
Beauty at Agent's gunpoint(on hold)

Agent King is the famous name in the field of Assassination. No one dares to cross path with him and his team, known as "Agawe Lune". But, that is not all about him, the world barely knows his actual name! He has a secret he could not let someone reveal, and he is determined to go to any level for it. Grace Wittstock is a medical student who is the most beautiful girl of the Somantrea, a small country in the Asia region. Making friends is not her hobby and getting scared is not her habit. But, is that all about her?? Fate is going to play the biggest game, and every evil has to pay for it.

meraki_gal · Fantaisie
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10 Chs

The Raid

Grace carefully ascended to the main gate of her home, with an uneasiness she was not able to decipher.

She lived on the first floor of the apartment, the ground floor empty.

Her home was comfortable and normal for someone who does not want to live in a Mansion.

As far as she knows, her parents were normal people who were able to build a nice house, have a car, and every basic necessity that they all three would need.

After their death, she never faced any financial problems as they already have savings in her name in the bank.

She ascended the stairs, feeling the anxiety and fighting within, with her sixth sense urging her to go back.

But, she stopped when she noticed the surroundings to be different.

The lights she usually let switch on of the stairs were off and the flower pot that was kept on the stairs was not in its usual place.

Being an observant girl and careful girl, she always knew where she places things in which manner and pattern.

But it was an inch away from its usual place.

Looking in every direction, she checked out for any person around her, and when found no one, moved upward on the last step of the stairs that led to her apartment.

She did not remove her scarf hiding her face.

Unlocking the door with the key and turning the knob, she moves in carefully with steady steps and turned on the light.

Standing there in defending posture and senses alert, she roams her eyes everywhere.

Finding no one she moved toward the Bathroom which was covered in darkness.

Her heart was beating furiously and she took out her phone to call Ryan.

But she did not dial the number.

The breath she was holding was surpassed when she opened the Bathroom door and found no one.

She took a long breath of relief and went toward the mirror.

Standing in front of the mirror she was about to remove the scarf when she heard a noise.


Agent King hissed a curse at Agent 01 for making the noise.

An hour earlier, they had come to her home and others were positioned outside to give every detail about her movements.

No one was instructed to remain too close to her or Ryan, thus changing their position every five minutes.

They had followed her to the Restaurant, to the Shopping Mall, to the Movie Hall and then to her home.

Agent King and Agent 01 were still going through her papers and stuff of her when one of the agents reported to them her arrival.

To escape before she comes, they both went to the balcony and hide there.

Agent King was standing at such an angle that Rayn was visible to him but she was not.

He could only notice her hair that was of waist length and as their Agents have reported they were of Burgundy colour.

The streetlight was making her hair look shiny and was giving a glimpse of beautiful hair.

The scarf around her face was preventing any further revelation.

His eyes were still on her when Agent 02 reported "She has bid goodbye. "

He saw her hugging Ryan and he knew Ryan cared a lot for her the way he was watching and engulfing her in his arms.

His experience knew she was not suspicious of any crime but it was the Mission given to him by Sarsilmaz' Madam or Queen of the Sarsilmaz and thus he had to take care of this case no matter what.

Both Agent kind and Agent 01 had waited for her to come when they had seen her ascending, with complete silence.

Looming into the darkness, he saw her entering and saw her standing in the defence posture that was just the opposite of what he has seen minutes earlier.

She was looking so vulnerable when she was talking to Rayn but now she looked strong.

He observed her going to the Bathroom and immediately told Agent 01 to jump so they can escape.

They needed another day to raid, or rather his heart was not in sync with his mind.

Agent 01 was about to jump when mistakenly collide his leg with the Flowerpot and it broke down making a noise.

"Fuck!" Cursed Agent King and Agent 01 together.

But they did not make any more noise.

They remain standing in full silence and a second later saw her emerging.

Giving him an apologetic look, Agent 01 looks up at him to know what he was going to do next and saw him signalling him to jump.

"But what about you?? Why you are not going to jump" he asked Agent King hurriedly and in a whisper.

Agent King look around to see Grace coming in their direction at a slow pace and with careful steps.

He calculated her to reach their hiding spot within ten seconds and said immediately "First step" while looking at Agent 01 to know whether he understood.

He looks and saw his face masked with understanding and Hesitant. He knows why he was hesitant, but they had no chance and order him to go first.


Far away from them, the same stranger Grace had met was standing on the roof of the opposite house, observing every move of every agent.

Noticing them for minutes, he averts his eyes and looks inside Grace's home.

He noticed Agent King and Agent 01 hiding on the balcony, but he did nothing.

Unaware of everything, Grace was walking in the direction she had heard the noise, but with utter carefulness.

She knew someone was here in her room but could not see anyone as darkness was engulfing her balcony.

A little amount of light was coming from the Streetlight but not enough to cover all the parts of the balcony.

She was just an inch away from entering the balcony when someone held her from the back.

Her heart which was already beating furiously now knew no limit. Her heartbeats were reaching up to her ear and her body was numbed immediately.

It was the first time, any male has held her body so close, apart from Ryan.

Even Rayn had only hugged her.

She found her capturer left arm above her chest and her right hand around her waist tightly.

His warm breath was caressing her neck. His breathing may have reached her face too but since her face was covered with the scarf, they were just falling on her neck.

Trying to reach out of his hold, she tried to move but was immediately pulled back and found her back against his chest.

She might have never touched any male but she has watched Men with perfect chests and abs and knew the person behind her was much better than them.

She could feel his perfect abs, his chest which was warm even though it was hard like stone.

It did not take a lot of time for her to understand her surroundings.

Regaining her courage, she asked, " Who are you??"

And then she heard a voice that was so manly and rough " Miss Grace Wittstock, you are our prisoner for the suspicious activities".


Enjoy reading it :)

Love to all <3