
Target revealed

Lin Yi passed the form back to yang lianqing, signaling for him to fill it out. He asked,"Manager yang, what if I want to buy something but I don't have enough spiritual jades? You know, it's for this reason that I took out the spirit tempering pill. "

Yang lianqing smiled nonchalantly and took the form. He finished it quickly and showed it to Lin Yi. After making sure that there were no problems, he continued, "That's fine. Brother mu, you have six soul quenching pills at our auction house, so if you need them, you can bid for them first. We'll settle the payment together at the end. However, the amount for this overdraft settlement is only one hundred million spirit Jade. After all, we can't be sure how much the soul quenching pill will be sold for. "

"Only a hundred million?" Lin Yi pretended to be unhappy. Can't you give me more? six soul quenching pills, no matter how much you bid, it's not going to be 100 million, right? The starting price is already sixty million!"