
Chapter 8714-

Lin Yi was like his boss, and he'd be screwed if he messed things up.

This time, the emissary didn't come alone. He was accompanied by eight guards. They were all people that the martial Alliance of the starsource continent had arranged to hide in the Sangzi continent.

In addition to them, there were even more people hiding in the dark, such as secret agents, to ensure that everything that happened in the Sangzi continent could be transmitted in time.

"Here's the messenger token of the martial Alliance from the starsource continent! I'm here to pass on the new hall master's orders!"

The emissary held the token high above his head in one hand and the letter of appointment in the other. With a solemn expression, he walked in step by step from the crowd.

The guards who were about to attack Lin Yi automatically moved to the side and made a path for the messenger to walk in.

Unless Sangzi Dazhou wanted to rebel, no one would dare to stop this envoy token!