
Beauty at Agent's gunpoint(on hold)

Agent King is the famous name in the field of Assassination. No one dares to cross path with him and his team, known as "Agawe Lune". But, that is not all about him, the world barely knows his actual name! He has a secret he could not let someone reveal, and he is determined to go to any level for it. Grace Wittstock is a medical student who is the most beautiful girl of the Somantrea, a small country in the Asia region. Making friends is not her hobby and getting scared is not her habit. But, is that all about her?? Fate is going to play the biggest game, and every evil has to pay for it.

meraki_gal · Fantaisie
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10 Chs

Mission Grace

Agent King was waiting for the answer, but, it seemed like Agent 00 was having fun with him. He was ignoring Agent King's questions and was kind of testing his patience which he has never experienced in his life.

Instead of answering him, Agent 00 changed the topic and stood away from the seat, his every move noticed by Agent king and agent 01. Agent 00 walked to the place where his bag was placed and took out a black coloured folder.

Observing it with care, he went back to Agent king and opened the folder, revealing seven files.

"What are those"? Inquired Agent king.

"Each file has one case and, whichever you will choose will become your last mission. All the details of the cases which we were able to find are, listed on that particular case file."

Taking a break in between Agent 00 continued" Ofcourse, you can gather those pieces of information again from a new perspective if you find our details incomplete or if you wish to do so. You have the authority to complete it in any way you want, but, as you are aware of our rule, outsiders should not be aware, of this." informing, Agent 00 placed the seven files on the table in a horizontal way, displaying every file in the finest way.

Agent king looked at the seven files displayed in front of him with no particular emotions. He was not afraid of going on missions, but knowing that case will be his last mission, he wanted to have the toughest of the those in his hand.

After all, that was what everyone aware of their work associate them with.

Agent King looked at Agent 01, who was also looking at the files with the same interest.

Agent King might be the leader of them all, but he had always made sure that whatever work he chooses his fellow members don't find that too hard or too easy.

Not that his fellow members were weak or not up to the level. They were the best fighter known in the world.

Also, he had the power to select whatever cases he wants, but he had always made sure to had their acceptance.

He had no idea but, that was one of the things that would always make him a different leader.

A different but, the best leader, like his fighters, would say to each other.

As if sensing, Agent 01 look at Agent King and saw him looking at him. He knew Agent King would never select something that would harm any of them, for they were a family and, he had always trusted him more than he had ever believed himself.

So, instead of giving his opinion, he simply smiled, sending the message 'whatever you will choose, we all will accept it with grace.'

"I am not selecting any file. You already know what case it contains, so gives me the file which will make me curious to solve it, and which will be of my taste and standard" with a lazy tone, Agent King directed Agent 00. 

"But...." before Agent 00 could complete what he wanted to say, he remembered something which says "Never oppose what Agent King says" and looked at him who was daring him to say one word more.

Agent 00 was an intelligent person who knows when to be serious and when to joke around, and he simply backed away, walking back toward the table.

He picked one of the files and handed it to Agent King and said "This is the file you may be looking. But, this file does not contain all the information as we had not been able to find any clue or information regarding this case."

Taking the file from Agent 00, he scanned the file and saw "GW" embedded in it with the golden colour. 


In a deserted narrow road in a half-moon night, a similar girl figure who was standing at the balcony a night earlier, in blue jean and the light brown shirt with her face covered with a dark black silk cloth was walking absentmindedly.

She had placed her right hand in the jeans pocket and, left hand occupied with big black polythene which appeared full.

She was deep in thinking. The night before she had dreamed of the same dream she had been dreaming fo the last few years.

At first, she thought it to be nothing more than some dream but, when it started repeating, she did not know whether to take it lightly or seriously.

She was walking unattentively with her head busy trying to connect the dots between "sword and moon" which seemed to be the key of her dream, she did not, pay attention to the men figure looming behind her.

She kept on thinking for two minutes, but when she could not conclude it, she stops it and starts looking at the sky.

Enjoying the breezy night, she suddenly stopped with a caution.

Alerting her ear high, she heard the footsteps and, immediately she started counting in her head" one...two...three...four".

Soon enough, she could see four hulky and tall man's figure appearing from her backside and, she smiled arrogantly at her guessing power.

She did not panic or stopped. Instead, she kept on moving, maintaining the distance between them constant.

But that did not last long and, she sensed them increasing their speed.

Rotating her wrists, she bends her neck in both directions as if she was preparing her body and looks ahead to see a turn in the road half a kilometre.

Smirking, she surprised her stalker by running at full speed and heard their footstep running toward her.

The four men running toward the girl were surprised on reaching the turn, when they heard the one in the front yelling in pain and saw him bending on his waist, clutching his manhood in his hands.

Soon, the girl in the mask was in front of them and without giving them any time to get prepare, she attacked them.

She did not give time to them to hurt her in any possible way, by blocking the punches from their hands and legs, swiftly.

The moves, the flexibility of her movements were not ordinary. The speed, the action seemed calculated and, as she fought with the four men single-handedly, she was no less than a warrior.

She was gaining the fight until a man out of nowhere choked her neck from behind.

The move was totally unexpected and unfair, but that was what street fights were, and she knew it very well.

Struggling the man hold on her, she was about to kick his balls when she heard a voice" Not a fair fight, I guess."

That voice was sweet and sexy that would have made butterflies fly in any girl's stomach, but that was not the case with her.

For her, it was the voice she had heard all her life, that had always make her felt she is not alone in this world.

It was the voice she knew and the voice that brings a sense of relief, not that she was panicked.

The same relief you feel when you are fighting in the middle of the night with men stronger and evil than you and you heard or saw your friend.

Immediately she felt the arms of the man around her neck vanishing and the men rushing away from them.

Turning toward the source of the voice, she smiled at the man who was standing just behind her, aware the man won't be able to see her smile with her face covered with the mask.

Looking carefully at the 6 feet man wearing blue jeans and a white fitted tee revealing his muscular biceps and packs, she admits the man was handsome.

Noticing his brown eyes, sharp nose, stubble beard on his defined jaw, she spoke: "Hello, Mr Ryan Anderson."

"Hello to you too, Ms Grace Wittstock."

Looking at her, Ryan continued while observing the surrounding, which seemed to be a mess because of the fighting " I would give you 80 out of 100 as your score." and looking at the confused Grace, he spoke," You need to practice, love."

"It was you! You send these men!" baffled, she looked at him.

She knew he was unexpected, but it was out of her thought.

"I can take your test anytime, anywhere. Besides, being able to defend yourself at any time was the reason we started practising, my love."
