
Chapter 8852-

Even the Jade space couldn't predict the danger, so naturally, Lin Yi was shocked!

After all the chaos demonic beetles self-destructed, they instantly formed a black cloud that enveloped Lin Yi!

If it wasn't for the Jade space's emergency signal, Lin Yi would've crashed into it without even having time to react.

With this warning, Lin Yi instinctively retreated when he touched the edge of the black cloud and didn't fall into it.

Although he only touched a small part of the black mist, a network of black lines appeared on Lin Yi's body, spreading from the point of contact to other parts of his body.

Lin Yi's vision went black, and he felt like he was blind!

Although his current sorcerer spirit body was similar to his physical body, the strength of his vision was not determined by his eyes, but by his divine sense to simulate the function of his eyes.