
Chapter 1657-finding someone to take action

In the floating clouds bar, Zhao Qibing and the others were sitting in a row, having a short meeting!

"Master Bing, I can't accept this! Yesterday, I went to Lin Yi's Villa to wait for him, and Lin Yi's house just so happened to have a guest. Lin Yi didn't hide his strength when he came out to welcome them, and according to what I can see, he's only golden class late phase peak!" "It's true that he can regain his strength, but that's the maximum he can do. If he goes any further, he'll lose his strength again and become a normal person!" Elder Zhu said.

"Are you sure?" Qibing frowned, his heart thumping."Lin Yi didn't discover you, did he? did he release his strength to show you? Don't tell me you're trying to trick us into taking action?"

Qibing's legs had been broken by Lin Yi a couple of times, and he was starting to fear Lin Yi, causing him to be paranoid.