading it :)

Love to all <3